Genesis Training: Chapter 83

When Hamil was able to get back to his apartment, he immediately tried to call for Mrs. Poltret in hopes of meeting her to discuss the Golden Blue Flower and its capabilities.

Hamil wasn't so certain with the properties of the flower nor did he know the capabilities of such a plant. Having doubts towards showing the flower, he had to think hard over the choice. So he brought out the flower from his storage and he stared at it with the intent to find reason towards its existence.

He knew that the flower itself was powerful…he could tell that it was emitting some sort presence that was way beyond any normal plant could create, but because of his ignorance towards the subject, he could not do anything to the flower.

"...maybe I should call Mrs. Poltret."

But just as he was about to call pull out his phone, he was immediately interfered by one of the kings who called out to him in his head.


"...Vexus?" calling out to the name of the Dark elemental King, he wondered why he appeared now.

{The flower….it is way beyond the capacity for any mortal to comprehend…think…this is not something that anyone should get a hold of.} said the murky voice of Vexus.

"What do you know about this Vexus?" asked Hamil, as he wanted to see if an elemental king would know of such a item.

{...I know nothing about it….but I do know that it is emitting a source of power similar to a God's essence.} but to Hamil's surprise, even a king of Vexus's status and existence was not able to recognize the flower in his hand. This made the flower even more valuable in his hand.

{Letting a mortal get hold of it will bring nothing but madness to the flow balance…the balance that separates us from them…} warned Vexus.

"...So I shouldn't let anyone get hold of this?" Hamil tried to ask for reason or any sort of action to take on the flower, since he was clueless of what action to take.

{...It is not in my will for that decision to happen…it is in your authority that will create this choice…} but Vexus tells Hamil that the decision to make was at his own hands…either he knows anything about the flower or not, it does not matter to a king's choice…only when he finally makes a choice will the flower have any value to him at all.

"...I'm scared of giving this to them, I don't know what will happen if I do." Hamil's insecurities were clear to Vexus… as the boy was simply made King for about a month now and without any teacher to guide him, it was reasonable for the boy to be lost in such a matter.

{...the fear of the unknown is always something a lot of mortals tend to ponder with…some hesitate…some push through…but you are no mere mortal…you are a king…the fear of the unknown can always be solved through your will alone…} his murky voice gave advice towards the event, where he implored Hamil to simply act like a King and solve this problem by his own accord.

"My will alone…What if I used Genesis on the flower?" thinking deep over the words of Vexus, Hamil tried to suggest using Genesis since it seemed like this was ultimately the most king-like property he had.

{...if that is your will…then so be it.} said Vexus.

Having to hold the flower in his hand, Hamil thought of using the skill genesis on the plant and forge it into a pill that will make him go pass the 2nd circles of mana. Increasing not just his capacity for it, but also his knowledge for it, making him just a bit more enlightened in the process of mana.

Since the flower was emitting a source of a godly presence, Hamil was sure that this would be something worth doing…but just as he was about to move forth with his acts, Gord suddenly called out to him in his mind.

{Hold Boy!…Do not use your power….not here….not in this domain.} Gord was warning Hamil to not go forward with the process.

"..Gord?" Hamil called out to the Earth Elemental King, wondering why he too appeared now of all times.

{...If you use your power of creation 'again' in the same domain as the another king….you will face each other…and when kings meet eye to eye…it is unknown whether or not conflict will arise.} He warned Hamil not to use his power in the same place as the kingdom where another king was found ruling. If such a matter would happen, it will alert the other king of the presence of Hamil's creation. With him being in Kastelyst Kingdom, it would no doubt be easy for the king of the kingdom to sense Hamil.

And when he does find Hamil, conflict may arise from their interaction. It is an issue where creator can always attract another creator.

{Come to my domain…there I will teach you the ways of using the skill.}

" knew about me using Genesis?" asked Hamil as he was showing a face of anxiety as he broke the promise not to use the skill without knowing first the rules behind it and doing it without the supervision of Gord.

{...I can tell that you have the a presence incomparable to your past…it may be little of change…but you are showing a sign of a growth…} said Gord, telling him that his presence was different than before…it lead Gord to the assumption he used the Skill.

"...I'm sorry." said Hamil, as he tried to apologize.

{...Do not apologize boy…it is not in my power to see out your actions…you are a king….and as such….you will do what you must by your choice.} said Gord, assuring that he did not mind for Hamil to go beyond his order.

{.…Gord….assure yourself in guiding the boy…the skill of creation is one of the many that encompasses one's title as king…show him this.} said Vexus.

Gord's silence affirmed Vexus's request. And soon Hamil came to prepare himself in going back inside the domain of Gord's world.

As Hamil fixed himself in the lutos sitting position, the system activated and invited him into the domain of Gord's world

[The Lord of the Earth Element has Invited you!]

Unlike the first time where a strong gravity fell upon him from above, in his second welcome, not pressure was found and instead what came before him was the image of a misty fog and the stary skies…

"...its night time." said Hamil, noticing that it was dark out when he got invited back. And the place he stood on was the same place where he once exited.

