(A/n i dont have time, but i did edit last chapter. This chapter will be edited tomorrow. THERE WILL BE SPELLING MIATAKES CAUSE IT ISN'T EDITED YET! i hate skim readers cause they always ignore the author's notes when i make myself quite clear by metioning ut all the time!)
Paarthurnax: "Drem Yol Lok (Peace, Fire, Sky). Greetings, wunduniik (Traveller). I am Paarthurnax. Who are you? What brings you to my strunmah…my mountain?"
Adrian: "Krosis (Appologies) Master Paarthurnax, but I am in dire need of aid *coughs blood*, I cane for that, the Unmelting Snow as it is tge only thing that can save my life."
I coughed even more of my thick red blood as i felt my body deteriorating from the inside at a rapid pace.
Paarthurnax: "Vahzah (True)...Sil Nin Yol (Soul, Sting, Fire), your soul burns away Joor (Mortal)."
No shit!
Adrian: "Yes, i am well aware Master. I apologise for my bluntness, but i need the Unmeting Snow, Master Paarthurnax. I have very little time left before my soul has Aagis (Erase(d)) from Ahkos (Existence)"
Paarthurnax: "Indeed. Ahvos (Harvest), to your heart's content. The snow has been here since the Kel had been used long ago here, before I settled upon my now oresent Strunmah. But first, to help you."
Paarthurnaax raised his head and faced towards me as he still remained atop the Dragon Word Wall where he iconically stays on.
He bent his head forwards towards me and I knew he was using a Thu'um.
I fully trusted Paarthurnax as i knew his charcter from tge game and his personality.
And even uf he was hostile, i do not have the strength left in me to even do battle with him, as he was Alduin's brother, the second born of Akatosh and Alduin's general during the Dragon Wars before he betrayed Alduin.
Paarthurnax: "KOPRAAN ZII DOMIIT! (Body, Spirit/Soul, Merge)"
I felt an ungodly amount if power surge from Paarthurnaax's Thu'um and into my own body.
The pain i had once felt had been severely lessened and i felt life course thoughiut ny bidy once again.
Paarthurnax: "There, now you have Laas (Life) within you once again to go Amativ (onward/forward) to find a more permanent solution to your predicerment you find yourself in."
I bowed my head in respect and gratitude to Paarthurnax at havung prolonged my life for an unknown period of time.
I went to the area where the Unmelting Snow laid, and I collected it within a special vial from my Storage Space.
When I was done I was ready for my departure until Paarthurnax called out to me, halting me in my tracks.
Paarthurnax: "I assume it was you who was the cause for the Dovakiin's Thu'um to echo Avokmiin (Above and Below)?"
I turned to face Paarthurnaax and answer the legendary Dov (Dragon).
Adrian: "Yes, Master. Although, it was a misunderstanding as i was detained while unconscious. If i may, could i ask for your wisdom on how i may permanently merge my soul to my body?"
If only Durnehviir was here, I could ask him since he himself had lerabed the secret arts of Necromancy directly from the Ideal Masters themselves, but i don't have tge time to go to the Soul Carn nor can i use the Thu'um to summon him to Tamriel or better yet, Nirn at all.
(A/n Tamriel is the continent, Nirn is the planet.)
Paarthurnax: "Krosis (Apologies), I do not have an answer to your question in its entirety, but I believe you already know what you require. BODIIR AAK DAHRIN! (Lend, Guide, Reason)"
When Paarthurnax unleashed yet anither unheard of Thu'um, a small Fire Wyrm, that looked like the dragon version of the [Clairvoyance] spell, appeared before me and surrounded me.
Paarthurnax: "This will help you on the Bovit Amvit (Adventure Ahead). Fare thee well, Wunduniik Tiid Ul (Traveler of Time Eternal)."
The last word made me almaost lose my balence as i understand what he ment by his final words.
He knows i am not from this Universe. I am not suprised, but I am worried if the Daedric Princes know about me, and if Akatish decides to yeet himself to where I'm at, I am Fucked!
Thankfully, old Herma Mora hasn't tried anything yet.
I decided to focus in the task at hand and followed the Spectral Fire Wyrm that Paarthurnax summoned to help guide me to what i needed.
It wasn't all to hard to be honest.
I had collected a Branch from the Eldergleam tree.
(A/n Only the Nettlebane dagger can harm the Eldergleam in any way)
I had to aquire Nettlebane from those crappy Hagravens though, which i did, and i used Nettlebane to cut off an Eldergleam branch, needless to say that Kyne might have been pissed at me cause everry animal in the vicinity if wherever u went thereafter somehow knew my location and trued to maul me to death.
I thought they can't harm me cause my dragon like skin was nearly indestructible, and was partially covered in dark and light blue scales in random places.
But a Bear somehow had clawed me and i was injured.
I attributed this to Kyne/Kynareth empowering the animals with enough power to harm and kill me.
Too bad cause that will never be enough.
After that, i wnet and got some Hist Tree sap.
There is only one Hist Tree in all of Skyrim, and that was the Sleeping Tree.
After getting some Sleeping Tree Hist sap, i went to get myslef some Heartstones from certain Heartstone ore veins i still remeber from playing Skyrim back in my past life.
Next was the Atherium Pieces, unfortunately it seemed that the Dovahkiin had already taken it, so that was a loss.
The last two were a little hard to obtain, but i managed it by kidnapping a Conjuartion Master from the Collage of Winterhold. He was none other than Phinis Gestor which the player can get the quest to summon a Daedra in order to aquire a Sigil Stone.
Needless to say i had to physically torture him, until his mind was weak enough for my Apple of Eden to work on him.
