The Unexpected Happened part 3: Chapter 94


It was sudden…but as we worked inside the student counsel room, a sudden explosion occurred that came from the training center and what came next of it was a report from one of the leading guards of the school.

We expected that this report might have been about the explosion, but we were wrong.

[Help!…The Teachers!….their rebelling against t-he s-chool!]

[Requesting backup at the---ent-rance!! Hurry!]

This message was heard by all of the people in the room…

With no time to waste, I quickly assisted the situation by assigning all of the remaining members of the student counsel to the two situations at hand.

"Seems like there something going on in the school, so with that said I want all of you to go to the entrance of the school to see whats going on." I said as I stood from my desk.

"What about you president?" asked one of the members.

"Me and Jo will go to this explosion and investigate what happened to it."

With most of them being assigned to assist the guards, me and my assistant choose to go to the explosion that happened just a minute ago.

We rushed to that place as fast as we could and when we came to that place, we were shocked to find that Sherry was found laying on the ground unconscious.

When we came to approach her, she was somehow protected by some kind of barrier all over her.

Jo tried to break the barrier with his fist to get secretary Sherry out, but as he punched the barrier, it did not break.

"Hmm, this is tough…looks like I have to use my sword on it." said Jo as he pulls out his sword from his storage space.

Meanwhile, I on the other hand looked to the burning building, but when I came to see the entrance, I was shocked to find it being blocked by a boulder. For some reason, this boulder was colored just like a ink black void…and for some reason, the color reminded me of Hamil…him and the same color he had when he turned into a void-like being.

"...Hamil." Having thought of the chances that Hamil might be involved by this, I decided to open through the blocking path.

So I focused my mana down to an attack…gathering at the ends of my fist, I gripped tight of it, and tried to break through the rock.


At the first hit, I was amazed to find how sturdy these rocks were…as if they were reinforced by something.


At the second hit, I felt the rock move…but it did not break.

"...This is harder than I thought."

Meanwhile, Jo was finally breaking through the barrier after his tenth attack with his sword.


As the barrier cracked and broke to a dozen pieces, it disappeared like magic.

Finally, he could go to Sherry…and find her to quite injured.

"What happed to her?" asked Jo.

"We'll find that out when we open this rock that's getting in our way." I said as I turn back to hit the rock.









Ten hits later, I could finally see the rock starting to break down.

"...Jo, help me with this." I said.

Having called out for his help, he approached me with his sword and together, we came to finish off the rock that was blocking our way.


The rock easily crumbled and opened up a path…but as it opened, we were greeted by a gust of a strong heatwave and the unbearable smog of smoke that was within the building.


'Oh god…' the view of the flames in that building was scary to look at…it would be impossible for someone to even stand there unfazed by it…yet I felt something inside…no…someone was inside the building.

"Jo, try to put out as much of the fire as you can, someone is in there."

"Okay." as Jo complied, he immediately brought out as much of his water to open a path for us to enter.

"Is anyone here!" I tried calling out for someone…anyone to respond.

Before we could even take ten steps inside, someone was already making his way out of the building…but to my surprise, the person to come out of the building was Hamil…and he carried out another person with him by his shoulders.

"Hamil!" as I called out to him, all he gave me back in return was a cold and tired gaze…

"What Happened?" I tried to ask him.

"...The building was attacked by terrorist." said Hamil straightforwardly.

"How do you know that?" asked Jo.

"It's because of this person right here…" he said as he throws a man right down to the floor.

As they stood and stared at the man, the man could only look to Hamil with a furious gaze.

"Are you okay?" I tried to ask if he was hurt…

"...I'm fine." Luckily, he sounded fine…aside from his burned clothes and a small minor scratches, he seemed fine.

"What about Sherry? What happened to her?" asked Jo.

"...I don't know, but when I came here because of the explosion, she was already in this state." explained Hamil as he looked to Sherry with a concerned expression.

"What about this guy right here?"

"...He's the one who started the fire. He's a terrorist or more specifically, a demon worshipper."

""!!"" we were both shocked when we heard this from Hamil.

And in response, Jo reacted quite more violent than I did as he looked to the man with bloodshot eyes.

"...You…You're a Demon cultist?" as Jo asked this to the man for confirmation, the man could only ever look to Jo with tearfull eyes and say…


But as he did, without even a hint of mercy, Jo kicked the man right at his nose and sent him rolling down the road like a ragdoll.

