The Unexpected Happened part 7: Chapter 98

As the night passes and as the moon continued to revolve under the view of a man who only had one eye, an unsettling feeling was rumbling…

The sensation of a bad situation was felt under his consciousness.

"...Something is not right." said the man as he rubs the eyepatch on his left.

"Ronny, I think your becoming rather sensitive lately. Just because we have been working non stop in the last couple of days, doesn't mean that you can just say on out that 'Something is Wrong…' it wouldn't be wrong to say that your just probably hungry." said his partner who sat next to him inside a black fancy car.

The man with the eye patch was rather unconvinced by his partner's words. He knew for a fact that something bad was happening and he would not sleep tonight until it would be resolved.

"...Hmm no, something is wrong. My chest hairs have been rather restless for the past five minutes now." said the eyepatch man whose name was Ronny.

"Hmm, that's disturbing…but if you really are sure that trouble is on its way, look, the moon is full tonight, lets just call out for a sign from saint Cathelyn herself." said his partner.

"Good idea." said Ronny.

So as to call out for a sign, he began to pull out one small medal from his storage ring that had the symbol of their church.

The Church of Saint Cathelyn.

Having this medal with them was the only thing that was equivalent to a connection to their saint of the moon, and having the medal was also indication that they were none other than the Grand Knights of the service moon.

Ronny was the same 2 meter tall person who was involved with the situation about the creation of a bomb inside a Karaoke bar a few days ago with his partner who was a woman who had black-charcoal hair. He was also the same person who tried to recruit a certain boy who had caught the attention of their saint. A boy named Hamil Crux.

At this night, he was with another person who was also a member of the Grand knights of the service moon, where in the past few days, they have been in service of the kingdom non stop.

Now, as Ronny pulled his medal out of his storage ring and positioned it just under the moon from his eye…the medal shined and gave Ronny one chance of a view towards a significant sign.

"...I see it." said Ronny as he continued to look to the medal.

"W-what?" his partner was shocked by this.

"Trouble is brewing…somewhere."

"What did you see?" he asked.

"...A crow, a flame and a severed horn."

"Ehh…those three things are hardly going to be helpful at figuring out the problem." said his partner.

"But one thing is for sure…its bad." said Ronny as he began to turn on the car.

"Yeah…crows are bad news."

Without a destination, he rode forward…but not a minute later, he receives a call from his phone.




As he answered, the voice from the other side of the call was a sure way of telling what the situation was.

A call for help from his niece.

"...I see, I'll be there." he said as he cuts off the call.

His face began to pale and his grip on the steering wheel tightens for every millisecond he pushes on the pedal of his car. It went faster and faster.

Ten minutes…that's all he needs to make it to the academy.


High above the sky, and falling down with such speeds, I could not help but look forward beyond me, the view of the situation at the student dorm.

A few demon cultist are making their way at the bottom, ready to leave the academy.

The walls are breaking down at a certain floor of the dorm…and from the intensity of its damage, I could only ever imagine that Arthur is up against an enemy who I know for sure is way beyond Arthur's level. The S-rank demon.

And my Golem…it fell from the student dorm…but despite that, it got back up again and made its way back to the top…just like how I ordered it to. With its ability to change into any sizes, it was 3 meters tall at its current height which was way smaller compared to the 10 meter golem that showed in the burning training center a couple of minutes ago.

Making my way down in the seconds I have left in the skies, I had to think fast…something I have to do to make sure that I can take out as much enemies as I could.

With secretary Sherry by my back, I know for a fact that she is still not fully recovered…she could barely stand when she was still at the PA room, and with a couple of minutes that passed, it isn't enough for her to fight along side me…she will only be a nuisance…I was too incompetent in bringing here with me...

I have to throw her off to a safe distance…. a safe place.

So while we were falling, I looked for any sort of soft cushion to break her fall…

'There…a bush.'

"Wha -hey!" when I reached out to grab her, she was a bit hard to throw off, but as soon as I grabbed hold of her tight, I didn't hesitate.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm sorry…the battle up ahead is too much for you. You won't last a minute out there if you can't stand on your own." being harsh towards the honesty, she knew that she could not fight along side me.