"...It's a great pleasure to meet you again, sir." said the familiar voice of a meerkat.

"...meerkat." said Hamil as he forgot the name of the animal in front of him.

"...It's Dubbfrey, I didn't introduce myself after all from the first time we meet."

"Where's Gord?" asked Hamil while he was looking around for the giant turtle who he thought would be meeting him directly.

{I am here boy.} said a voice that came from all directions.

"Where are you!?" Hamil was shocked to hear his voice and questioned where he was.

But as he looked, a giant head from the sky suddenly went and leaned over to his direction.

" …Do not fret, I can still lead you through the lesson…simply head my words and follow through.} said Gord.

"...I see." Gord's giant size appearing from the fog always made the interaction very grand…it was great to see that he was showing his stoic and magnanimous nature to him. Truly he was a king of his own right.

"Umm, before you could proceed, I would like to have a word with you sir Hamil." the meerkat interrupted and went to the front of Hamil.

"Um..what is it?" asked Hamil.

"...It has been a while since you have visited the domain…and well…the juniors seemed pretty wiling to meet you…" said the meerkat.

"Juniors?" Hamil was curious to who these juniors were.

" has been about 68 moons since you've left them in our care…I was wondering if you have the time to see them…see how much they have grown." said the meerkat.

"!!" seeing as how the word 'Grown' was said, it could only mean one thing to Hamil.

"You mean-" but before he could finish, a carcass of a giant sloth's body suddenly fell from the sky right down in front of Hamil.


"...hmm, they're here." said the meerkat.

When Hamil turned to look up to the air, he could see a faint image of three birds circling him like prey.

" god…they can fly now." said Hamil as he stared at the three owls who he left here in the domain since he wasn't able to bring them to his world.

68 days have passed within the domain; whereas an hour back in Hamil's world would equal a full day within the domain, being absent for roughly three days would equal the appropriate number of 68 days here.

It was no wonder why those baby owls were now able to fly.

One by one, the owls came landing down right at Hamil's feet.

With their silent landing and cutesy hooting, Hamil could only smile to see how much the owls had grown since he was away.

At first when they saw him, they could only stare at his stature with a curious look…as if they were looking at something odd to look at.

The first owl that came forth was one who walked rather menacingly like and looked at Hamil straight at his eyes with a glaring expression, in the seconds it stared at Hamil, it came to suddenly hop from the ground to Hamil's head, only to find that the owl was simply resting his bottom at Hamil's curly hair.


The second owl to approach was looking at Hamil with as if he was a piece of meat, judging by how his beak was found salivating profusely. It kept on hooting to its siblings, telling them that it was food, but when Hamil went to reach out his hand to receive the owl, the owl could only stare even more confused-like.



The two stared at each other, but in the end the owl came and walked right up to Hamil's arm. There it rested like it was no ones business.

The third Owl was rather shy when it came to approach Hamil, but seeing as how it's two siblings were hanging around the man, it couldn't help but follow suit with the order. So it flew right at Hamil's shoulder and rested there with a nervous expression. But as it settled at his shoulder, it was suddenly getting more and more relaxed as the time went on for him to sleep at Hamil's shoulders. It felt nostalgic for some reason in his manner.

So in completion, the Owls were able to settle themselves right unto Hamil's entire body like it was their resting place. One on his head and two on his shoulders.

Since the last time he saw them, it was very surprising to see how big they were. They almost went to a length four times their baby sizes. It was only natural though in a place as rough as Gord's Domain.

"...damn…do they even recognize me?" asked Hamil as he stayed in position in holding the Owls.

" the least is that they don't see you as prey, so that's good." said Dubbfrey.

"Well I should get them off now." said Hamil as he wanted to start the training.

Dubbfrey then proceeded to call out to the owls and he lead them away from Hamil and Gord.

With just the two of them that stayed face to face with one another, the tension was heavy from Hamil's perspective.

{Let us start.}


{What was the fundamental characteristic you need to proceed with creation? And by that, I mean how were you able to start your ability to create…your first step?}

"...The First thing I did was think of the Item I wanted to make…something clear and had purpose."

"And after that, I had to have a strong will to force my creation into reality…"

{What were you trying to make?} asked Gord.

"...A Holy Item." said Hamil.

{...I see, then I can only presume that you failed to create such an Item."

"At first I did, but with the help of someone else, I was able to create the Item."

{...So there was someone else involve in this.}

"...Yes, but I don't want to say their Identity."

{It's fine. The world is such a big place, you can never know who or what some beings are capable of…}

"...By the second try, I was able to create the item."

{...You were able to create one with your quality of mana?}

"No, I was able to use something else as a substitute for the Advanced mana property…something of equal value."

