After the Terrorist Event: Chapter 100

Staring at the unstable gate, Ronny could not help but wonder how the gate came to be in this location…the only thing he could do to relinquish his curiosity was to call in some experts to analyze the gate and its ordeal.

Having thought so, he called in his partner to contact the experts themselves.

"Have you called them?" asked Ronny.

"...Hmm, I did and they said that they'll come here as fast as they can." said his partner.

"Good, I'll leave the rest to you while I'll go and confront some of the people involved in this attack." said Ronny.

One of those people was the only remaining survivor of the whole group. The one who Hamil captured back in the training center.

And speaking of the training center, it took about 40 minutes before the fire department could even reach the academy to extinguish the fire itself. With that said, it'll take for tomorrow for the investigators to figure out if anything could be salvaged from the the building.

As Ronny went and approached the terrorist, he was met with a dead body.

".…Damn." he could see that foam was running down his mouth, indicating that the man killed himself.

Either way, despite him losing the potential information out of the terrorist, he could already take a guess as to what they came here for…


He could find that the 70 students that were captured by the cultist were recorded to have a high number in mana counts and has a high potential in its fighting prowess. They were all treated in one open area in the academy by some medical professionals.

As he looked to the victims, he could also see that among them, a group of other people as well…the student counsel members were found being treated by the medical professionals who came along with the fire department.

All of the injured students could have been transferred to the medical center in the school but because of the uncertain number of infestation of the skinwalkers, they had to make sure that it was a hundred percent certain that no monster was left roaming in the academy…so for now, the students were being treated here in the open area while another group was sent to deal with the issue.

Some people had to put out tents to make it more comfortable for the students.

When Ronny looked to the Student Dorm, he could see the damage done to the front of it. He wondered how it was possible for such damage to be made to the front of the dorm…as from the looks of it, it didn't seems plausible for the S-rank demon himself to create such ruckus to the dorm if they planned to have a silent retreat. The one who did the damage to the dorm must have intentions…an intentional cause of destruction.

And because of the battle he took on against the S-rank demon, the building was only getting more beaten up…from the looks of the academy dorm, it seems like most of the rooms were completely ruined.

It would probably take about two weeks for the whole building to be completely fixed…but for now, he could predict that all of the students in this dorm were to either find other locations to live in for the time being or the school would simply cancel the classes by then. As for the training center, they would probably choose a different method for the student to cope up with the lost of a chance to train. It would take months for the training center to be fully rebuilt from scrap…Either way, the school has a lot of problems to fix.

As he stared at the damages…he suddenly heard a ruckus in one of the tents. The tent where the student counsel members were gathered were making quite a commotion.

And the one who lead the commotion was none other than the secretary of the group.

"Where the fuck were you!" she screamed at a particular student who was sitting down and was being treated by a professional medic.

"...I just went and tried to look around if there was any remaining cultist." he said.

"I told you to fucking stay in place! Yet you still disobeyed my order! You could have gotten yourself hurt!"

"...I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't going to cut it!"


"Sherry…that's enough." said President Ethea.

"You weren't there Ethea! This bastard threw and left me down on one of the bushes and he went and rushed to the dorm all by himself!"

"Is it true Hamil?"



But before Hamil could say anything, Ethea went and slapped him.

"...What is wrong with you."


"You could have died!"

"...If I wasn't there to buy up some time, the demon cultist could have escaped."

"What could you have done!?"

"Anything…enough to stop them in their tracks."

"What did you do Hamil?" asked Jo in a more calm and curious tone.

"...I broke the Artifact that they would have used to escape."


"So you were the one who caused that unstable gate?" asked Jo.

"...Maybe...I didn't expect for the artifact to become unstable. I thought it wouldn't function after breaking it but it became what it was today. I'm sorry."

"How were you even able to get the artifact in the first place?" asked Ethea.

"...With this." as he spoke, he began to use his skill… "Light's Reflection" and disappeared from the sights of all the members in the student counsel

""!!"" all of them were shocked…except for Sherry who already knew of his skill.

Sherry was still mad though because he was recklessly going to the dorm by his own.

"...So you had the skill to become invisible." said Jo.

"...I understand now why you were confident in facing them… but what would have happened if you were caught? You could have died!" shouted Ethea.

"...and if I didn't, they could have escaped." said Hamil as he looked to Ethea with a glaring expression.



"Let's just stop this for now…we all survived and that's all that matters. Now, all of those who are injured should stay here and get patched up…especially you, Sherry and Hamil. Get some rest." said Jo as he came in between the silence in the tent.

"We'll all talk about this after we all clear our heads from the situation." said Jo.

After speaking, Ethea and Jo left the tent to handle the other affairs, while Hamil and Sherry stayed to get patched up by the professionals.


A few minutes back.

Inside one of the rooms of the dorm, Rebertha could be seen with a feared expression…she saw it all.

The loud sounds of battle…

The intoxicating essence of a Demon's presence…

And most of all, the view of one of her friends fighting off against all of the demon cultist.