"Don't you dare." but she herself would not allow it.

But with force, anything is possible…if you pull hard enough…


Without hesitation, I grabbed her arm and threw her off to the bush using my skill 'Impossible Accuracy' to not miss.

And there she went…with her ability to control the gravity, I doubt she would be hurt from a fall of this height. She's not stupid enough to not break her fall.

Now, I was on my own for a couple of seconds in the air…

Time is of the essence.

Ten seconds left before I completely land on the floor…



I need to do something…a weakness..their weakness…


I've read the novel…I know that demons are weak against the Holy attribute…


But I could already see that most of the demon cultist have gathered in the bottom…and with them are hostages…the students.


…shit, the Demon has Arthur in his hands…this is bad…


No…there's no time to hesitate…I have to do something…




Help me…

As quick as I could, I gathered about 3 circles of my mana into Apolo which was about 100 mana…creating what seems like a missile…it is by no joke that if I throw this, some might die…

So Apolo…please help me…help me protect the students.




I landed down…

'Shadow Skin…'

Covering myself in the black armor of the shadow, I was prepared to take on the hits of this unexpected turn in the novel…

I know for a fact that if anything bad happens to the students…its on me…

It's on ME…. if anyone will die in this battle…and if I don't have the chance to save them…then consider me the murderer as well.

The feeling of taking a life is hard…heavy…burdening.

It may just be written in words…in letters…from the novels….from this novel itself…but living in this world…taking a life because of me…the innocent life...the perspective changes.

…I can't help but involve myself for the reasons that came for this event…

So…I have to save them…even if it cost me my life.


Calling out to my weapon, I brought out my bow…the very first weapon I came to use in this world.

"Brace myself…because I might die today."

I could not help but grip on Riverflow as tight as I could.

My objective is to save the lives of those students.….but with the S-rank demon before me, there's no chance that I will even save a life if I am caught by the hands of that demon. So a range fight will do the trick in this situation.

'Be smart jay…smart in your attack…smart in anyway possible…all for them.'

I could not help but think of my name from my past life…it just says something to the tensity of the situation.

"Who are you!" shouted the demon as he could feel me walking closer and closer to the student dorm.

"Looks like I was late." I say in comment to the shout of the demon.


From the scene of the damage I made to the demon cultist using Apolo…it seems like no student was hurt.

Well…not dead at least.

Some of the demon cultist took damage from my attack and the ground itself was in tatters. About 10 of them were seriously injured while some were able to escape.

".…" those boulders…maybe I could use them to my advantage.

I thought to myself as I could see the ruined floors and rocks scattered in the area. It would be easy to manipulate them into a sort of cover while taking on the demon cultist one by one.

"Hmph!" the demon smiled as he came to see that the person who intruded was nothing more than a child covered in black.

A lot of things are needed if I want to make this a successful event…

One is to buy time so that the guards would make their way here and assist the situation

The next is to stop the demon and the demon cultist from ever escaping the academy…

I know for a fact that these bastards are always the devious types that only had the goal to capture the students and escape as soon as they are well done with picking out the students…and to escape, they would have to use the same type of artifact that they used to get in here.

Originally, it was supposed to be the cleaning storage room that they would use as a secret entrance where they used a temporary artificial gate to pass through and as it should have ended, they would also escape using the same artifact that produces a temporary gate.

The only person that is clearly responsible of activating that artifact is none other than the person who is most likely to survive the event. Meaning the strongest S-rank demon carries that very artifact.

If I could either destroy it or steal it from him, I could secure the possibility of the students from being taken away.

The only problem I would end in is the situation regarding the S-rank demon himself…

How could I even deal with an S-rank demon? Their power is simply too much for me to handle.

If it was in the original story, that demon would be meet by the fury of some of the teachers of the academy. Where around four A rank teachers and one S-rank teacher was all it took to bring the demon down.

But I don't have that type of reinforcements…all the teachers have either left the school a while back or some are busy with the skinwalkers who acted as bait. I'm on my own for the moment.

The demon cultist themselves are people that I should not underestimate as well…their around B-rank to A-rank…their combat ability is no joke to say the least. But their weakness to holy attributes is something that could my saving grace. Because of their oath to the demons, they have been cursed by the gods themselves.

