Chapter 30: Farewells...

Jinx pov:

*Immediately after Ulthaan's duel vs Abeloth*

Location: Planet Naboo, Forests

I was meditating while levitating in a Lotus position beneath a Force Sensitive Tree I had found here on Naboo.

I had gone through many "Core Shifts" every century.

A "Core Shift" is an necessary and natural process of an Aswang's life that causes us to change our personality and identity. My current personality is of...well..I'm a little trigger happy and crazy at causing as much trouble and chaos wherever I go. My current name is Jinx, though that won't matter since I will have a new one in less than 80 years from now when my next "Core Shift" happens.

I maintain all my knowledge and experiences though.

I do have a Aswang given name, that represents me no matter what life or name I am currently living.

The Aswang name i was given is more if a title or alias, but it does differentiate us from our numerous identities.

Mine is "Starwind".

I was given this name due to my desire to explore the stars and travel the Galaxy, free and full of adventure. Just like the wind is ever changing in where it goes, it is free and cannot be controlled. Just like me.

I think it was 3,600 years ago...during the time of Vitiate. That was a life I would never forget...

I am an Aswang, that is my race. We are Shapeshifters, but we keep out race a secret from the rest of the Galaxy.

Those that do know of us call us Changlings. But they are so few that our secret was kept safe, as there were many shapeshifting races in the Galaxy, though non as potent as us. We can change into anything we have an biological understanding of their physiology.

We don't want to be involved in their political stifes.

We are among the one of the most powerful races to exist throughout the entire Galaxy.

All Aswangs are Force Sensitive, the weakest Aswangs are at least as strong as an average Jedi Knight of around 11,000 Midichlorians.

My HomeWorld is called Rashaang.

I had not set foot on Rashaang for over 4,000 years.

Our race do not have a lifespan as we are biologically Immortal. We can never die of old age.

I was 5,000 years old.

Though I had forgotten how old I exactly was after the time of the Mandalorian Wars and the Eternal Empire...I lost count after that point.

I had felt an odd feeling, a disturbance in the Force recently. And I came to this Force Sensitive Tree to meditae and discover what this disturbance could be.

But it felt more me...

It felt as was...

???: "It has been awhile Starwind..."

I turned around and took out my lightsaber as it ignited its silver Kyber Crystal.

I was a little jumpy due to the suprise if not sensing thsi individual.

But when I looked at them, I dropped my Lightsaber as tears began to roll down my eyes.

I haven't seen them for over 4,500 years.

Jinx: "M-MASTER!"

???: "Yes, that is who I am. Who else can I be?"

I stared at him for a long time, before approaching him and I cried as I hugged him tightly.

He had been alot of things to me and our relationship ran deep.

He was my Master, a Father-figure, a Friend, Brother, Uncle, Rival, Companion, Ally, Supporter, Savior and much more.

Whatever it was, he was always able to be that for me as I gre up on Rashaang fur my first two hundred years since birth, and then I had left. After that I had almost died many times as I was still too prideful at the time and very arrogant in my abilities.

So much so I had gotten into a situation where I count win and I was almost killed. But Master had come for me and saved me. He was by my side for hundreds of years, monger than anyone I have ever known. Even my lovers had all died from old age, but Master was still there with me longer than even them.

It seemed he understood how much our reunion was for me, as he wrapped my body with one hand, as his other seemed to be holding something.

Not only that but his wings had covered my whole body.

Jinx: "Master I-"

???: "How many times do I need to tell you young one. Call me by name, Ulthaan."

Jinx: "I can't! You will always be my Master!"

Ulthaan: "Not anymore, young one."

Jinx: "W-What do you mean?"

I was confused by his words, that I had unconsciously stuttered over my words.

He separated us and stood straight. As he towered above me with his great height.

He knelt down so we we Eye level and I knew this was very serious.

Ulthaan: "I have one final request to ask of you Starwind. Would you hear me out?"

Jinx: "Master, I don't...understand. we're Immortal. We will see each other again like we have now!"

Ulthaan: "Even after all this time, you still are the same. You never change. That's good. For someone will need you, this you for a long time."

Jinx: "Master?"

Ulthaan: "Please. Listen to my request."

Master has never begged me for anything, he was always strict yet kind, serious and powerful.

But now, he is showing weakness...he is begging to me.

Jinx: "I-I...I will do whatever you ask Master Ulthaan. I owe you that much for everything you've done for me."

Ulthaan: "Thank you."

He them moved and showed me what he held in his other hand. It was a young girl, a baby.

Ulthaan: "Remember her eyes, her aura, one day it will be important."

Once I nooded, I focused on memorising them as best I could. Once I affirmed i was done, he continued.

Ulthaan: "16 years from now, you must go to Tatooine. There will be a Togrutan man there who would need your help fir he will be hunted down for having tried to seek Justice fur his family. Go to Ord Mantell and there, you paths will cross with another's. You must guide him and help him in his journey."

Jinx: "What is his name?"

He just shook his head as he stood up and began levitating without needing to flap his wings.

Ulthaan: "I am afraid I cannot tell you that. I have already suad too much. This is my final farewell Starwind. I bless you on the path ahead of you. May you find happiness with a mate to be with you for all eternity."

I stumbled as I tried xahsimg after his distancing figure.

Jinx: "Wait! Master! Please! I need you! Ulthaan! Ulthaan please! Don't leave me!"

Ulthaan: "This is my final lesson to you. Now go and live your life. Stop being a wanderer and settle down with someone. Farewell Starwind."

Wamd with that, his figure vannished and I was left alone, as I fell to my knees and cried.

This always happens.

Those you know, those you care for and those you love and call friends will leave you one day. Be it by the passage of time or some other reason.

Being Immortal is a curse if I must see everyone I know leave me one day...


Present day...

I watched as I saw Adrian carry the Bounty Hunter girl Aureole Omega on board the Icarus and to the medical bay.

But something fells off about her.

Her aura...

It fells just like...

Adrian: "Why are you crying?"

I heard his sudden words as I don't even realise he had approached me.

I touched my cheeks and eyes and I was indeed crying.

Maybe the girl's aura had reminded me of Master's words.

Jinx: "Nothing. Just old memories. Anyway, why you kidnap a girl this time. Are you a pervert or something? Or is this just a fetishism of yours?"

Adrain: "H-How could you?! You damn heathen! You have joined the Templers!!! I will send Ezio to teach you a soon as I make a clone of him that is..."

Jinx: "*sigh* Here you go with that crao again."

Adrian: "Whatever! Hey Kara! How is Specimen Six doing?!"


*agressive Xenomorph sounds*

Adrian: "Wellll...I did tell you that Six is a fiesty one."


*even more aggressive Xenomorph sounds*

Adrian: "Fine! Jinx, put her in the medical bay, I'll deal with Six."

I just waved my hand and Aureole's body was easily lifted by me. But when I did, 5he feeling of her aura had begun to feel even more familiar...

Can it be the child Master told me to remember?








To be continued...Hunt for the Map Arc, Part 6: Jinx's secret and Moraband