Chapter 31: Meetra Surik's Identity

Author's Note: Damn...I'm researching over 300 pages on the Sith, Jedi and Je'daii Philosophies and dogmas to create my own one for the New Jedi Order MC is gonna have. It is hard AF! There's so much, but also very interesting.

BTW, how many of you know about Ry Nymbis, he's the first Twi'lek to become a Banite Sith (The Rule of Two) should brush up on your history then.

Also the Voting Poll is still open. I will tell you when it closes.

one think since i keep getting told this. yes i have spelling mistakes everywhere. i repeat, i type fast and dont have working on it. also stupid autocorrect keeps messing with me all the time. i will am currently organising all chapters for all my fics, once that is done, the editing will be smooth sailing then on out.


Hunt for the Map Arc, Part 6: Jinx Secret and Moraband


Adrian pov:


After I had visited my dear and lovely Xenomorph baby girl, Specimen Six...

Yes, the exact same one from the Aliens vs Predator video game.

She was and is the strongest Xenomorph to ever exist.

From when she was born inside the chest of the Human in the Wayland laboratory, she was the most intelligent if her kind.

Having realised she was going to be captured, she went back inside the chest of the Human she had just burst out from, and burst out from the throat instead.

Then when she was fully grown on only a few hours later, she had then been able to escape and free The Matriach (Xenomorph Queen of 2000 years old becomes an Enpress in name, not evolutionary Rank. The Matriach was still a Queen).

Then...she went on and infiltrated various places and fought entire leguons of enimies of varying kinds and strength levels.

Her final craziest feat was that she was able to fight and defeat not one, but two Yautjia Predator warriors at the same time! Furthermore, she had used a face hugger on one of them to create The Abomination (Half-Yautjia and Half-Xenomorph hybrid). Also known as an Predalien.

Upon The Matriach's death,Specimen Six had then evolved from a Drone into a Praetorian and then into a Xenomorph Queen.

This only happens if there is no existing Queen on the planet where a Xenomorph Hive exists. That will then mean the strongest and most capable of Xenomorphs will attempt to become a Queen via being exposed to Royal Jelly.

And Six was the lucky winner!

Why am I saying all this?

Because the Six I have in front of me, who is currently trying to penetrate my armour with her natural weaponry but can't, is the exact same one as I had described, as well as in memories and experience.

How did I do this?

I used the Animus to create memories inside of her DNA cells and I had also used my knowledge to make her into the most powerful Xenomorph to ever exist.

Even more powerful than a Newborn, Big Chad, Crusher, Queen Mother, Rogue King, White Hybrid and Deacon.

(A/n After Prometheus movie, in the comics its revealed the Deacon continued to grow to the size of a mountain but could never move its body.)

I made her into the TRUE "Perfect Organism.

Since she has the intellect of the White Hybrid and the Queen Mother, she possess the ability to speak and use Telepathy.

Her appearance is the same as any other Drone Xenomorph and how she was in game. But soon she will evolve into a Queen Mother and give birth to my grandest army.

She is completely loyal to me as I had programmed her to be within her DNA and memories.

But she is quite rebellious since she is trying to use Telepathy to communicate with others of her kind. I know this because I had used the Animus on her earlier, but left it for now.

She needs a Hive.

So far she is the only one of her kind and as such she is highly aggressive to others and defensive of herself.

I managed to calm her down by giving her a hallucinogenic version of the Queen Mother Royal Jelly.

This was the highest firm of Royal Jelly on the evolutionary list.

(A/n I made image of classic Family Tree as it was intended. No Prometheus family tree. Image here.)


After calming Six down, I went to go talk with Jinx. Time I got some answers.

While I don't want to fry into the memories and past of someone I had come to call a...friend, since my past life.

Gwen was the only real friend I could connect with. And now it was Jinx.

We had built a good friendship over the last 7 months since we had first met each other...and fought each other....rough start, i know.

But regardless, I need to know why she has a past that is so closely related with Meetra Surik.

Meetra Surik had alot about her.

She was known as "The Jedi Exile".

But all her achievements I didn't care about. I cared about one thing.

She can "Kill the Force".

I wnat to know as much as I can. If I can resurrect Meetra Surik or use the World Between Worlds to time travel to the Old Republic era, then I can lure her to join me and to teach me what she knows. If not then I'll just take her DNA and use the Animus to peer into her memories and learn the secret myself from inside the source.

But...if I wnat to go with the option to Resurrect her, I'll need to build Vader's Castle on Mustafar with the help of Lord Momin's spirit within that cursed helmet of his.

As I was in thought, I finally reached the Labratory which housed the Medical Bay which Aureole should be in.

As I walked in, I saw that Aureole was sitting up on the medical bed.