Holy attributes are rare in cases like holy items…but the holy element or the ability to conjure the holy element from a person is without a sign that they are a blessing from gods…they would be described as an angel.

But I don't have that holy attribute…and even if I did use Genesis as one of the ways to create holy items, it uses a lot of my mana…it is very inconvenient in a situation where I need most of my mana at this very moment.

My only next option would be to shoot them at their most vital parts. To their heads or theirs hearts, these demon cultist are still humans…meaning that I could take them on despite being more powerful than me…all I need to do is be careful.

Alone against a group of powerful enemies…anyone would say that this is suicide, but I don't have a choice in the matter.

Its to fight or die trying.

Without hesitation, I pulled my bow and aimed it at the demon.


As I fired, the moment it came in view with the S-rank demon, he simply caught it with his one hand.

"...A simple fire from an Arrow isn't enough to kill me, you cockroach." said the demon as he looked to the arrow with such arrogance.

But when he turned back to look at my direction, I had already disappeared from his sight.

"Huh? Where did he go?" asked the Demon.

"but no one responded since they were still recovering from the attack of my spear a couple of seconds ago.

I had to use lights reflection to get away from his sight while also not revealing any sort of bloodlust his way.

'Keep calm..' I thought to myself as I slowly made my way out of his line of sight.

Next…I had to manipulate the rubble from where they were standing and had these rock float and form as a sort of platform for me to stand on and hide from their sights.

"What the-"

One by one, rock platforms were slowly gathering from the ground and were floating up above the air.

It didn't took ten seconds and already about fifteen platforms were made.

I positioned them to continuously cycle in circles on the spot where the demon cultist where gathered.

Like a tornado, the rock platforms were simply there and were keeping the demons alert.

With a swift motion, I notched an arrow and let it fly. The arrow whistled through the air, finding its mark in the chest of the nearest cultist, dropping him to the ground. The cultists, startled by the sudden attack, tightened their grip on the hostages, using them as shields.

Unfazed by their choice of action, I channeled my earth manipulation abilities, causing the ground beneath the cultists to tremble. In that moment, I quickly fired more arrows to the demon cultist in areas that were seemingly not in scope of the hostages.

Some of the demon cultist began to attack me, some tried to predict where the arrows where coming from and by that prediction, they fired their attacks relentlessly. But to their efforts, I had already moved to a different location.

the remaining cultists were not about to let me prevail so easily. They unleashed their arcane powers, casting spells of fire and shadows at a random direction. Flames licked at the air, forcing me to weave and dodge with nimble agility. Shadows twisted and contorted, threatening to envelop me, but I used shield's copy, shielding myself from harm.

While the S-rank demon on the other hand, simply stood and watched as the situation unfolded.

"..." For some reason, he was not actively trying to turn on the artifact for them to escape…and the grin on his face was a bit of a red flag, indicating his confidence for the problem.

"Boss, we have to go! The school has probably contacted reinforcements…if we waste any more time, we'll be caught." said one of the demon cultist.

"Hold on…I just found another promising child fit for our king's plan." said the Demon.

"...But Boss, we have to at least move the captured targets. If we come back empty handed. We'll perish." said the demon cultist.

"...Fine." as soon as he agreed, he brought the artifact and began to activate it.

But in that moment of activation, a burst of power came from below…and caught the S-rank demon by surprise.



With the artifact still on his grasp, he turned to see that the surprising intrusion came from none other than a 10 meter Golem who waited for me to command it for the right moment to strike. The moment when the demon would bring out the artifact.

With the demon preoccupied with the artifact on his one hand and Arthur on the other, he had no chance of blocking the attack that the golem was pushing forward.

With the Golem's fist making its way to strike the demon at his chest, the Demon had to fight back by using his legs to kick away from the Golem's enormous fist.


Having to escape the golem in midair, I took the chance to fire the arrows while he was unaware of my position.

As I stood on top of one of the floating rock platforms, I aimed for the artifact.

And without hesitation, I brought about 2 circles of worth of mana into one single arrow. It was about 50 mana…so having consumed this much, I was having a hard time conserving my powers.

