Visiting a Certain Market part 1: Chapter 108

By the moons gaze, he was found on top of the building of his own apartment. Here, he was with the owls as they lay rested by his side. And it never was lost, the way they rested on top of his body like it was a branch or a nest to sit on. Their habits were still here.

"...He" he laughed at this precious moment of peace…but as he came to watch them, a glint of sadness came and reminded him that he was never going to meet Gord…not for a long time.

he never came to understand why Gord decided to help him in his time of need, why he gave him a chance to gain some unbelievable powers. Like the Genesis which gives Hamil the ability to create what he needed at ay given moment. Or the teaching to manipulate the earth by his will…a will so strong that it could go against the mountains… why did he gave him these opportunities?

It all ended with Gord getting locked away…and he blamed himself for this reason.

"...Say, Vexus."


"Do you think I have a chance at saving him?"

{...Are you talking about Gordeseus?…if so, then I may as well suggest that you simply give yourself away to the Gods then…you have no chance at all in going against the Elemental Fire King with your current strength.}

"...Then is there something else? Something to make me stronger?"

{...Why are you in a hurry?…ease upon the challenges because no good will come to you and your frustrations…}

"...I know."

{...Your mind is full of thoughts that have no way of making any changes to your problems…It only continues to stir the already murky water.}

"I know…but."

{...I do not understand why you had to go to the trouble of involving yourself to the life of the next descendant to the title of the Wing King…you simply let out your frustrations to this boy because of the events that happened…}


{...Why are you doing so much uncontrolled damage to his nature?}

"I had to remind him of what he is…he has not lost anything in this battle because of me. And due to that, I worry for what will come of the future if he does not grow to the way he is supposed to be."

{...Let his future come on Fates accord…and let yourself be freed from the burdens of someone's life…it is not yours to stir.}

"...No, I can't…not when I know I'm too weak to do anything."


"Tell me, how do I get stronger?"

{...I see that your mind will only ever ease in the state of motion…very will.}


{The Shadow Skin…it has the ability to evolve further from its simply hard armor.}

"What do you mean?"

{Once there was a clan who mastered the ability to control their fears…and from there, they controlled their shadows and merged them into their own bodies..from head to toe, they mastered the Shadow Skin…The name of this clan was none other than the Crow Talon Clan…}

"...The Crow Talon Clan!? The same clan that I'm apart of?"

{...Yes, you are right.}

"But you said that you created this skill. You named it yourself…How is it that your teachings were sent to the Crow Talon Clan? They don't worship anything but a saint of the night…St. Gara himself." Hamil said this in reference to the information he had on the clan.

{...Gara is a son of mine.}

"What!?" Hamil was shocked to hear this from him.

It may seem believable seeing as how both of them had the characteristic to have the compatibility of the darkness…but still, this was never mentioned in the novel. Hamil could only ever react to the familial connection between him and the saint that the Crow Talon Clan worships…

{...Going back to the Shadow skin. It has the ability to become more than a shadow's armor…the next stage of its form is to become a monster itself.}

"Becoming a monster?" Hamil was confused and a little bit worried by the mention of a monster.

{...Knowing the parasitic characteristics of a Shadow Skin, it has the ability to devour a certain element or animal…one that I personally created myself.} Vexus Embratyl mentions of him creating an animal…and hearing it, Hamil wondered and if it possible because of the skill Genesis.

"Did you create it using Genesis?" asked Hamil.

{...I did…and to make it my very own creation, I laid my mark in its very existence. That way, no God nor King can ever create my creation without my permission.}

"You l-laid your mark on your creation? What does that mean?" Hamil was curious about what Vexus just implied. A very special matter at that.

{...Did Gordeseus not tell you?}


{..Huh, typical of him to forget an important aspect of this skill…Very well. I will tell you what it means to lay your mark on your very creation.}


{...In the very beginning , the aspects of ownership was hard to determine in the lands of Gods. Some argued who created whose creation first…others stole without permission…and because of this, the system made its rule upon all of those who had a say to their own creation that they must mark their creation by their soul…that way, one cannot simply make an item without the very verse of the Creators judgement.}

"...Are you saying that its like a patent to one's project?" asked Hamil as he wanted it to be simplified.

{...Exactly…that is why I warn you to simply not create an item of great reputation without first asking for the creator's permission.}

{Some Items have names that may seem irrelevant…but these named items are especially worthy to be noted of…head my warning boy or else, they may know of your existence.}

"...I got it. I'll remember this."

Knowing this added information, it gave Hamil a bit of a burden to use his ability. But it also gave him a bit of peace of mind of knowing what to look out for. If he was reckless and simply created anything materially important that was in the story, he would have been in big trouble.

