Judgement at Home

Passing through the artificial gate, we arrived at a medium sized room that looked like a storage warehouse, but looking down on the floors, I saw unique written runes which I could only ever presume to be the one thing that handles the activation for the gate that we just passed through.


"...Where are we?" I asked.


"...We're at Teleport Site F, by the docks of village." said Aunt Mary as she looked at her wristwatch.


"You might not have known about it, but this is a new addition to the clan. With a total of eight Teleportation sites scattered in the island, we can have access to travel throughout all over the world as long as its by the order of a mission." said Elven as he went upfront and opened the door from this place.




As it opened, I was greeted by the sight of a few fishermen handling their nets and boats. And with their boats, we were definitely by the ocean. Seeing its waves, I felt nauseous to see the ocean again in such a long time. My truama is still dug deep within me and to it, I couldn't help but feel nervous at the sight of its nature.


The Crow Talon clan is an infamous clan only known to the few…with its location disclosed, not a single person in the world knows of its placement aside from the people who live in said island. It was founded by St. Gara who has lived for 400 years and has made the clan grow to a point of its current reputation. 


In this Island, everyone who lives here, knows of the existence of the Clan. But barely anyone has the knowledge to ever comprehend the workings of the clan. To the citizen's knowledge, the people who are part of the clan are only known for their work of handling jobs such as Hunting, gathering resources from all over the world and managing the safety and identity of the island. Anything about assassination or the likes are unknown to the common folk.


And being such a discreet place, people aren't allowed to leave the island at any cost. It was given order by this said "Emperor" who watches over the people. This said Emperor was a leader who was assigned by the true main heads of the island, and those heads were from the Four Elders who makes the true decision to where this island would move forward. The same elders who gave the decision to give me five years of freedom in exchange for what my said "Parents" deal.


And despite it being very strict to the notion of "True Freedom", the people of this island simply accepted this rule and they lived their lives as is. And with that acceptance, the island provided them with every necessary need for survival and growth. From schooling, to health care and everything else, it was provided.


With the clan being what it is, only certain families are permitted to joining the Crow Talon clan. And in some cases, if they were to find certain talents within the island, these children also have the chance to accommodate themselves as a training member. And the moment you walk into the school of the clan, it is by rule that you are not allowed to leave the clan's grounds. Only at a certain age will you be allowed to leave once again, but by then once a person leaves the clan's training grounds, they wouldn't be the same person as to when they walked in.


The whole theme of this dangerous clan is based off of the Japanese aesthetic. Seeing their architecture and nature of clothing, one can admit that the author took inspiration from Japan. Even to its situation where Japan was isolated from the rest of the world for over two centuries, the author took inspiration and made it identical to have this island be isolated as well.


Now with that said, as I walked out with my three man-sized owls, the people immediately took notice of these owls. And with that notice, a certain group of men came walking forward with a certain bag on their hands.


One man pulled something out from his bag and latched it on my limbs. 


"..." I didn't struggle so much because I knew where this was going. 


I was being detained on the spot by the people who appeared before all of us.


With my legs chained, my arms chained and my neck looped around with a rope of a unique incantation, the men who came up to me, lead me to the very place that my judgement would be taken place.


Aunt Mary told me that the moment I came back home, a sense of trial would commence in judgement of my existence to be apart of this clan.


"...Don't worry, it'll only take a moment. I can't give you any hints on what to do in this situation, but I want you to say what your truth is. It doesn't matter if you lie or not, the Elders already know what your life consist of. They are already aware of the five-year peace you've been given and went through." said Aunt Mary as she followed behind.


As we walked in the gray bricked road, away from the shore, more and more people were starting to gather at the sight of my presence as I was chained like a slave while being pulled to a certain location. It was to their curiosity to see something new for being isolated from the rest of the world. So for them, I was a stranger…a new face in town. Also, the owls that were following me were also taking in the attraction from the people as well. The kids found it cute while the adults were curious to its incredible size. But we moved forward after their intervention and we continued on.


When we came upon a flight stairs, I could see the crowds of people following by as they too walked up the stairs.


"...It's about 10,000 steps up at this point. Good luck." said Aunt Mary as she informed me about this stair pathway leading to the top.


And with it, a few men in black came for her along with the four students and informed her to go to a certain location. I didn't know what it was that these men told Aunt Mary, but it was clearly an order from the higher-ups of this island. So they left. But the owls on the other hand, simply walked with me.


"Let's go, We should make ourselves up there before the sun sets." said the man holding on to the chains that bind me.


"..." I didn't say anything, but simply followed by as he walked up front as the lead.