I fired the arrow with the help of impossible accuracy and lights reflection, making it an attack that was impossible to miss or be seen.

As it shot down.

The demon quickly sensed an eminent danger making its way…but because it could not find that attack, my arrow was able to hit the artifact…

50 mana points of power was in that shot…a shot capable of blowing away a demon cultist.


I was surprised.


The artifact didn't break…but it was thrown off from the S-rank demon's grasp.

The artifact made it's way to the golem…and as such, I had another chance to break it.


As the artifact fell down the floor, I hoped for the golem to make its way to the artifact…

And sensing my command, the golem raised it's foot and it steps down.


It's very heavy step caused the very floors to be ruined even more…but what came next out of that heavy stump, a weird phenomenon occurred right below it's foot.

Like the making sound of a matter being bended into a voidless shape…under the foot of the golem, a gate was formed…

The creation of the gate was unstable…it blew the Golem's foot back and it threw the golem off balance.

As it did, the artifact revealed the gate…

"...Shit." said the Demon as he got back up from the ground. He could tell that this very gate was a portal that led to a whole new different location other than it's base…

Angered by this sudden change of events, the Demon turned to Arthur...raised him up and could still see that Arthur was unconscious. I felt scared as to what the demon was about to do to him…but nothing happened.

In the end, the demon remained calm…and he was focused on taking down the golem out of hate.

The powerful demon's eyes narrowed as it faced off against the indestructible ten-meter golem. The air crackled with anticipation as the two formidable forces prepared to clash. He lets go of Arthur from his grasp and handed it to one of the remaining demon cultist.

With a roar that shook the ground, the demon lunged forward, its claws extended, aiming to tear through the golem's hard frame. But as the demon's claws made contact, they simply bounced off the golem's impenetrable surface, leaving no mark.

The golem retaliated with a swift punch, its massive fist connecting with the demon's torso. The impact sent shockwaves through the area, shattering nearby structures and causing the ground to tremble. But the demon stood its ground, unfazed by the blow.

Undeterred, the demon unleashed a barrage of powerful spells, shooting bolts of dark energy and summoning tendrils of shadow to ensnare the golem. However, the golem's enchantments were impervious to the demon's dark magic, and the tendrils disintegrated upon contact with its gleaming surface.

The golem retaliated with relentless force, its fists and feet striking the demon with incredible strength and precision. Each blow landed with the force of a wrecking ball, causing shockwaves to ripple through the area and leaving craters in the demon's wake. But the demon's resilient body endured, its demonic resilience preventing it from faltering.

As the battle raged on, the demon began to tap into its vast well of power, channeling dark energy to augment its attacks. Fiery tendrils of demonic energy erupted from its body, lashing out at the golem with ferocious speed. But the golem adapted to the onslaught, its magical enchantments activating to shield it from the demonic assault.

With a surge of power, the golem unleashed its own devastating attack. It raised its massive arms high, gathering energy from its surroundings, and then brought them crashing down with thunderous force. The ground cracked and shattered as a shockwave radiated outward, obliterating everything in its path. Some of the demon cultist were caught in that force of power…giving me the chance to take out more enemies.

The demon, caught in the destructive wave,remained unscathed as its power was unmatched, and it would not be defeated so easily. The only thing that was keeping this battle ongoing was the mysterious indestructible body and ten meter size of the golem…but it was not making any ddamages to the demon at all because of its weak power.

Summoning its darkest magic, the demon unleashed a final onslaught. Shadows swirled around it, forming a swirling vortex of malevolent energy. The vortex expanded rapidly, threatening to engulf the golem. But the golem stood resolute, its unyielding form remaining unscathed amidst the chaos. Because of it special material, it was able to go against all types of magic attacks.

'Hmm, this is going nowhere.' thought the demon as he could see the futility of this batte.

The only thing to actually get rid of this golem was to throw it away….and as such the Demon approached the golem and in response, the golem threw a jab at the demon, but to no avail, the demon remained unfazed by its attack. The demon just went and grabbed the golem on its hands and began to swing the golem around in circles.

Until finally he lets go…throwing the golem away at an impressive distance.

It left me alone…shocked by how the battle ended.