In fact, he actually thought of replicating a certain item in the novel, one that had a special name to it. It was one of the ways he could have helped in making Arthur grow stronger...but now, that plan is gone.

"..." luckily for him, all of the creations he made as a practice until now were nameless and generic.

{...The animal that I created specifically for the evolution of the Shadow skin is one that is simply impossible to find by any normal means…and even if I do give you the permission to create this animal, you wont have a chance at catching it.}

"Is it that powerful?" asked Hamil.

{...Simply speaking, it is one that jumps and swims in the shadows. No material hand can physically touch it.}

"Then how do we actually attain this kind of animal?"

{...I think you already know where.}

"...I do?…Oh, the Black Ridge Market."


"But isn't that place watched over by a Dark God?"

{You will only be seen if you intend to cause harm in that place…the Black Ridge Market has everything you need…it wouldn't be so suspicious to buy something at a market after all.}

{...Buy, Not Question…Remember?} said Vexus as he reminded Hamil the simple rule of that place.

"I guess your right. Okay then, I guess we'll go after I change into some different clothes. I don't wanna go there looking like a student at the academy." He said as he was still wearing his uniform for the academy.

With that said, he got off the roof of his apartment and went into his room…but before he could go in, he remembered that he actually has not yet told the Old Lady Britches that he was coming back to this apartment after that incident with the academy.

"...Shit." It was already past midnight so it would be a bother to wake up the old lady now. So to avoid her altogether, he simply had to create his own set clothes by himself using genesis.

As he got undressed, he created a simple and unnoticeable pair bland clothes that don't get to caught by the simple eye. Along with that, he had to wear a simple but rugged leather armor to make it seem like he was a hunter who just got back from hunting in a gate. After all, the market is full of suspicious people, he didn't want to make any attention by simply going as a boy with normal clothes.

He didn't need to wear them piece by piece as when he created these shirts, he already put them on his body to make it easier for him. He put his uniform into his storage ring and made his way to the black Ridge Market.

He didn't want to cause so much attraction so he had to let the owls stay behind and look over the apartment.

And with that, he made his way to the Black Ridge Market.

One thing to know about the location of this place is that it can only be found in the most inconspicuous places. One particular place was a small ghost mall where under its nose, an entrance to the market was actually available all the time.

Because the Black Ridge Market was looked over by a Dark God, it basically means that this market was under the domain of this god.

With having so many entrances and exits, it meant that the market was accessible by artificial gates that connected straight to the main entrance of the market itself. So no matter where you enter in all the entrances for the market in the kingdom, you will all go to the same main entrance for that market. With that said, there was a toll for going to the market.

With the power of Genesis, Hamil could easily pay for the entrance…but knowing that a Dark god was watching over them, he had to be very careful with his actions.

Going inside the market wont be cheap…but knowing the stored up amount of money he gained over the past few days, he can manage going in without trouble.

Arriving at the ghost mall, he was surprised to see a couple of hunters going in the mall. He wondered that there was probably a high chance of them going to the black ridge market. So easily enough he just had to follow them without getting noticed.

After a while, they were able to lead him into the right place. And looking at it, it seems as though the entrance to the place was a run-down old noodle shop that sells great ramen. He could tell that this was the true entrance seeing as how there was a specific mark on one of the choices of ramen's this shop had. It had the sign of the dark god by the side of a option on the menu.

"...Hmm, this is pretty much the place." he said to himself as he entered the store.

As soon as he came inside, he was shocked to see that the store was not packed at all. There were no hunters who just came in or anyone for that matter. All there was to this place was the statue of a weird cat who was biting on a pair of chopsticks and the chief who was waiting for someone to order his warm noodles.

'...I can probably go in to the entrance if I order that weird option in his menu." he thought to himself as he could notice the outrages price for that option. It was clearly a pass to the entrace for the market.

"...I'll have the 'Black Lickysong Udon Ram-in'…please."

"...Is that all?" asked the chief.

"...Y-yeah." answered Hamil nervously.

"...That'll be 120,000 ences." said the Chief.

"..." without question, Hamil brough out his phone and transferred the money through.

"...I received it…just go to the back and meet with Edward." said the chief.

"..."without saying anything, Hamil made his way to the back of the ramen shop and meet with a man who looked like a butcher. Seeing as how bloody his apron was and how bulky his arms were.

"You must be Edward." Hamil tried to assume…but all he got in return was a scoff at this man.

Edward's eyes were pointing to the direction where a fridge was standing at a weird spot. It wasn't even plug in from where Hamil was looking.

"...A fridge? That's the entrance?"

"Just go in." with his low and cold voice, Hamil had no option but to go in.

As he opened the fridge, he was quickly strangled in by a tentacle that came to drag him in like an animal.

"Oh shi-"

Without finishing his sentence, he was out of this domain and into the black market like any normal customer would do.