Devouring the Pill: Chapter 88

Under the night's glow, a lone lady stood in front of her home. One could say that she was hesitant to enter, seeing as how her expression alone was both confused and out of focused, as if her mind was somewhere else at the moment.

In front of her was the door, and beyond the door was the person who raised her. Her father who was a baker.


Slowly, the door would open and her father quickly notices her presence before the door.

"...Iris?" having to call out to her in a curious manner, he wondered why his daughter was this late in coming home.

"..." but even though he called out to her, she remained silent and continued to walk inside and straight to her room. She ignored her father and everything else that was happening inside her home, from the baking breads, the rising dough and the mixing batter, everything was beyond her focus. The only thing in her mind at the moment were the words of a person who accompanied her home. A person who she felt was very peculiar in her eyes.

As she entered her room, she crashed down at her bed like a falling log with her head being cushioned by a few soft pillows. With her face buried in the soft cushions, the word of that person kept on playing back in her head over and over again.

'...King of a past fallen kingdom…he must be delusional.' thought Iris as she pulled back away from the pillow and roll back up to face the ceiling of her room.

In her mind, she found the fact about Hamil being a king very absurd, almost as if he sounded like he was playing around with Iris by telling a lie, but the way he told it with such a calm tone of voice made it feel almost as true as any fact out in the world.

Having being conflicted again by her thoughts and with the same person being the reason behind her conflicts, she felt very disturb by what was happening with her life.

"..." as she remained staring at the ceiling, she noticed that her door was slowly opening and behind it, she could see her father peeking out with a concerned expression.

"...Did something happen at school today?" asked her father while remained standing behind the door.

"...No, nothing happened. I just…I'm just feeling very tired today."

"Hmm, you did come home late today." said her father.

"...I just met with a friend..." said Iris.

"...Hmm, I see. Well, from how you were looking today, it seems like somethings been bugging you."

" it that obvious?" asked Iris.

"Hmm, as a father, it's only natural for me to know something about my daughter that other's don't….and today, you look like you were in some deep thought." said her father.

"...." Iris glanced at her father with a furrowed brow, hesitant to say something, but the way her father looks at her with smile filled with concern, she couldn't help but say something.

"...Dad, did our family used to serve someone?" asked Iris.

"Serve? What do you mean by that?" asked her father.

"Like how a butler or maid serves under a Royal person or even a king, did we have someone like that?"

"!?" hearing how iris spoke out these words, her father was caught surprised by the specificity of her question.

"W-Why are you curious about this?" asked her father in a rather cold tone.

"...-I" seeing as how her father changed to a completely serious man, it felt as if the topic was delicate to him, and by this fact, she couldn't help but avoid the conversation all together. As her fear from her father's tone made her realize that maybe it wasn't okay to say what she was about to say about Hamil being a king or what-not.

"...I- never mind..." she quickly apologizes and hid herself under the sheets.

"..." her father on the other hand, slowly walked out of her room. When she was finally all on her own, she wondered to herself why her father changed that much for a question about serving someone.

Meanwhile on a certain room inside an apartment, a boy was found sitting on a lotus position, meditating in deep thought. Some would say that he was training his ability to gather mana or concentrate in his breathing, but in truth, his consciousness was somewhere else at the moment.

As beyond his physical body, his consciousness was found greeting a giant turtle in a domain filled with mountains that reached the heavens.

As he said his greetings, he immediately went and pulled out the very material he planned to devour during his time in this domain.

He pulled out the Miracle Pill.

A Pill that came from a blue flower that was given by a ghost who guarded a field of flowers that was filled with power for each petal that blossomed. As the last time he was here, he accomplished his goal in turning such a flower into something that could be used for power and now he planned to turn this pill into his own power.

So as he stared at the pill, he tried remembering back to when how the visualization of consuming a pill should happen in the novel.

If his memory was right, at one time, Arthur tried to consume the power behind the pill that came from the golden pink tulip. As he tried to inherit the power of the pill, an image of a sun would always appear beyond his comprehension. That sun-like image was the very essence of the Golden pink tulip. During his process, he focused on two things. One was his breathing…which was the tool process used by the body to try to inhale the power of the pill. The second one was Focus...the ability to not be consumed by the pill itself was always the hardest part of consuming the pill. If one had a stronger will, the process of fully consuming the pill's power be accomplished.

Luckily for Hamil, he was confident in his will. He had already trained his will by the use of genesis, so something like consuming a pill would probably be a less harder hurdle to pass by.

So as he brought out the pill unto his hand, he could be seen with a nervous expression.

'...let's do this.' thought Hamil as he puts the pill unto his mouth.

At first he tried feeling the texture of the pill, there he realized that the pill itself didn't tasted like anything, almost as if he was feeling a marble rolling all over the inside of his mouth.