"Jo!" I was quite surprised by this, but when I came to look at the man to see if he was fine, I was meet with a bloody gaze from him…as if he was ready to kill Jo at any minute, but before he could, Hamil went and approach the man and grabbed him by the throat and lifted the man up in the air.

"Kgh!" the man chocked from Hamil's grip.

"...What should we do with him?" asked Hamil.

"...If what you said is true about him being a demon cultist, then that means we should interrogate him." I said as I looked to the man with worrying eyes.

"...I don't think we have time for that president." suddenly Jo approached me and showed me his phone.


It was a message from one of the student counsel members…a pretty urgent message at that.


"...President?" when I called out to her, I was meet with a furious gaze from this could only mean that something must have happened.

"...Hamil, bring Sherry to the Clinic room and have her treated…after that, you need to go to the PA room and announce for a call for assistance towards the guards of the school and have them go to the school entrance, announce to the whole school that Demons have invaded the school."

"What about you two?" I asked in worry of the situation.

"Don't worry about us. Just hand the demon cultist over to Jo and bring Sherry to the clinic. So follow your orders, Understood?"

As she said this, I handed the man to Jo and in response, Jo held on to the man with a strong grip. It seems as if he too is maddened by the existence of these bastards.

"I understand." having understood her orders, I placed Secretary Sherry on my back and quickly made my way to the clinical room.

It seems as though the situation has gone rather chaotic…it worries me to no end on how I should go forward with my plan. I couldn't peak on what was on the phone that Jo had shown President Ethea…but whatever it was, I clearly had to complete the orders fast so that the school would be alerted by the arrival of these bastards.

After I complete the orders, I should think of what to do for what comes next of it…I know for a fact that the Demons plan to capture as much of the students as they could, so that could only mean that on this time, most of the Demons should be at…the school dorm.


The least protected place of the academy is none other than the School Dorm…I have to go there after I am done with President Ethea's orders.

So with that, I went and called out to my Golem.

"Golem…" as such, by my order, the Golem formed itself in front of me from the ground itself.

Golems could easily be summoned as long as the summoner is in contact with the earth itself. Anywhere in the world, it is possible to summon a Golem if it's core is still intact. So back when I was still in the burning training center, I commanded the Golem to mend back into the ground and stay by under my foot. One call of his name, and he would pop out without question.

"Golem, I want you to go to the school dorm and cause as much of a distraction as you can. Call out to those demons and defend the students as best as you can." Having given my orders to the Golem, the Golem silently mended back to the ground and started following what I told him to.

With this, I just hope I can alert all of the students to wake up and fight back against the incoming demons.

So with the Golem making its way to the School dorm, I on the other hand had to fasten my pace in going to the clinic room so that I could have secretary Sherry treated.

"Apolo." Having called out to my spear, I increased my speed and made my way to the clinic room.

After a minute of running, I finally made it to the clinic and there, as I opened it, I was meet with an empty room.

"...Where is everyone?"

The lights were still on, yet not a single person was found in the area.

"..." I didn't have time, so I placed secretary Sherry on one of the empty beds and pulled out one of the healing potions I had in my storage ring. The type of potion I created using genesis.

As I opened the potion, I treated her by making her drink the potion…luckily, her reflex to drink the potion was kicking in and so she had no problem with drinking the potion.

As she finished drinking the whole bottle, it looks like the potion was effective on her, judging by how her wounds were magically closing up one after another. Even the burn marks were being fixed by the potion.

"...Good, it looks like the potion worked." I said as I stared at the result of my potion.

The next thing I had to worry about was the situation in the school.

When I was running my way here, I could not find a single person. Even if it was already way past the curfew, people like the nurses or even some guards should be found in the school…heck, maybe even a teacher or two should still be at school. Yet I couldn't find them.

"...What is going on?" I questioned myself this…but as I did, I could feel a gaze made my way.

When I turned my head to that certain direction, I was meet with the look of secretary Sherry who was half awake.

"'re awake." I said as I turned to face secretary Sherry.

"Hnn, where I am right now?"

From the looks of it, it seems like she still hasn't fully recovered yet.

"Your in the school clinic." I said to her.


"The school clinic…your in the school clinic right now. You got hurt so I brought you he-"

"No!" suddenly she screamed at me, as if she was furious about something.


"Where are…those bastards…the ones who took me out."

"...What was the last thing you remembered?" I tried to ask if she remembered at all…but all she gave me in return was a pitiful look of confusion.

