The Unexpected Happened: Chapter 92

In that night, inside the student dorm, Arthur was still awake and meditating his powers to get stronger. Even today, he continued to train himself to become stronger in any way possible. But as he did so, a sudden loud boom was heard through out.

"!?" he awoke from his meditation and stood up to see what was happening.

When he walked out of his room, he could see smoke coming from the direction of the school.

"...Fire?" he thought that maybe there was an accident in the school and to see its smoke rise, it made him curious as to what happened.

He thought of going there to see what was happening, but before he could even step back into his room to prepare, he suddenly felt a gaze coming from the left.

"hmm?" having turned his head left, he was met with a gaze from a man who was wearing all black. And just from his attire alone, Arthur could already tell that this man was probably bad news.

Before he even knew it, the man suddenly throws a knife down at his direction.

"!?" caught surprised by this, he reacted as fast as he could and brought out his white sword from his storage to deflect the knife.


He blocked the throw from the man, but noticed that the force from his throw was so heavy to a point that it made Arthur serious in this moment to fight the man.

"What are you-!" having blocked the attack, Arthur wanted to ask the man why, but before Arthur could even ask his question, the man didn't stop just from throwing his knife, instead he came forward like a rushing madman and brought out more knives from his storage and threw more at his direction.

Each throw was as fast as a bullet and seeing as how skilled this man was at his accuracy, and force of throw, Arthur judged that the man was probably around at least B-rank.

Looks like there was no talking to the man…the only way Arthur could find the reason behind this was to stop the man and ask questions later.

Meanwhile by the burning building in the school, in front of Hamil was the view of four people who stood with such wicked smiles. It would be clear to say that these were the terrorist that he expected would come.

"...Why." the whisper in his tone was filled with confusion.

To see the people who burned an entire building in front of him, knowing what their intentions were, he was utterly muddled by this unexpected development.

"Another witness…I guess we should deal with him too." said one of the terrorist who carried a claymore on his right arm.

As he brought out a big sword in the burning building, another one of the terrorist who was handling the arson turned to Hamil with a wicked killing intent.

"We should hurry, the Great Father has already foreseen the changes in the plan. If we linger any longer, who knows what will happen." said the arsonist.

"*Sigh*…all that preparation, all the time and effort…this sucks to its core." said a man who was carrying a weird crystal artifact in his hand.

"We shouldn't doubt what the Great Father has said." said the arsonist.

"Besides, we can at least accomplish a bit of our expected haul." said the man who was carrying a claymore.

"I wanted a clean operation…what were doing right now is a bit rushed if anything…it so fucking cluttered!" said the man with the artifact.

"Anyhow, we should at least deal with this kid first." said a woman who was carrying two short swords in hand.

"I'll deal with him, you guys go ahead and pick up Lou from the back, proceed with the plan and make sure no one see's your faces.." said the man with the claymore.

Having said that, the man walked forward with his claymore and pointed it at Hamil. While the rest of the group started walking away.

"..." Hamil on the other hand, could only stare at the four with cold sweat dripping down from his face. He still carried secretary Sherry on his arms and could feel her heart beating, so he was relieved to know that she was still alive.

He tried thinking of all the possibilities for this event to even happen, to know why they changed their plans…and from the looks of it, he wouldn't get to know the answers until he could ask these people in the end.

So he looked to Sherry with guilty eyes, blaming himself that she was in this state because of his choices. So he set her aside and applied her with his skill 'Shield's Copy' to protect her from any upcoming harm. It was the least he could for her in the state that they were both in.

"...Apolo." having brought out his black spear, he turned to face the man with the claymore.

'Shadow Skin' Having covered his body with Shadow skin, he made it devour all part of his body that was covered by his uniform. This way, he can seem defenseless to the terrorist while actually being covered by his own armor for protection.

"Hmm, looks likes he's ready to fight back…" said the man, amazed by the fact that the boy was not scared of the man or the situation at all. So to see a burning building in front of the boy along with the group that was exerting such wicked intent, it was only natural that fear would be the first thing to pop in thought of the boy, but he was able to stand his ground despite all this.

"...your armband…I see, so you must have been a part of the student counsel." said the man as he saw the armband that had the logo for the student counsel printed on it.

"..." The situation was strange for Hamil…he didn't want to make the first move to attack and that was because of the other variable, which was the Guards of the Academy not being here.

How was it possible that the guards weren't here…not a single one was found in this location. They should have been running down to this place the second the fire exploded in this building.

"Hmm, not willing to make a move? Are you waiting for someone? Hehehe, if you think a single guard can make it tonight…then I suggest you pray for a miracle, because that is not happening at all boy."

"..." having heard his statement, Hamil was getting buried even more down to the uncertainty of what was happening right now.

Having no one around Hamil despite this major fire meant that something must have happened.

' it the barriers?' thought Hamil.

'Have they activated the barriers to stop anyone from coming close to this place?'

'That's impossible…I know for a fact that the barriers weren't completely installed yet…'

But as he thought of this, the man with the claymore didn't wait any longer and instead attacked head on.


In a single step, the man made his move to attack Hamil head on.

He's speed was commendable from how he disappeared from his place in that one leap. As the next second that came, he was seen slicing down his claymore near the face of Hamil.

"!?" But to his surprise, his claymore was countered by a black spear spear that came out of his view. He was so caught off guard by this to a point that the boy itself was pushing him back with a strength that seemed to be as equal as his own.

"Wow, it seems like we have a talent in our hands." said the man as he smiled at the boy who was holding him back.

But Hamil could only ever look to him with the intention to take him down.

Hamil tried to lure the man away from Secretary Sherry at all cost. So as the man went ahead to slice down at Hamil, Hamil countered it and lead the man inside back the burning training center.