After knowing that the pill was like a marble, he didn't hesitate any longer and quickly swallowed the pill whole.


"..." he waited for minutes on end for some sort of reaction to happen after swallowing the pill, using his calm and deep breathing, he tried to follow the steps that Arthur used when he was trying to consume a pill.

His breathing process continued on for an hour, yet not a single change occurred.

Seeing as how nothing still happened, he thought of maybe using his mana to try amplify the process, and when his mana came in touch with the marble, something finally occurred in the pill. But it was something that totally caught Hamil off guard.

The moment his mana came in touch with the pill, not only did the mana within the pill exploded in a burst of energy, but the shape it formed itself within Hamil was that of a running wave of water that could be comparable to that of a 500 meter tsunami. It wasn't a sun-like form with how Arthur encountered his flower nor was it stable and focused, it was more violent and out of control.

With how the pill extruded such mana unto Hamil, Hamil quickly tried to ready himself in the impact that came rushing towards him.

The pressure that the wave brought itself was very overwhelming to Hamil. As not only was the size intimidating, but the speed it was rushing to him made it feel like he wasn't going to survive the crash of the wave.

'...mana in the shape of an ocean wave…interesting.' thought Hamil.

The moment the wave came in crashing, Hamil braced himself of the impact. But the instant the wave of mana came to touch his skin, he was dealt with a different feeling altogether.

It didn't take a second for the wave to swallow Hamil whole, but the feeling it brought Hamil was indescribable. It wasn't a moist feeling nor was it hard to move in, the mana wave was simply just there…and there, Hamil came to the view of the depths of the ocean.

As inside the wave of mana, Hamil encountered a scene of an endless darkness that soon became the view of a bluish void.

"...What is this?" asked Hamil.

And in that void, a particular matter that was glowing in a neon blue was found floating across the currents.

A matter that was seemingly fluid and physical at the same time. Hamil tried to curiously reach out for the fluid like matter, but the moment he came in touch with it, the fluid reacted and slowly started enveloping Hamil's body.

"!?" caught off guard by this, Hamil tried to pull back his arm but the fluid would not let go.

It didn't seem like the fluid was harmful in anyway, in fact, it almost felt very familiar to Hamil.

"...Is this mana?…no, it seems like it, but at the same time it feels more than mana…"

Hamil thought that maybe this was the very fuel that would help him grow from his shell of a two circle magic capacity.

So having thought of this, he tried absorbing the fluid-like matter. Slowly the fluid was coming to Hamil endlessly from the void, almost like the fluid was everywhere inside the ocean-like environment.

" feels cold." said Hamil as he came to absorb a small portion of the fluid.

"...but I can feel it, my mana capacity has grown from this." His assumption was right. When he absorbed the this neon like substance in the ocean, he could feel his mana growing.

"...okay then. Lets start." having said this, he started absorbing all of the fluid in the ocean to his body.

It continued on for hours on end in his mind. With the endless ocean filled with mana, it would take days for Hamil to completely devour all of the contents of this pill.

At the first day of continuously devouring mana, he only came to absorb about 3 percent of the pill.

At the second day, he came to absorb about 7 percent of the pill.

At the third day, he came to finally be able to get use to the flow of the mana in the ocean. To a point that his absorption rate increased. Making his third day being able to absorb 15 percent of the pill.

At this point, he had already broke through the second circle of his mana capacity, and was reaching halfway of breaking through the third circle.

At the fourth day, he came to across a vital issue. His body was slowly getting devoured back by the void-like ocean. As his mind was completely out of touch from the light, his mental capacity was starting to break and the cold sensation that he would feel everytime he would absorb the mana was starting to chill over his body…to a point that icicles were starting to form out in his real body in Gord's domain. But luckily, he was able to absorb about 33 percent of the pill because of his continues adaption to the feel of the mana in the ocean.

At the fifth day, he was able to absorb 50 percent of the pills contents, but because of the enormous mana that he was continuously absorbing, his body was starting to ache under the pressure of the mana. His body was also completely frozen but he was still able to breath with the help of Dubbfrey who continuously assisted his body by putting it next to a big bonfire.

At the sixth day, his breathing stopped but his heart was still beating. Dubbfrey was quite surprised by this and noticed that the boy had already passed the three circle mana capacity and was already filling up his fourth circle. He wondered how Hamil was able to live despite not being able to breath…and finally came to understand that Hamil was using his skill Genesis to assist in the process of beating his heart physically. At the sixth day, he was able to absorb about 70 percent of the pill's contents. And along with it, he came to pass the three circle mana capacity and was now at the fourth circle.

At the seventh day, Hamil came to absorb 97 percent of the pill's contents…yet for some reason, his body was starting to crack like an vase.