"...I…I don't want to talk…about it." it seems like she was a bit hesitant of revealing the truth about the situation, but I could care less about that. I already knew or could guess what happened.

With her character being a noble, it must have hurt her pride when she got taken out by the terrorist…but either way, now that she's awake, I don't have to worry about leaving her here on her own.

"Since your awake, can I leave you here on your own?" I asked.

"...Just go." she said as turned away from me.



"...this might seem like a bad time, but President Ethea issued an order to me to announce to the entire academy about the Demon Cultist invading the school." I said as I casually started making my way out. I only told her this because I wanted her to be aware of the situation.

"Wait, what!?" suddenly, Sherry raised from her bed and turned to me with a shocked look.

"...I'm saying this because of your stupid noble pride, but the ones who took you out were Demon Worshipers."


"If you wanna stay here and rest, then I'll go and move forward with the order that President Ethea gave me."

"...Wait, take me with you. Your going to the PA room right?" she asked as she slowly got out of her bed.


"You still don't know your way around the school, I'll help you. So please…take me with you."

"You could barely stand up right now because your wounds are barely fixed, so I don't want to risk on part of what's going on right now in school." as I said this, I continued on my way out of the school clinic.

"...wait." her silent whisper for a plea reached my ears and in doing so, I turned back to face her yet again.


"...hnn!" she started to stand up from the bed, but as she took her first step, she felt a tingeing pain poking her in her ribs.

I could see how much pain she was in right now, so it would be best for me to just leave her here to rest.


She turned to look at me with tearful eyes as the pain continued to run up her body.

"Please…take m-"

But before she could even finish her words, a monster suddenly jumps out from the door.


Its enormous gnawing jaw and sharp teeth made its way to my head…

Its sharp black claws reached out to try to grab my chest…

And its bloodshot eyes couldn't help but glare to my direction with such killing intent, that I couldn't help but kill it the moment I came in view of its entire body.

So with Apolo in my hand, I aimed at its most vital part…and pierced through like it was nothing. Because despite of its quick surprise attack, it could not hide how much killing intent it had the moment I came to know the presence of it.


So as quick as it could be, the monster fell down to the floor before it could reach me…leaving itself a hole as it laid down on the floor as a corpse.

"...Damn Skinwalkers." I said.

From the looks of it, these monsters are called Skinwalkers. They were shape shifting monsters that had the capability to take the form of anyone they came in view of. With their rank being at around C to an A ranked monster, these bastards would always move in a pack, just like how wolves would. And just like dogs of a kind, they were trainable…although you could probably distinguish a Skinwalker from its copy if you place them side to side. Because of their weird nature to copy things inside the gate, they would lure in hunters and even other monsters into an isolated place in a similar disguise…by that moment, the hunt had already succeeded and its quite impossible to escape some of the Skinwalkers.

In the novel, they were used as the exchange for a couple of students and employees that worked inside the school. As they took the place of some of the people, when the attack took place, it was at that moment that these monster took over the school in less than 15 minutes. And because they were trained by the Demon worshipers, they were told to not kill the students but take them as hostages instead.

But now the situation has completely changed. Not only were these skinwalkers not fully in the form of a student or anything in human form, they were less adamant in their training to not kill a student at all…this was probably the result of how the plan to attack the academy was moved to today.

Luckily, the one that attacked me just now was probably a C-ranked Skinwalker…but with the situation right now, I have no hope of leaving secretary Sherry here in the clinic room all on her own, its just too dangerous.

"A skinwalker in the school?" secretary Sherry was quite surprised by this sudden intrusion. But she most likely took a hint that this was probably also the work of the demon worshipers.

"I guess I can't leave you here on your own. So here, take this potion and drink it." I said as I grabbed another piece of healing potion from my storage and handed it to her.

I expected that by drinking another healing potion, it would probably increase the rate that she would heal…

"...Okay." Having handed a healing potion, secretary Sherry quickly took it upon herself to drink the potion and she looked at me with a determined face.

"Lets go." but as she took her first step, she fumbled a bit so I had to catch her.

"!" she was quite surprised by this, but I had no time to waste on the matter.

"I'll have to carry you with me while you heal." I said as I turned my back and offered to carry her on my back.

"...Okay." she stared at me for a bit, but soon mustered the courage to grab hold of me. It seems like she wasn't complaining at all.

And so with that, we made our way to the PA room with her as my navigator.

Despite the fact that we were only in the clinic room for a couple of minutes, we had to move fast.