
"You don't know how happy i am to meet you, everything i wasn't able to do for Travis,I'm gladly do it for you. Daire fashions is gonna go worldwide like your father always wanted, you'll have the most prominent customers, i was told you have a little workshop in my son's garden. I'm gonna transform it into.."

"Dad,stop" Harold suddenly said.

"What? Why?" Mr Marshall asked.

Harold sighed..."I didn't plan to reveal this, this way but i have plans for Daire fashions already. I'm going to handle it dad"

"We both can handle it" Mr Marshall said.

Irene was still stunned...she couldn't even process everything, she was still sad in remembrance of her father's death and tears won't stop streaming down her face.

"Can i le..ave? I need to,i need sometime to myself" Irene said.

"Yes you can leave, will you be fine?" Harold asked and she nodded.