At the eight day, the cracks disappeared and finally Hamil awoke from his meditation. He had already consumed all of the pill's contents and was able attain the fifth circle mana capacity. Making his mana over all around 500, this was ten times more than that of the two circle mana capacity.

When he came back, the first person to ever greet him was the Dubbfrey and the three owls who were casually sitting on top of his head and shoulders. Along with these animals, he came to see that inside the Domain, it had just rained, seeing as how the ground was wet and puddles could be seen in the area.

" many days was I out?" asked Hamil.

"Eight days." said Dubbfrey.

"I see…" he said as he stood from the ground and came to look into the reflection of the puddle.

"...!?" as he came to see his reflection, he was amazed to find that his hair had grown longer in such a short period of time.

He thought that maybe this happened because of how the mana affected his body in a major way. As he could feel that he was stronger than the last time…seeing as how he feel like there was such a change, he wanted to see how much he's changed.

"...Character Profile." calling out to his profile, a 2D screen quickly appeared in front of him.



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: Ruler in Training


God's followed: The Rulers (4/4)

Mana: 50 > 500

Strength: 135.2 >165.7

Luck: 5

Agility: 115 >150.9

Stamina: 130.3 > 144.6

Intelligence:70.1 > 101.1


Bow Proficiency: 50%

Spear Proficiency: 70%

Sword Proficiency: 100%

Shield Proficiency: 50%



*Sword Ability - Swordsman's Apparel (E)

==Swordsmanship Owned: 1/100

-Basic Swordsmanship - Enlightened

*My Bow Ability - Light Reflection (C)

*Spear Ability - Impossible Accuracy (C)

*Shield Ability - Shield's Copy (D)


*Shadow Skin (F)-(0%)

*Genesis (-)

*Summit's Will (A)

The change was very surprising to Hamil…he wondered why his body had grown this much despite the fact that he had not train at all. But he remembered back when Arthur also came to a similar situation after devouring his pill, he also came to attain an added strength as well.

"...If you are wondering how you were able to gain this much power in such a short amount of time, it is probably because of how your body had to adapt to the mana that was continuously flowing inside of you. Not only did your hair had to grow out, but your body was cracking from the overflowing mana inside of you…after you healed yourself, your body adapted to the change." said Dubbfrey.

"...I see." having understood Dubbfrey's explanation, Hamil was giddy with the fact that he attained such a strength in such a small amount of time.

And now, knowing that everything was finally settled with the pill, he had to go back and prepare his things for the transfer to the school dorm. But before he could leave, he noticed that Gord was not in the area.

"...Where's Gord?" asked Hamil to Dubbfrey.

"My king is not here at the moment, he was invited by another king from a far off land for a matter to discuss." said Dubbfrey.

"...I see, can you thank him for me when he gets back." said Hamil.

"I will." said Dubbfrey as he agreed.

After that, Hamil left the domain and returned back to his world. There at the moment he awoke at his world, the changes to his hair remained. It was still long.

"...I should probably visit a barber before I go to school." said Hamil as he looks at the mirror.

As it could be seen inside his room, the sun was starting to rise and Hamil had to prepare his things for the transfer to the school dorm. With the help of his storage ring, it would be very easy to transfer all of his belongings.

So during that time, he started packing all of his belongings. It didn't take him that long to gather all of his clothes and belongings knowing that he rarely had anything. It took him around two hours to completely pack up his things, and with the use of his ring, he stored it all in an instant.

After that, he planned to go to the barber, but before he could leave, he was instantly greeted by the very old lady Britches who was standing in front of his door.

"...Eh, old lady…" said Hamil cautiously.

"...I heard that you were transferring to a school dorm today." said the lady.

"...I am, did the school contact you?" asked Hamil.

"...they did." said the old lady.

Having stand there awkwardly, the lady looked to the boy with some mean eyes and smiled at him.

"...For five years…you have been living at my abode for five long years…time sure flies." said the old lady.


"Have you packed your things?" asked the old lady.

"...I did…I didn't really have that much to store so it was easy to pack my things." said Hamil.

"...Hmm, I see." having said that, the old lady started walking away with a smile on her face.

Hamil wondered why the lady visited him, it was probably because she wanted to help him store his things or probably wanted to see the boy one last time before he leaves…either way, she was there to reminisce in the past and the present of the boy's growth for the last five years.

Seeing him grow felt like a treasure to the old lady and now that she had nothing else to see of the boy, she was satisfied to see the boy grow up.

She didn't question how he had such a long hair nor did she care for his appearance, all that matters to her was that the boy was there.

"...I-I'll visit you again, Old lady." said Hamil as he called out to the lady.

"..." the old lady stopped in her tracks and turned back to face Hamil with a smile.

"Hmm." said the old lady.