After the 600th step, we stopped and found a flat area where a few hundred people were gathered by to celebrate some sort of festival.


"...What is going on? Is there a festival?" I asked.


"You don't know? It's the Eclipse Festival, the day that the great St. Gara visits under an eclipse and grants the people a message that informs them of the current nature for the upcoming months left in this year. Whether its good luck or bad luck, St. Gara will tell his message." said the man.


"...I see." having understood the basic meaning behind his explanation, we moved forward and simply walked pass by these people who were enjoying the festival.


As we passed through the festival, we continued on the 9400 steps left to reach the top. At times when we continued to walk, we came upon stuffings of clouds by the edges of the cliff by the side of the stairs. When looking down, we were already so high up, the air was getting thinner each step I took.


Finally, after hours a slow walking speed, we came upon a black gate that was about ten meters tall and having the sign of the clan, it must be the place that my trial would commence on.


"We're here, don't try to do anything reckless or else." said the man pulling on my chains.


As we entered, what greeted me was nothing more than the judgemental gazes from the people of my age and older that knew of my position. With their all-black attire, some had pitiful looks, others were blank, and some were smiling deviously as if they found it amusing that I finally came back to the clan after five years. It clear to see how they think by their faces.


"Let's go, the elders are waiting." said the man leading me on.


And with it, I walked to while ignoring their snob faces. But as I minded my own business, a rock was thrown at my head.




And with it, a number of laughs were heard from the distance.







And in reaction, the owls tried to attack those people who threw the rocks, but I had to stop them as it might make things more frisky than it already is.


"..." when I turned to stop the owls, the man holding on to my chains pulled me forward. Reminding me that the four elders were waiting.


"Lets go." he said.


"...okay." and with it, we continued walking. It didn't really bothered me that the ones who threw the rock were mocking me, since I knew who those people were in contexts of their character. They were the stereotypical bullies found in this novel and if I react ever so typically like that of a simple weak person would, it would be the start of a simple show of domination out of their side.


In the end, the only right thing to do in this matter is to ignore them and hope that they won't come back to fight me.


While walking forward, the eyes of the people inside the Clan's grounds were always on me…


My existence and my situation was already known to these people.


'The boy who lived freely for five years at the expense of his parent's lives…'


This was how it was taken at face value. And seeing how bad it was to think of that tagline, I just hope I could turn it around and make a new expression of myself in this clan.


"...We're here." said the man who pulled my chains.


And with it, I was faced with a gate that was guarded by a pair of guard carrying a spear on hand. The same guards who was here when I came to receive the news of my parent's death…nothing has changed here for the last five years…


The owls had to stay by the gate. Seeing as how the guards stopped them at their foot, I had to order them as well to not go further. And they complied to it despite their glares at the guards.


As we were then let in the gates, I was meet with another gathering of people…


All who seemed to look more older than those who were by the entrance of the clan's grounds. Along with these old men and women were a few kids my age who seemed to be more silent and observing in a bad way. My aunt was also among these people as well as those four students following her around. I can only assume that the men and children in this place were all students who are training under each master that stood at the sidelines.


And with these people, four elder men sat in front by the veranda, waiting for me to present myself.


"...Hmm, you've grown boy." said the Elder who sat at the Right end, wearing a yellow Kimono.


"Indeed, You are more than ripe enough to express yourself from our nest." said the Elder who sat next to the Elder who wore a Red Kimono.


"How was the Five years of Freedom boy? Were you truly free as you would have intended?" asked the Elder who sat at the left end, wearing a Blue Kimono.


"...Or was it Dull and lack of wonder?" asked the last Elder who wore the Gray Kimono. 


"...It was fine. I've lived my life as I've wanted and now, I'm back." I said as I looked at the same old faces back to when I was here five years ago.


Meeting the elders, it reminded me of back when I was faced with the four Rulers…


The pressure wasn't as intense, but I can see that these four elderly men had the greatest authority here in this clan. I couldn't measure how strong they were individually, but I can still make the assumption that the Rulers were stronger…thinking that as is, it was by pure presence or nature. Seeing them stare at me so intently, I stared back with no sense of fear.


Their only reaction was a scoff and nothing else.


And looking around, I can see that the people who stood here with the elders all had this strong presence within them as well…


I can see now that these people were masters. 


"We brought you here under the authority of what is rightfully done by the 'Rule of Trust'. Are you, Hamil Crux, capable of being trusted by the entirety of the clan yet again, even after leaving for such a long period of time?" asked the Elder who wore the Yellow Kimono.


"How do I prove myself?" I asked.


