Chapter 53: Anakin on Naboo part 2

Note about Padmé's pregnancy and Midichlorian count.

They are fated as they are a dyad. I think it was mentioned in the cut scene in episode 3, though i could be wrong if this fact is true.

Padmé was supposed to go to Yoda with help to relieve the pain of her pregnancy.

yoda was stunned at the amount of force power eliminating from her.

she had an aura of a being with 52,500 midichlorians. confirmed to be the highest Midichlorians count to exist for any living being, even higher than Abeloth.

Padmé - 2,500 midichlorians normal (before pregnancy)

Padmé - 52,500 midichlorians (cannot use force) (during pregnancy with the sky walker twins)

Padmé - 2,500 midichlorians normal (after pregnancy)

She just had Midichlorian count,she cannot actually use the Force since her base Midichlorian count was not 7,500 minimal limit. Luke is 25,000, Leia is 25,000, Padmé is 2,500.

Also, unless you know biology then don't conplain about this isn't how it wirls, cause it does. I researched what Mudichloriand are and how they are determined and i womt give a lecture here. This is so you remember for future.


"Voice of the Unknown Regions"

???: "Mu'uk shin van liik, mu'ul din lay zat!....Padmé Naberrie...Anakin Hawke Skywalker.....Sha'ak'ul dri'inaal Dyad.....


Anakin: "Padmé..."

Padmé: "What is it?"

Anakin: "Uh, nothing. Your name just feels familiar..."

I could feel some anxiety coming from her.

Padmé: "How is it familiar?"

Anakin: "It's like...I know you and dont at the same time...sorry, I just can't describe it."

She looked like she was going to say something but was cut short as we heard the sound of an strong and deep voiced man.

???: "Padmé, so this is where I saw you run off too."

Padmé: "Panaka! Sooooo,what are you doing here? Come to play with us as well?!"

Padmé was practically screaming at this point.

I think she ran away from this Panaka person, who is most likely her escort.

So she really is an noble, and a high-ranking one at that.

Panaka: "Your jokes aren't going to get you out of trouble this time. I heard the sound of a blaster and apprehended some thugs. They told us everything and how they tried to rob you for Credits. I followed the footage from the city's surveillance and got here very quickly. When his Highnesses heard aboutt this incident you won't be going out on any of these excursions again."

I was a shocked?!

This girl is a princess?!

The Princess of Naboo?!

Padmé saw my shocked face and felt a little nervous under my stunned gaze.

This was the first time I had met royalty and the experience was very...

Panaka: "And who is this?"

Panaka was quick to scan and evaluate me under his stern gaze.

I could feel he was trying to apply a  pressure of dominance over me as he intently looked into my eyes.

I didn't flinch and looked back meeting the veteran man's eyes with my own, presumably a Captain or a Commander rank, if he was tasked with escorting the Princess.

Padmé on the side was a little nervous and fidgety as she watched from the side.

She couldn't take it anymore and stepped inbetween the both of us, breaking our starring contest where neither side backed down.

Padmé: "This is Anakin! He saved me from the bad men who tried robbing me in the alley!"

Panaka looked a little suprised that a young teenage looking boy, like me, could take on multiple adult men alone.

Panaka: "Hmm, thank you for help in protecting the Princess."

Anakin: "It was the right thing to do to help someone in trouble."

He smiled slightly at me quoting my dad.

Padmé: "Anakin! Come with us to the Palace! My father will gladly reward you for helping me!"


"Oh! One more thing Anakin! When someone offers you a reward for the first time on Naboo, make sure to accept it, okay!"

"Eh? Why?"

"Just do it!!!"

"Mama! Dad's shouting for no reason again!"

"Shmi isn't here to save you this time!"

"I'm not listening! Lalalalala! Owowowow! Not the ear!"


What if i reject this offer?

Yeah, no.

I'm not going to get punished by dad again, i'll just accept it this one time. He has always been right so far.