{...Hmm, I see. Then to make things clearer now…creation is a risky skill to have if you don't have the right properties in your making.}

{You said that you had to substitute the mana of higher quality with something of equal value…then that is the principle of creation…}

"...I know. In order for me to use genesis, I have to be ready to trade something of equal value…if I do want to create something like a Holy Item, then I need Advance mana as fuel for the creation…but if it was something of lower quality…then all I need is my present mana.

{That is correct…but just like what you said about substitutions, it doesn't always have to be about Advance Mana or mana in general…Creation is just like Alchemy…where if you intend to create a fruit of miracle, you have to find something else that is of equal value…an eye for an eye is what they say.}

"...I see."

{But if you do have the properties of Advance Mana, then you don't have to worry about anything else….the properties of Advance mana is simply the highest form of quality that a God must posses…anything else is but a hindrance to true creation.}

Advance mana was the very attribute that Gods and Kings must posses…it is only by having this will make their creations more possible.

Almost anything can be made as long as you have both the Advance Mana and Genesis Skill.

{But even with that said, you can't just create anything without considering the rules behind each creation.}

A warning must be place for each creation that was made…if they didn't have such restrictions, chaos will overrun the world as they know it.

{The Rules are a mysterious entity that no God knows of its origin...I know not of the entirety of its purpose, but I do know that the Rules is watching over each creation to be made.}

{The Rules tend to watch over your creation…either if this creation is good or bad, the Rule;s System will judge your actions…}

{…Holy Items are only one of the many acceptable creations accepted by the Rules, as they produce good karma}

"And what if I create something for bad intentions?"

{...Then the Rules may interfere.}

{Now…we will proceed with creating something of little value…one that does not entirely use Advance mana as a source.}

"So something simple like a sword or a potion?"

{Yes…but take note that Genesis is a skill that mainly uses mana to its core…it might completely drain you of your mana if not done right.}

{But the more you know of the components of your creation, then the less it is to likely to harm you…detail is key when creating…but with a strong will, details are of little concern.}

"So with a strong will, I can go pass the details?"

{Yes, but take heed that a simple will is never enough…it is only possible with your will alone. With the Summit's Will by your heart, you will succeed.}

"Still, I have to take in consideration for the details to make it more complete."


"I see then…"

Hamil didn't waste any time to practice genesis…

With his hand raised high, he thought of the item that he wanted to create.

"...A simple sturdy sword." he said while his eyes were closed.

During his concentration, Gord continued to watch on the boy as he forged a sword in his mind.


Without a doubt, his presence was changing every time he would use genesis. His presence was quickly noticed by Gord just like he presumed would happen. When using genesis, it would cause the senses of the King near the user to be alerted of his presence.

With that said, Gord continued to watch over the boy as he tried to master the use of Genesis.

For about 10 days inside Gord's Domain, Hamil has done nothing but practice his use towards genesis.

With the days that passed inside the Domain, it was clear to Gord that Hamil was improving to a point that with simply creating normal objects, only a little presence was felt to him compared to before where he first started.

From Potions to Swords to Armor and even Pills that would enhance one's ability, he was able to make it all. But for the tenth day, he finally came to bring out the flower that was in his storage…there he planned to convert the Flower into an item that would ultimately break through the 2nd Circle of his mana capacity…maybe even more than that.

{Concentrate boy…the flower is very delicate.}

Bringing out the flower from his hand, he placed it down at the ground and began concentrating to make it into the a pill.

Converting it was not easy… as by his first step into the process, the flower reacted radically to his image and will…it was resisting his attempt almost as if the Flower was conscious of his intentions.

But Hamil didn't give way to the flower's will.


He pushed forth and tried to settle the flower's will…the power it brought out to struggle against Hamil was intense as it kept trying to break out of his focus…but Hamil persevered.

"Ghh!!" at the second process, he tried applying his mana down at the flower in an attempt to reshape its structure, but the force it brought on from simply getting in contact with the flower's mana source made Hamil bleed from his nose and the presence he was facing now was just as difficult like when he was making the Holy Seed.

but because of his training, he was able to grab hold of the Flower's mana and he planned to reshape it as fast as he could. While reshaping it, he was able to sense that the flower was slowly withering and breaking apart its mana into different directions…as if it was trying to kill itself before Hamil could even form it.

Gord on the other hand, assisted the boy by supplying him his mana. It wouldn't be enough for just the boy's mana alone to convert the flower…he needed to support of Gord in this process. Gord won't do anything more than to watch as the boy struggled to conquer the flower.


The process continued for hours…

But finally after having to completely convert the flower, the boy was able to get hold of the Pill he wanted.

It was strange to see that it took him this long to convert the flower…it was nothing like creating the seed at all.

The only reason behind it would be because of how the flower had a conscience.

{Congratulations boy…you were able to rebuild the flower into your wish.}


{Will you use it now?} asked Gord.

", not yet. I'm pretty exhausted from using genesis and consuming the pill and making it into my mana will probably take a lot of time…so I'll probably be back later."

As he said his goodbyes, he soon returned back to his world where he realized that it was already morning.