"That depends on you entirely…How can you prove yourself to us?" asked the Yellow Elder.


Thinking deep on it, I knew that I had no deep answer to this…and with what Aunt Mary just said to me, being truthful is key to my acceptance.


"...I came back because it was under the deal that we made. Five years…for those five years, I've lived my life entirely out of my volition. Now that I've returned, I only have one thing in mind…one thing that I drastically need." 


"And what is it that you need?" asked the blue elder.


"...Power, I need power above everything else." I say with no filter or pause.


"Hahaha! You ask us this…the masters of the clans, but I ask, what right do you have to ask us of such folly!?" said one of the people who stood by the sideline. The kind of man who wore round gold-tinted glasses.


"...Indeed, it is a foolish request." said another master. A master that was fully muscular in his entire body type. Someone who reminds me of being a professional bodybuilder.


"...I can agree that what I'm asking is foolish, buts its only ever foolish to its end when the one who ask for it is one who knows not of his desire. I am not blind to power…I know full well of where I stand, and what I'm capable of…I simply want a master to teach me."


"From what we know of your current progresses through your five years of freedom, we saw it to be worthwhile of even giving you such a chance…you have talent." said Red Elder.


"For the first four years and 10 months of your freedom, you've done nothing but lazing around, wasting away, attempting to suicide…these were your actions. But after so…the last months, you've made some questionable developments." said a woman who stood at a court-desk of which she only carried a single paged paper.


"Questionable how?" I asked.


"You've raised your ranks at an unbelievable pace. From being a hunter who is but a minimal F-ranker to now which seems to be of that of a current C-ranker, which is based off the data that was gathered through surveillance…it seems questionable to see your exponential growth for the last two months." said the woman in a yukata.


".…anything else?" I asked.


"23….does this number mean anything to you?" she asked.


"...No." I answered,


"...That is a lie. For in that number is the amount of days that you have been seen missing since June 8 and only were you then found back was on July 1st....no tracks were found in your location which was the theme park where you disappeared from. It was as if you disappeared completely. One would have thought that you tried to run away…but you were then found alive…at your apartment at July 1st, so you didn't run away." 




"So tell me, what happened in that 23 days of silence?" asked the woman in the yukata.


"...." I said nothing face front.


"A lot of speculations could be made from this event. One would assume that you were kidnapped by the black ridge market on the assumption that they knew that you were a member of the clan, another theory spoke of you being devoured by a Hero's gate and was spat back out…and, you found a gate in said Theme park and made your time growing in this gate…that could explain your instantaneous growth…




"...so tell us, what happened?" she asked menacingly.




"You stand in front of the elders as a subject of question. When asked, you must reveal your truth!" shouted the lady.


"...you are right to assume those things, and you are right…I was able to conquer a gate…ranked around E to D in its difficulty." I say as I stood with a cold poker face.


"You conquered a gate? You? Then you wouldn't mind testing that truth would you?" she asked.


"...How would that happen?" I asked.


"...the rope around your neck acts as a truth teller. If you lie, the rope will tighten…and if not, you have said your truth." she said.


And with it, they asked me to touch the rope and spoke my statement.


"...On June 8, I was sucked into a gate and with it, I was able to conquer it…23 days later." I say as I stood ever so calmly.


"..." the rope did not react and everything was seemingly found truthful on my words.


"hmm...It seems as though things are in order." said the lady as she then went off the desk and turned to another matter at hand.


"Regarding so with that fact, you who by your words have conquered a gate. And with it, you wish to become stronger…before anything else, you must prove yourself." asked the blue elder.


"...Should I prove myself then?" I asked as I stared at the defying master who spoke first from the sidelines.


"Enough! This is not something you can easily attain boy, and it is not your right to claim the teachings from a master, it is the master who must find you to be worthy…do you understand?" asked one of the masters by the sidelines.


"...I understand clearly, that is why I want to prove myself." I say again.


"We shouldn't move pass the original question at hand. To gain back your right be apart of the clan, you must undergo the four trials made under the visage of trust." asked the Yellow Elder.


"...Four trials? I understand." I said.


"We believe that just as tradition is made under the Saint's wisdom, only when a member proves himself by trial, will he be rewarded by then." said the Gray Elder.


"The first trial, being the test of the The Abyssal Cave." said the Yellow Elder.


"The second Trial, Hunting in the Dark." Said the Red Elder.


"The third trial will be The Phantasmal Bridge." said the Blue Elder.


"And the last trial, The Poison Jar." said the Gray Elder.


