Chapter 5: Deathwatch Departure


A/n please skip this as this is only for the user called "Ferus1" specifically.

I have responded to you about the OC Jinx you made. I don't know why my comment replies to you are getting deleted but I sent it in the form of screenshot underneath the comment section of the Auxiliary Chapter called "Midichlorian Count List". Please look at that.

Also go to my discord as I mostly post all my info for my FanFics there as a reference and can easily respond to you there.

My new and permanent discord link that I fixed and made is


*One year later*


Hawke is adopted by Deathwatch at 9 years old, in 42 BBY (32 BBY is when Naboo is invaded, he will be 19 years old by then.)

Pre Vizla recruited Adrian Hawke and taught him everything about the Mandalorian code and Warrior ways.

He also teaches him personally everything he know in order to get on a better relationship with Mr.Hawke (Disguised).

36 BBY

6 Years go by and Hawke decides to leave and become a Mandalorian Merc after having learnt everything he can. Fortunately, Pre Vizla didn't try to indoctrinate him yet as he doesn't want to mess up his alliance with Hawke (Disguised).

Pre Vizla decides to contact Hawke (Disguised (This time it is Kara)) to ask what he should do since this is a big decision that he can't take due to the risk of losing his relationship with Hawke (Disguised).

He is told to allow Adrian Hawke to leave.

Pre Vizla had calmed and allows Adrian Hawke to leave and become a Mandalorian Merc.

Over the years spent with Deathwatch, Adrian learnt that his Creation Ability does have admit and isn't as infinite as he had thought. He discovered this when he tried to obtain Eru Metal.

All he could obtain was enough to graft his Armour and Vibrobalde, but that was it. He could only coat it in Eru Metal like a layer of skin on the Armour and Vibroblade.

Originally he had wanted to use it for his ship as well, but unfortunately all he could get was enough to fill a small Kitchen sink.

He also learnt he couldn't make any more Vibranium and had decided to store the rest of it away. He was able to have enough to have his gear and his entire ship made from Vibranium at least.

That was why he had stopped selling Vibranium and decided in the future that he would track down all the Vibranium he did sell and reobtain them. After all, it is a finite resource now that he can't let some bumbling idiots waste.

He created his ship using a plethora of various resources. In short, it is now like the Warframe Orbiter ship I terms of all its functions it had inside.

It had two forms, it can transform since it can change its shape and structure exactly like a Cybertronion in the Transformers Universe.

His ship was made if and had the following:


• Destiny "Home Away" ship (main)

• Destiny "Glad Tidings" Ship (Main transforms into this)

Made of:

• Eridian Vault Dimensional Space (makes it so that the inside is like Larger space. Basically imagine the Harry Potter Extention charm that Newt uses to have his animals. Or like Hermione's Wormskin pouch (the ship is the size of a TIE STRIKER but the inside is as large as an CR90 Corvette))

• Truecalidium (A)

• Truellium (A)

• Ducalidium (A)

• Vicarllium (A)

• Truellium Cores

• Orokin Reactor

• Bio-Cartridges

• Progenitor Cells (3)

• Derivative cells

• Nerocyte Progenitor Cells

• Exocyte Progenitor Cells

• Hemocyte Progenitor Cells

• Cephalid

• Protomatter

• Technomatter

• Sentio Metallico

• Birth Metal

• Cyber-Matter

• Sparked Metal

• Elemental Metal

• Transformium

• Transposing Kiln Reactor (Makes Souls or Force energy into energy. Also acts like a Soul Forge)

• Father Box Engine

• Mother Box Engine

• Arc Reactor

• Besker Metal

• Adamantium Ram (at the front of he ship to Ram like Pirate ships into other things)

• Vibranium

Functions and others:

• Self-Repair

• Self-Maintenance

• Cloaking Device

• Phantom Drive

• Stealth Drive

• Shield Generator (ISU, 'The Shard' of Eden Artifact upgraded)

• Ion Engines

• ISU-Miniture-Mass-Relay Hyperdrive Engines (Assassin's Creed ISU, Mass Effect, Star Wars)

• Tractor-Beam Projector

• Deflector Shields

• Miniture Gravity Well Projector

• Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainers

• Tracking Systems


• Drop Pod/Scout Ship hybrid (Yautjia)

• Trophy Room

• Bedrooms

• Kitchen

• Laboratory

• Pool

• Common Room

• Dining Room

• Gym

• Gun Range

• Launching Bay

• Spa

• Arcade

• Library

• Armory

• Garage

• Bar

• Sat-Com (Yautjia)

• Animus Room

• ISU Forge

• Foundry

• Transposing Kiln Wellspring

• Orpheleon A.I. (Ratchet & Clank)


• Sleeper Simulent weaponry (Destiny gun)

• Ion Pulses

• Plasmacaster (Yautjia)

• Turbolasers

• Concussion-Missle Launchers

• Weapon Targeting Systems

• Ion Cannons

• Seeker Swarm (Mass Effect)


• Medical Droids

• Utility Droids

• Mouse Droids

• R1-7S (aka. Rits)

• Protocol Droids

• [More Un-mentioned Droids as of now]

(A/n Yep....u heavily underestimated Eridian Vault Dimensional Space Knowledge stuff. This is how he can have all this shift. Now you know his tech is do Broken. He has more functions, just these are what I showing for now. The rest will be shown with his gear in Auxiliary Chapter when I make it)

Hawke actually wanted to upgrade the weaponry even further but couldn't as this was all he could get done on his own, tbrought the years he was also with Deathwatch.

During his time at Deathwatxh he had shown such skill that he was sent on a mission to eliminate a hostile Clan.

Hawke agreed to this since he did his research beforehand to see which Clans should be eliminated or reformed due to the crimes and corruption in them.

Clan Akaanir was one of the the clans he was sent to eliminate. Hawke had said he wanted to do it solo, which baffled everyone but they allowed him.

(A/n I have put an image if the YouTube video you should watch to see, this will show you his skill and how he killed an entire clan solo.)

When he returned from eliminating the Clan, all of Deathwatch had then celebrated the tremendous ability of Adrian Hawke.

Back to the present, he leaves on his Destiny Modified Ship, which he had built over the years, and he bids Deathwatch Farewell for now.

While he was preparing his destination, Hawke decided to hunt down and eliminate Dr. Nudo Vindi so that the threat of the Blueshadow Virus is permanently eliminated from the Galaxy.

While Kara is tracking down Dr. Nudo Vindi, he goes to do some odd jobs here and there.

He decides to go and meet Jabba the Hutt. During the trip, he has ship piloted by Kara as he prepares to inject himself with the Omega-Syrum and have all his prepared Augmentations imprive his body.

He had Kara put him unconscious while inside if the Bacta-Tank and monitor his body vitals.

His body had twitched uncontrollably and spammed as if he was being burned alive and experiencing both a Herat Attack and a Seizure at the same time.

Fortunately, this all was painless for him and just bodily reflexes.

Thus began the adventures of the greatest Bounty Hunter and Mandalorian to ever exist.

(A/n You will get a bunch more chapters in a few hours and tomorrow. Along with Soulsborne System chapters tomorrow.)