"Fuck." I say as the realization of having to be on my own began to swallow me whole.

I had already taken down about 25 demon cultist, but that didn't stop as more and more demon cultist began to jump off from the student dorms and landed on one of the rock platforms I had..

About 40 of them were before me….making it that all of the demon cultist have completed their objective of capturing the targeted students.

Luckily, none of them knew as to where I was.

'Fuck…' the pressure of the situation was odd.

I was able to stop the artifact, making it impossible for them to escape, but all I created in the end was an unstable form of gate. I did not expect this to happen at all.

"...change of tactics." I said as I put away Riverflow.


As I said this, my chest began to glow and conjured my shield.

I knew for a fact that if I did break their chances of escaping, it would mean that they would have to find another way of escaping…one would be to run away while carrying the students.

But I know that demon cultist are very angry with what I did…my intrusion is what lead to their failure…

But nothing is over yet.

To have them not think of any sense of escaping, I have to buy time…

Their anger will be the formula that I need for them to completely fail.


Meaning that have to attract all them to come at me…let them forget about escaping for a bit…

Conjuring Rondimence out from my back, I slowly turned off the Light's reflection skill and focused on letting me show myself.

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW! YOU BITCH!" I screamed out as I stared at the demon with the willingness to fight.

Without hesitation, all of the demon cultist made their way to look to my direction…and their glare was without a doubt enough to bring sweat down on me.

The demon also looked to me with a smile on his face.

"...You finally showed yourself, you cockroach." he said as in a quick second, he vanished and appeared right before me.

"..." I stared at him…willing to fight.

"Hmm, that sword is very peculiar." he said as he stared at Rondimence.

"..." but I remained silent.

"And that shield…it is powerful as well."


"Are these Artifacts?" he asked.

"..." without hesitation, I swung down at him…

Th simple swing of Rondimence caused quite a destructive force that blew most of the demon cultist who stood on the floating rock platforms off to the ground.

But the demon however, remained standing 5 meters away from me on one of the platforms…

He seems to have jumped away…

As it showed that he was willing to avoid Rondimence's strike meant that he can't defend himself against Rondimence.

Although it gave me hope of fighting back…it is all for naught if I can't hit him or even follow his movements.

As I stood, waiting for him to strike…all of a sudden.

A bullet flew and struck down the very horn of the demon…


The force of the shot was powerful…and because it was a bullet, the focused point of power of the bullet in one point caused the demon's left horn to fall off without fail.

As the Demon's horn dropped, he caught it on one of his hands.

Looking at it, it would be impossible to place it back now.

When he turned his head to where that bullet came from, his expression turned dark…and his gaze felt murderously untamed.

"Let's just end this…" he said in a very monotonous tone.

And with that, he disappeared from my sights.

"!!" without even noticing it, I instinctively raised Endit to protect myself.

To my shock, I was meet with the force of his punch broke my arm…

His attack was lead by a sharp strike to me that tried to break through my shield.

Even though Endit protected me…I could not withstand that very force of power from the S-ranked demon despite having Shadow Skin as an armor, I could not bare the pain of it.

I lost focus for a quick second and with that, my ability to control the rock platforms began to fall one by one…

And as I fell along with the other rock platforms, I could see the Demon look to me and made its way down, following me with the intent to attack again.

It seems like he wanted to kill me all on his own since the rest of the demon cultist were doing nothing on this situation…

'fuck…I really might die today.'

Falling down at such a height…I was reminiscing on the chapter of this whole event…it seems as though I overestimated my capabilities.

I really should reflect on myself on this event.

Fuck you…that's all the description that I would say to myself.



…Eh? Why am I not touching the ground?

Why does it feel like its taking forever for me to even land and die….

When I opened my eyes, I was found staring the moon…at a still state.

…Hmm, I could hear screams…



Oh…they finally made it…hehehe, this is really a plot armor like moment…hilarious.

But why am I floating?

When I turned my head, there I could see the guards fighting off the Cultist…the demon was fighting off against someone who was actually as powerful as he was, a man who was wearing an eye patch. President Ethea and secretary Sherry are also here…

Ahh…so it was secretary sherry who saved me. the battle isn't over…