Once i had him as my puppet i had him summon a Daedra from Oblivion.
I straight up used Blood Bending to imobilise the Daedra, then i began breaking every bone in his body, skinning him alive, gealimg him over again, having hundreds of thousnads of my Siva Bots devour his body like Cockroaches would and various other torture methods.
Everytime he died, he was sent to Oblivion where i would have Phinis resummon the same Daedra again and again, even when he begged me to stop i kept going for at least 15 times.
Only then did i say my first words since i began torturing him.
Adrian: "Get me 3 Sigil Stones 10 litres of Necroplasm, fill these 3 containers, each is roughly 3 and 1/3 litres. And get me 50 Cold-Iron Ingots from the Black Forge. GET GOING NOW!!!"
The Daedra was scared shitless when i yelled, well look at that. I tamed a Daedra, why does everyone think its so hard?
I had to wait a while since the Daedra Phinil summoned was from Coldharbour, which was Molag Bal's realm. Getting Sigil Stones was a little hard, but the high ranking Daedra should be able to aquire it at some point.
And he did.
When he was of no further use, i ripped out his heart for the 15th time and kept it for future uses.
I undid my Apple of Eden mind control on Phinis and teleported him back to the Collage of Winterhold.
Once done, I teleported to the distant mountains to the West of Skyrim and Markarth.
I prepared myself for what i was goung to do next and laid various items in front of me
1 Sigil Stone
5 Daedric Hearts
4 Litres of Necroplasm
15 Cold-Iron Ingots
1 Branch of the Eldergleam tree
8 Heartstones
1/2 Vile of Unmeltimg Snow
1/2 Litres of Sleeping Tree Hist Sap
5 (Empty) Grand Soul Gems
5 (Empty) Black Soul Gems
(A/n TSIL is a sentient Kyber Crystal. It is dangerous to use because it is sentiant and doesn't like to serve another like ut was an object/slave/weapon. It has a will and mind if its own. The weilder and TSIL must work together.)
Why did i place these specific items here?
The Elder Scroll needs something of equivalent value in order to activate its power.
Felldir the Old had used the Elder Scroll to banish Alduin in the Currents of Time, but he didnt go blind. Most likely simce his lifespan was used as compensation amd as the catalyst.
The Dovahkiin used the Ancestor Moths to read all three Elder Scrolls during the Dawnguard DLC and didnt go blind nor experience that "backlash" affect that the olayer would commomly experience if they tried reading the Elder Scroll randomly.
Moth Priests go blind when they sue the Elder Scrolls since they never had anything to exchange for the power of foresight the Elder Scroll bestowed, and thus their sight was used as compensation.
I didn't wnat any of that so i prepared all these items to exchange beforehand.
Now then, onto the main event, how does one read an Elder Scroll and use it?
There are a few ways to use an Elder Scroll, but i wnatbto use its power like Felldir did, thus what he siad was important in my divining how to use the Kel (Elder Scroll) as he did.
"Hold, Alduin on the Wing! Sister Hawk, grant us your sacred breath to make this contract heard! Begone, World-Eater! By words with older bones than your own we break your perch on this age and send you out! You are banished! Alduin, we shout you out from all our endings unto the last! You are banished!"
Felldir the Old had said this as he read the Elder Scroll to bannish Alduin the World-Eater into the Currents of Time, hoping it would serve as his prison.
I deconstructed this chant and separated what Felldir the Old had said and how he had used the Elder Scrolls' power.
"Hold, Alduin on the Wing!" - Command and Target.
"Sister Hawk, grant us your sacred breath to make this contract heard!" - Calling upon a Higher Power to allow the "activation" of the Elder Scrolls power.
"Begone, World-Eater!" - Objective and Command towards the Target.
"By words with older bones than your own, we break your perch on this age and send you out!" - Referring back to the Higher Power and Detailing the Objective/Command.
"You are banished!" - Solidifying Objective as a Command.
"Alduin, we shout you out from all our endings unto the last!" - Destination or Specifics of the Objective/Command, banishment into the Endless Current of Time that has no end with infinite multiverse timelines
"You are banished!" - Finalising once again the Objective and Command.
So in the end, this is how the Elder Scroll was used:
- Command and Target
- Calling upon a Higher Power to allow the "activation" of the Elder Scrolls power
- Objective and Command towards the Target
- Referring back to the Higher Power and Detailing the Objective/Command
- Solidifying Objective as a Command
- Destination or Specifics of the Objective/Command
- Finalising once again the Objective and Command
In the end, the final result was this. This was the order i would chant to activate the Elder Scrolls power.
- Calling upon a Higher Power to allow the "activation" of the Elder Scrolls power
- Target
- Objective and Command towards the Target
- Referring back to the Higher Power and Detailing the Objective/Command
- Specifics of the Objective/Command
- Solidifying Objective as a Command
- Finalising once again the Objective and Command
I made my final preperations as i took out a blindfold and wrapped it around my eyes.
I took the Kel from my Storage Space and held it from the ends with my hands, as i could tell that the Elder Scroll had opened and the power of the cosmos was radiating from it.
And so i wasted no time and began chanting the words to activate the Elder Scroll and to complete Subject Zer0 once and for all.
"Sister Hawk, grant me your sacred breath to make this contract heard!"
"Unite and Merge, Hawke of the Sea!"
"Let this unbound soul be chained to the body of infinite flesh and endless space!"
"By words from Ancient Times older than offerings before me, I bind the soul of the unbound Hawke to the body of binded flesh and blood!"
"I unify the power of soul and body to be whole again as it once was!"
"I am Eternal!"
"I am the Stone-Fire God!"