17.Zhao Tang

Jaden was currently residing in country A, which was not very populous but housed the majority of the economic Giants. Truth be told, this country was very powerful, and they held the current World leading Virtual reality, MMORPG. myriad Realm.

Country A is a peaceful and serene environment for business people to relax and develop good business ideas. Scientists from other countries are also flying in to this country to relax their minds.

Jaden loves his country for one reason: they were supportive. If it hadn't been for the government of this country constantly coming to the orphanage home to look after the kids and provide their basic necessities (food, clothing, education, and shelter), Jaden would have been stranded and uneducated.

The Generic firm's office is located in the government reserve areas where most firms are built, in a high raised building with 20 floors. The Zhao family owns this company.

The Zhao family is known for being computer geniuses; they created a generic Android phone with more advanced features than other phones.

One of the features is that it can display holograms. Its battery can also last for almost 10 days, and the phone was designed to look like a gaming phone with a mech-like pad.

Zhao Tang, however, is the heir of the Zhao family. Zhao Tang is known as a playboy and a spendthrift who loves women; however, he is attractive, so he had the courage to do so.

Zhao Tang was the person who killed Jaden in his previous life, as well as the person who stole Jaden's alleged lover.

Zhao Tang and Jaden met in Myriad Realm, became friends, and did many things together. They both formed a Guild, with Zhao Tang as guild master and Jaden as deputy.

Despite this, Jaden was far more prosperous and overshadowed Zhao Tang in the game, despite the fact that Zhao Tang was the first to enter the game.

Zhao Tang became envious and began stalking Jaden using his father's connections. He also discovered that Jaden had a crush on a girl, so Zhao Tang used his connections to woo the girl into his harem.

He expected Jaden to be irritated as a result of this. But he was sorely mistaken; Jaden was the most attractive man he knew and had ever seen, possibly the most attractive man in the entire world. He only used his family name and money to outperform the other party.

The girls in the guild noticed Jaden was becoming more famous in the game, They began seducing him, Trying their best, But Jaden refused them

Jaden was famous in his previous life, albeit not as densely as in real life, but he was only able to cause a site-wide broadcast once, when he led the members of his guide through a rank B+ dungeon that appeared.

What Jaden didn't realize was that while he was playing the game, Zhao Tang broke into his room and waited for him to go offline, at which point Zhao Tang killed him.


When Zhao Tang was forcibly logged out of the game again, he became so enraged that he threw the helmet and broke it to pieces.

"What's the point when I can't even level up? Who are those soldiers, and why are they always coming after me?" Zhao Tang yelled angrily.

Zhao Tang has always been pursued and killed by soldiers, and if he tries to flee, he will be killed by a random beast.

Unbeknownst to him, he has begun harvesting a small portion of the crops he planted during Jaden's life.

Zhao Tang calmed down and beckoned to the guard in his room, asking the guard to get him a new Helmet.

A player can have multiple helmets but only one account as long as their faces are the same. it's just like how a person can only have one ID card and the person photocopied it.

While walking out of the room, the guard encountered a potbellied middle-aged man walking in; the guard bowed and immediately left.

"Father!" Zhao Tang smiled as he approached his father. Zhao, Kong

"What is your Myriad Realm player name?" Zhao Kong inquired without regard for Zhao Tang's greeting.

Zhao Tang replied nervously, "Genericfighter."

"What is the level? Are you one of the top ten players?" Zhao Kong inquired.

"Level 2, I'm not on the player list, Something strange is happening to my avatar, everything I spawn, some soldiers chase me and make sure I die before leaving," Zhao Tang stated matter-of-factly, his eyes almost turning red.

"That's none of my business, but have you met that player known as chaosGod?" Zhao Kong snorted at his son's misfortune, saying that this son is only good with girls and wasting money on frivolous things.

"I just told you that I can't level up, that I can't even spend an hour, dad, that I... "

"Save me from that nonsense, Get that player chaosGod on our side, You have only two weeks to make him sign a contract with us, or you'll never be able to bear the name Zhao again, Humph! You're a useless son of a b*tch "Zhao Kong said as he turned away, leaving Zhao Tang speechless.

"Because you are my father, you are also one in this case." Zhao Tang stated this.

"What did you say with that pathetic mouth of yours?"

"Nothing, I said I'd be quick about what you said," Zhao Tang replied.

Zhao Kong stormed out of the room, leaving Zhao Tang in despair and helplessness.

He took out his phone and went to the internet, where he saw the news that made his mouth water.



"If Dad truly believes he will have this player on his side, he should stop daydreaming because that can't happen," Zhao Tang pondered.

How much would it cost to entice a godlike player like chaosGod to join their party? How is he going to strike up a conversation with the other party now that he can't even play the game?.


꧁This week's Event꧂

we were able to collect 22 power stones in total last week, for which I am extremely grateful to your guys.

Before next Sunday, I'll start an event this week if we are able to collect...

50 Power stones = one extra chapters

75 power stones = two extra chapters

100 power stones = three extra chapters.


Discord server is opened now.