In succession of speaking these trials, the reactions of the masters and every student nearby was all shock and awe. It seemed like it was hard to believe that such words were said.


"...How will this prove to be an aspect of trust?" I asked.


"The Trials comes with its details…you'll know by then why passing through these test will prove your right to be apart of the clan once again." said the gray elder.


"Now, with it, the test begins tomorrow immediately!" said the Yellow Elder.


And with it, the chains were cuffed off and I was let go. And by then, my aunt came running to me with a worried expression. 


"...W-What's wrong?" I asked.


"W-whythose trial!?…" She Shouted to the Elders. In her very expression, her voice was aching at the emotion of wanting to cry. 


".…I don't understand. You told me that a trial was to be given to test my loyalty to this clan? They gave it, so why are you crying?" I asked.


"...seventy trials…there are seventy trials throughout the entirety of this island that could simply prove your worth…but they choose to give the four most devastating one's out of them all. Why those four trials!?" she screamed.


"...Is it really that bad?" I asked.


"...you won't survive…and I can't do anything to help you…" she said.


"...I see." having to understand her worries, I turned to the Elders in question.


"...Are these trials final?" I asked.


"You ask for power boy, and in return, either you accept what it is that may come your way or you face death by execution." said the Red Elder.


".…I see." having turned to my worried Aunt, I did everything icould to comfort her.


"Its okay Auntie, everything will be okay." I say as I rubbed her back to comfort her.


"..." as she stood with tears in her eyes, all four of her students came to face me.


"...This is bad, really bad." said Elven as he looked rather uneased by this.


"Tell me, how bad are those test?" I asked. 


"I've only heard rumors but, the poison jar was said to be so difficult to pass that only people who's at their graduating levels are able to accomplish the task. No one knows the contents of that test, because barely anyone who does undergo this test is most likely not going to survive." said Eloise.


"The second trial is a simple task about being hunted by professional assassins…its hard to say if its good or not on what kind of person hunts you down, but all I know is that you need to hide until the sun rises, if you are hunted down, there's a good chance that you might die." said Mark. 


"Die?" I asked.


"Hunting…your being hunted like an animal, there's nothing else to explain it by!" said Mark.


"..The Phantasmal Bridge…that's something not a lot of people go through since its made for people who are willing to strengthen their mentality and abilities in understanding illusions. You would be fine if you got a strong head on you." said Tenshin.


"The Abyssal Cave is also like the Phantasmal Bridge…buts its dark and confusing. You'll be stuck there for days…" said Elven.


"...Thanks for warning me." I said to the four.


"I don't get it, why did they gave those four trials…its unthinkable how impossible it seems to have those four trials be together in one event…its not normal." said Mark.


"..." thinking about these trials and its absurdity, I turned to where the elders were and saw that they had the same expression they put out the moment I walked into this place. Blank and unfeeling.


"Did you have any worries boy?" asked the Gray Elder.


"...No, I'm set to go." I said as I looked to them with a confident smile.


"No! It can't be like this!" screamed my aunt in protest.


"...Silence, the boy has accepted the trials..and as such, by tradition, we will commence by its date. There is no more need for folly of contradiction in this ground." said the Yellow Elder.


With this, the masters made their way out, but before they could all leave, one by one, the masters turned to me with a curious gaze. One of them reached out with a question.


"...Hmm, quite brave aren't you?" he asked as he looked from head to toe of my figure. This master in particular was a man who had an afro on his head…and was carrying a Katana by his hip.


"Its necessary if I don't want to die…" I said in return. 


"Hmph! You won't make it boy!" said another master who walked up to me. Hearing his voice, I was reminded that he was the same person who was mad at my request of wanting to have a teacher teach me in the clan.


Along with him, two teens the same age as me, looked my way with a cold gaze. Both seemed to have the same face, making them twins.


"Here's a piece of advice boy, survive…" said the master with the afro. And with it, he left me alone.


"...I know." and to my answer, a smile emerged from my face…one smile that dictated the very fire of my own excitement.


"Hahaha, I'll be expecting good things boy." said the man with the afro, and with it, he left along with a student who who had the same hairstyle as him.


"...Afro, huh." as I made that comment, I turned to my aunt and still saw her dreadful expression.


"...Come on, lets take her home." said Tenshin as she was there to support Aunt Mary as well. 


It seemed like the day ended as it was. 


And I was able to keep my secret to what happened back in the theme park. By twisting my words a little bit, I was able to escape the rope's detection, but even if it did detect my lie, I was ready to reconfigure the rope's system of judgement using Genesis. It might have been risky, but I would have taken the chance, luckily, I didn't have to.