I wanted to place her inside the Animus and read her memories. Oh well, I'll do it later. Not a single being in the Galaxy can beta me on my ship...except The Whills.

Yes, I can even beat Aboleth if I lured her into my ship...that's how OverPowered I made the Icarus. Although, I still need some Ysalamir in order to finish my ship, otherwise she and any of the Force Gods can use Mecha-Daru or Force Crush my ship into oblivion.

Jinx: "You're here. Did you resolve that...thing of yours?"

She didn't say it cause Aureole was here. Guess I'll do the same, it's natural for what we will talk about.

Adrian: "Remember what I said before we landed here?"

Jinx: *Sigh* Yes."

Adrian: "Let's go. As for you, don't leave. I'll know."

Aureole still seems to be out of...whatever had happened to her, as she just nooded and went back to rest. As for me, I made sure to have Kara be on the look out for Morai and on Aureole.

I had made a counter measure for her within only 20 minutes...cause I'm smart AS F@#$!!!


After the both of us was in my room, one of the most fortified rooms on the ship, and an soundproof one at that, I got straight to it.

Adrain: "Did you meet or know Meetra Surik?"

Jinx: "Welllll...yes to both..."

Adrain: "..."

Jinx: "..."

Adrian: "I gave you a few days to get over it. Spit it out! I need to know."

She sacred at me, but then her shoulders seemed to sag and she relaxed her body.

Jinx: "I...Only if you promise not to go on taking about this to anyone else. Only you will know. My race is a secretive one and we keep all information about us on a tight watch. If I tell you this, the safety and security of my entire species is at risk if this spreads. I'm only telling you this because I have come to known you, and that you have proven to be trustworthy, ever since our deal."

Adrian: "I promise to do as you say. Now, tell me."

Jinx: "Okay...I...I am Meetra Surik."

Adrian: "..."

Jinx: "..."

Adrian: "..."

Jinx: "..."

Adrian: "..."

Jinx: "..."










And that, was how a calm serious talk between friends turned into a chaotic mess as soon and as fast as it had begun...


Some time later, things had calmed down.

Jinx had tried using gigantic gattling gun/laser cannon hybrid thing she pulled out of a Storage Deck Unit, which Adrian had long since made and given to her.

(A/n SDU is the inventory of Borderlands Universe)

And the two had a chaotic fight. Adrian's room was a mess, but most of it had been avoided since Adrian was able to subdue and restrain her quickly simce she wasn't using a Lightsaber.

She said she preferd using guns then a Lightsaber in this life.

Yes, this "life".

She had went on to explain about her race called Aswangs and her HomeWorld Rashaang.

She said it was in the Unknown Regions but refused to reveal where exactly.

She had also told about her races biology and the process called "Core Shift".

That was how she became Meetra Surik.

She revered her age to that of an infants, not intentionally, but as a result of the Core Shift process forcing her and her race to go through it.

It matched up with what I know of Meetra Surik since she was given to the Jedi Order while as an Infant.

She didn't tell me in detail about her journey as Meetra Surik and as the Exile.

She did tell me something interesting though. She did infact die, and she thought she would pass into the Netherworld of the Force alongside Revan...but she didn't.

She had encountered heard a...voice before she entered the Netherworld of the Force.

This voice had said.

"You're time has not yet come."

And just like that, she had found herself awake on the grass fields on Tython.

She had decided to follow the Jedi Order in all her multiple Core Shifts thereafter all they way until the extinction of the Sith.

I can assume she meant one thousand years ago, when Darth Bane made the Rule of Two to preserve the Sith lineage in secret.

This was too surprise after another. Will I never get break from all this shit.

Anyway, we finally landed on Moraband. I felt uneasy since I was closer to Kessel, and in turn closer to The Maw...where Abeloth was.

I wanted to not provoke her by going anywhere near her as of yet, and I was doing just the opposite of that by coming here, but I was still considered "not close" in my books, so I was still good.

When we landed, Aureole immediately got off with me. Is she clingy or something?

She's very close and she fidgits with something in her folds of her rear waist cloak from time-to-time.

It is getting annoying...

Once we landed, I had done a planetary wide scan with the sensors of the Icarus.

Me, Jinx and Aureole in Co, had made our way to the rendezvous point we agreed on.

We waited a few hours for everyone else to get here, but some didn't...

Just as we were about to go check on them with some Tracking Fobs we had, we heard...

*Kaboom* *Boom* *Phew* *Phew*

...the sound of Blaster fire and explosions off in the distance. All of the ones present had made an unspoken decision to head there immediately.

I can only hope it isn't the Spirits of the Sith, but only Sith Worshipers and Cultists...

Little did I know that I would find something far worse during my time on Moraband...something more...sinister...







To be Continued...Hunt for the Map Arc, Part 7: The Whills' decision and Regrets of the Past...