As they clashed with one another, they both realized that they were of equal strength. The man couldn't help but envy the boy who had such power in such a young age. Still, he continued to fight him off with a creeped smile plastered on.

Hamil pushed back the man using his spear with all the strength he had in him and in doing so, the claymore was deflected back.

In that quick free moment to strike, Hamil aimed his spear at the man…but his eyes hesitated for a bit.

And in that hesitation, the man didn't falter from that chance to strike back with his claymore. He grabs tight of the claymore and swung it down at Hamil with twice as much of the strength. The moment the claymore went down, Hamil tried to block it.

'Shield's Copy!'

Having rushed his skill, he was able to conjure a transparent shield but the quality of the mana given was weaker than usual. So as the claymore clashed against the shield skill, it was a given that the shield broke as easily as that of a standard mirror.

"!!" But despite the shield being broken off as easy as it was, it gave Hamil just enough time to deflect the claymore with his spear to the side.


The claymore went and buried itself to the floor and it gave Hamil the chance to strike back with his spear yet again. This time, he urged himself to push through with the kill.

But as he went and faced the man eye to eye, he could see the man smile ever so willingly to receive such an attack. But Hamil hesitated yet again and the hesitation gave the man the chance to block off the attack with his claymore.


As the spear struck down at the flat side of the sword, the man was pushed back a few meters inside the burning building.

The distance that Hamil gave himself from the man, gave him the chance to arrange his thoughts.

"" Hamil knew for a fact that these terrorist was maniacs when it comes to blood, murder and savagery. It was proof of their obedience and their idolization to the demon king.

And having thought of the Demon king… the very image of that speed demon that he fought for days on end inside the Intrepid Ruler's domain…the image of that smiling, evil, torturing speed demon who lived in the darkness, the very face it had when it enjoyed itself as it tortured Hamil…it was the very face that resembled that of the man that was in front of him.

'...Ah, I see…'

'...these people are no different from demons.'

And with that realization, rage suddenly emerged from Hamil's exterior outlook.

"...Hehehe, you haven't killed a man yet, have you?" said the man as he stared at Hamil with a crooked smile.


"Well, looks like I can't bring myself to take it easy on you. I can see that you are a strong child, gifted with strength...but I wonder if I could have been easily dealt with if you didn't hesitate at all."


"Looks like you lost your chance." said the man as he began to exert power out from his body. Using mana as a substitute to increase his speed and power, he intended to finish off the boy as fast as he could.

Judging from his strength alone, Hamil could tell that at the base of his strength, the terrorist was at least a B-rank hunter. And now that he was exerting mana to increase his power, he was raising his abilities to the peak of a B-rank hunter.

Still…despite that, Hamil could only ever stare with such hate to this man-faced demon that was in front of him.

And that hate within him was conjured by the Shadow Skin's parasitic urge to devour the host. So the black skin hidden from the view of the terrorist suddenly emerged from Hamil's clothes and devoured the very whole skin that was on Hamil.

From head to toe, Hamil was devoured.

It didn't even lasted a second for the transformation to be complete yet it turned him into an void-like being that had the very urge to crush that prey that was in front of him.

"Oh?" The man was curious as to why the boy was suddenly devoured by an unknown black substance…and to his ignorance, he was blinded by the emotion that motivated this transformation.

The man raised his claymore to attack the boy with his increased power, and as he swung down at the boy with his improved speed.

The boy didn't even reacted so much to the man's attack and the sword just went and swung down with an immense force that it caused a small explosion of debris.

"HEHEHEHE!!" Laughing like a crazed demon, the man was sure of his kill.

He was so confident that his swing was so powerful, it probably cutted the boy in half.

As the smoke slowly cleared away, the man expected that a body was found laying on the ground, yet to his shock.


Not a single body nor blood was spilled.

'He's gone!?'

As he stood surprised by this, an unexpected event occurred right to where the man stood.

"!?" he could feel it…the ground beneath him was shaking.

And soon, a black rock was suddenly rising from the ground and it covered the very entrance of the building.

"...Are you trying to block my path?" asked the man.

But no response was heard.

When he looked around, he could not find where the boy was but he could still feel his presence in the area.

".…Golem." like a silent whisper to the wind, a voice was heard in all directions.

And not long after, the terrorist who felt no pain whatsoever, suddenly was struck right down from above by a heavy force.


Clouds of dust followed this heavy force and with it came with a rumbling call of a giant's whim.

As beyond that cloud of dust, the visage of a ten meter black rock-giant was found standing with the same intent to kill as that of Hamil.

"Rise." said Hamil.

And with it, the Golem followed his words and raised its bulky arms to reveal that of the crippled body of the man who was no longer smiling like that of a speed demon.

"...Ah-n~" the crushed man tried to call for help in his broken state yet all he got in return for his plea, was the stare from Hamil who pointed his spear right down at the neck of the man.

How it came before the terrorist to not notice the golem's attack was a flaw he regretted…how was it possible that a golem was even able to sneak up to him in a quick flash and crush him in an instant just like that…him, a B-rank hunter was sneaked upon by a giant.

…No, what was even more of a priority to question was the possibility for the boy to even conjure a golem in such a young age.

Conjuring something that has a consciousness like a Golem was the very pinnacle of elemental control that only people of the earth element could ever wish upon.

Yet to see it appear from the boy was indication of his genius.


The man could only ever look to the golem who was raising its hand to finish him off.

"Crush him…" said Hamil as he looked upon the man with cold eyes inside the burning building.


On that night, Hamil was able to create his first intended murder on a human...yet despite this fact being true, he did not consider the man to be truly human, so in his heart, he felt justified for his actions.