She wasn't the only one who say the battle.

From the moment, a spear was thrown by Hamil to cause a sort of distraction, the loud explosion from the spear caused almost everyone in the academy dorm to awake from their sleep. But as they awoke, all they could see from their view was a fight that they know all to well was a reckless act if they decided to fight back against the demon cultist. Death would probably await them if they joined in.

All of the first years knew this…

The second years and third years as well, they too decided to hide and wait out the situation as it unfolds. For the fourth years, they were trapped in the higher levels up in the dorm…blokced by some sort of barrier to all exits.

All the demon cultist were aiming for were some of the couple of students from a certain range…if they choose to hide for their safety, then all is well that ends well…

Although they were growing a sense of guilt inside them, they all prioritize their well being. No one would doubt that it was either wrong or right…as all it ends in is the fact that they would survive this predicament.

As Rebertha watched the battle unfold, she saw her friend...a boy who went against the norm to survive and instead fought against the enemy…

She saw how he brought out a bow to fight…how he disappeared in a blink of an eye…how he manipulated the environment to his advantage…

All for the sake of fighting off against an enemy who was way beyond his level.

The desperation she felt at the moment she saw him…she wanted to go and warn him…to tell him that he was being reckless…but the moment she wanted to stand up, her voice was caught up in a net of fear.

Her knees would shake and her eyes would close up to avoid the sense of looking into the situation…

It lasted in minutes…but all she could ever witness were the sounds of battle…the rumbling noise of destruction.

But when all was done…and when she opened up her eyes, she could see that her friend was no longer in scene…that he was missing from the battle.

And her fear only grew stronger from there…

She saw a gate…

A pile of dead bodies…

And the scene of a ruined ground…

All of these scenes were signs of fear for her to see.

The battle was over…it felt like they survived…

But her doubts were lingering inside her…telling herself to make sure that everything was fine…everything about this battle was over.

So she ran outside of her dorm…

Some of the rooms were destroyed…

The elevator was not working, so she had to go to the fire exit as fast as she could until finally when she came out of the student dorm, she saw her friend walking slowly on the road…

"...Hamil." calling out to him, she reached out her hands in turn.

"..." in recognition of her voice, the boy turned to face her and showed a smile on his face.

Without holding back, she ran to him and gave him a hug…tears began to fall as she found her friend alive despite all of what has happened.

"I-I'm sorry…" she apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?" asked Hamil.

"...Because…I couldn't help you…I saw you fight all on your own and I wasn't there to help you."

"...You saw me?" he asked.

"Hmm." having nod to his question, she remained close to him.

"...*sigh* it's okay…I'm fine and your fine…everything is over." he said as he pats her back for assurance.

"..." having pulled away from him after that, she looked to see if he was okay in anyway…

"!?" she was surprised to find that his arm was broken…and was slightly bleeding.

"We have to get you treated!" she said.

"...Okay, I think their should be some medical supplies down in that area." he said as he pointed to where a few people were gathered.

Having assisted him in getting treated, they finally made it to one of the tents where they were greeted by the glaring expression of secretary Sherry. Having felt the tension, Hamil told Rebertha to simply leave him here since he has to talk with the other members of the student counsel.

"Are you sure?" asked Rebertha.

"It's fine, you should go and try to see if Sofia is alright." said Hamil as he told Rebertha a friendly request.

"Okay." said Rebertha.

As she lets go, she made her way back to the dorm to check if Sofia was fine…

When she went to the front of the dorm, she could see that most of the students of the dorm were finally exiting the building…many ran outside and soon, all of the students from the first year to the fourth year were out in the open.

She texted to see if she could find Sofia…and to her luck, Sofia replied with where she was standing. Having followed her text, Rebertha was able to locate Sofia by the side of the building. And so, after knowing that she was safe and sound, they went and decided to go back to see if Hamil was fine.

It was clear to see that Sofia was also traumatized by the event.

The fear that the S-rank demon was giving off from the battles only made it sure for her to not get involved…despite the fact that she also saw that Hamil was off fighting in the battle.

"...are you okay?" asked Rebertha.

"...I'm fine, I just felt guilty…I couldn't help him." said Sofia.

"I know…I also feel the same way because I couldn't do anything in the situation."

"Is Hamil okay?" asked Sofia.

"He's fine…he's just getting treated on one of the tents."

When they went to one of the tents to see if he was okay, they were able to see that beside Hamil was another person…a person who was carrying a sniper gun on their back.

A person known in the school as very disrespectful.

Evangeline Ester Strauss of the Strauss Dukedom Family.

To see her beside Hamil was a bit questionable.

It made the two wonder why she was in this tent in the first place…because to their knowledge, it seems like Hamil had no connections with her at all…but she was there by his side.

"...Why is she here?" asked Sofia to Rebertha.

"..."But all Rebertha did in return was stare at the two.

"...lets go." without hesitation, She went and decided to enter the tent as well, in hopes of figuring out what was going on.