Anakin: "Are you sure someone like me can meet with his Highness, like this?"

Padmé: "Don't worry about it. He won't mind."

Panaka sighs as his words of protest were ignored by the two of us talkimg over him and blocking out his voice.


*Present day....968 RR (after Ruusan Reformation) ------ (32 BBY - 32 Before Battle of Yavin ----- first Death Star explodes at Battle of Yavin)*

*The two Jedi Ambassadors are boarding the Trade Federation Command Ship, blockading Naboo*

Ava pov:

Ah, this is great!

I feel so happy!

I am finally back together with Adrian after so long!

I was too busy snuggling in his embrace onboard his ship, the Icarus, to have noticed that he was currently adjusting a Holo TV projection to show what is happening on the TF command ship.

Adrian: "Ava, come on you'll miss it!"

Ava: "Miss what? Valuable time dubbing my face onto your bare chest!"

Adrian: "That too, but mainly a real life version of Episode One: The Phantom Menace that I am playing live right now."

Ava: "What?!"

I rurned my head as fast as I could and I could see it!

The screen was showing the events of the first movie!

I slammed my face into his and hurt my nose, forgetting that without using Force Enhancement, I have a weak physical body.

And his body was made from practically every durable material i could think off! And my face hit into it!

I rubbed my nose a little as the damage healed, and then I turned to face him again.

Ava: "Your Amazing!"

Adrian: "Ohh, it gets better. Look."

I turned around immediately, and as soon as I did, the whole room turned pitch black as everything turned off.

Seconds later, everything glowed in a multitude of colours, and everything around us became Three Dimensional particles that shrunk and condensed into 3D objects and people.

He had just made the movie into a 3D movie! It was like I was actually there! And its in perfect colour!

Ava: "HOW?!?!"

Adrian: "Cause I'm smart as Fuck baby!!!!Now watch!!!"

Star Wars: Episode 1:The Phantom Menace

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....


Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic.

The taxation of trade routes to outlaying star systems is in dispute.

Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo.

While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict..... PAN DOWN to reveal a small space cruiser heading TOWARD CAMERA at great speed. PAN with the cruiser as it heads towardthe beautiful green planet of Naboo, which is surrounded by hundreds of Trade Federation battleships.

INT. REPUBLIC CRUISER - COCKPIT In the cockpit of the cruise, the CAPTAIN and PILOT maneuver closer to one of the battleships.

QUI-GON : (off screen voice) Captain. The Captain turns to an unseen figure sitting behind her.

CAPTAIN : Yes, sir?

QUI-GON : (V.O) Tell them we wish to board at once.

CAPTAIN : Yes, sir.

The CAPTAIN looks to her view screen, where NUTE GUNRAY, a Neimoidian trade viceroy, waits for a reply.

CAPTAIN : (cont'd) With all due respect for the Trade Federation, the Ambassodors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately.

NUTE : Yes, yes, of you know, our blockade is perfectly legal, and we'd be happy to recieve the A

mbassador...Happy to.

The screen goes black. Out the cockpit window, the sinister battleship looms ever closer.


The small space cruiser docks in the enormous main bay of the Federation battleship.


A PROTOCOL DROID, TC-14, waits at the door to the docking bay. Two WORKER DROIDS, PK-4 and EG-9 watch.

PK-4 : They must be important if the Viceroy sent one of those useless protocol gearheads to greet them.

The door opens, and the Republic cruiser can be seen in the docking bay. Two darkly robed figures are greeted by TC-14.

TC-14 : I'm TC-14 at your service. This way, please.

They move off down the hallway.

EG-9 : A Republic cruiser! That's trouble...don't you think?

PR-4 : I'm not made to think.




TC-14: "Greetings honoured sirs."

Qui-Gon: "Greetings."

???: "Hello There."







To be continued....Chapter 54: Space Jesus is Alive?!?!?!