Ariana's Missing

"I came here for a walk and suddenly got lost". I lied.

"oh really! what could you be doing in the forest?, taking a walk". she sneered.

"and what are you also doing here?". I asked snubbing her questions.

"it's none of your business". she said grabbing her backpack heading in a straight direction.

"you're heading in the wron".

Before I could speak I heard a loud voice screaming as Ariana fell in the pit. I rushed over bending my head to look at her I also jumped into the pit.

"are you okay". I asked.


I was so enraged first I was fooled by Mia and. know I'm stuck in the woods with this "thing". my day couldn't get any worse and what of Evan he will be arriving soon. And know this fool also jumped into the pit. I swear once I'm out of here I'll make Mia pay for tricking me.

"you fool who asked you to jump in". I shouted trying to stand up straight but I couldn't I had sprained my ankle.

"I wanted to see if you were okay". he asked.

"okay I'm not doing okay, my leg hurts". I yelled at him.

"if we are both in the pit how will we get out now". I asked staring daggers at Joshua.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to". he apologized

"sorry, didn't mean it, will that get us out of here". I shouted at him.

"I told I'm sorry already". he yelled at me.

"wow he's yelling at me for jumping into the pit, how clever". I thought as I sat down gently on the grass.

Joshua walked up to me and crouched down to my level taking the leg that got injured. I was nervous and tried to remove my leg but I couldn't instead he looked at me and said:

"doesn't your leg hurt".

He carefully massaged the leg as my face reddened with embarrassment. I looked up at his face to see him well focused on my leg. He looked quite handsome while doing the massage. I blushed even harder. I tried to remove my face from his face when he suddenly looked up and caught me staring at him.

"do you find me that enchanting". he asked in a flirty tone which sent shivers down my spine.

"no I'm not". I denied and pulled my leg away from his grip.


It was already 3:45 and Ariana wasn't back from her stroll, I looked everywhere for her but I just couldn't find her, I rushed to the girls room hanging on the door and Amber opened the door.

"girl's Ariana's missing". I yelled trying to catch my breath.

"what!!". they both screamed looking at me. just then a knock was also heard on the door of the room.

"guys Joshua's missing". Jake screamed as he barged into the girls room.

"what do you mean". I asked him.

"I looked everywhere for Joshua! he's no where to be found". he explained.

"wait since Ariana and Joshua are missing it's likely they are together so no need to worry". Sarah said gently.

"what if they are in danger". I asked.

"fine if they aren't back before 5 pm we report to the authorities okay". Sarah assured.

"okay". I said walking out of the room with a sad expression.

"maybe she's talking to Joshua for me". I thought as I smiled sheepishly heading back to the room.