tales of the jedi yeeeeee, also please vote

sorry about delay of chapters

I had injured myself at work and it hurt like a truck

I fell in between the scaffolding boards while carrying a toilet to the loft after carrying it up a ladder.

I am perfectly fine, as all safety was taken first, just one foot fell down througha small gap and it opened up unexpectedly, I just landed on my right a.s.s very harshly and It hurt for days, I could still move around fine but damn was it hard to sleep or sit down onmy right side

anyway, during that time, I decided to watch the 6 episodes of Tales Of The Jedi taht I didn't know got released


I won't spoil it other than what is in the comics or I am able to reveal

I won't reveal the nice extra parts

episode 1 - Ahsoka as one year old - I won't say nothing cause ut is spiders but I will remind u of what happens later when she is 5, which isn't shown in the episode cause uts 4 years earlier

Ahsoka is offered to a Zygerrian "Jedi" who is just disguised as one

baby Ahsoka felt with the Firce not to trust the Zygerrian and she was dangerous, later she escapes the Zygerrian and enters the forest and she called out for help unconsciously with the Force.

Plo Koon arrives and saves Ahsoka from the Zygerrian

Ahsoka had the Force tell her that Plo Koon was trustworthy despite his appearance being scary with his mask, that was how Ahsoka was brought to the Jedi Order (not like how the Clone Wars showed it in the Episode Younglings intro scene where it shows Plo Koon, Ahsoka and other Togrutw in a building)

I plan on doing something interesting regarding Ahsoka's birth mother Pav-ti and father Nak-il in the upcoming chapters

episode 4 - The Sith Lord - this happens as soon as Qui-Gon told the council about Maul and then the other half happens when he dies and just before his funeral, ps Master Yaddle (Female Yoda Council member) finally f.u.c.k.i.n.g speaks for the first time in 20 FREAKING YEARS!!!!

I loved her!!!

Episode 5 - Practice Makes Perfect - Love the episode and it ties in well with another scene from a seperate scene in another Star Wars atV Show where Yoda teaches Ahsoka to use Two Lightsabers (normal and Shota Lightsaber for the first time)

Episode 6 - Resolve - Nice surprises and the unexpected guy looks awesome!!!!!!

also in last episode a long standing star wars theory gets confirmed in an indirect way!!!

Ahsoka is called Ashla!!!!!

u know...Ashla (Light Side) and Bogan (Dark Side) and Bendu (Middle, Grey, Balance of the Force)

Ahsoka Tano, who went by the name Ashla during the early reign of the Galactic Empire

The Force, which was referred to as "Ashla" in the Lasat language

The light side of the Force, which was referred to as "Ashla" by Bendu

Ashla, a moon of Tython

The Ashla Staff, a type of staff used by the Revered Masters of the Lasat

the theory I was talking about was heavily supported by a majority of the star wars community.

this theory was that during the Mortis Arc when the Daughter was dying and Ahsoka was dead, the Daughter gave her life and energy to save Ahsoka.

thus many speculated that Ahsoka became the vessel of the Daughter, or at least her incarnation of the Light Side of the Force.

just as the Daughter was once the Full Representation and Embodiment of the Light Side of the Force

Ahsoka had then became the Partial Representation and Embodiment of the Light Side of the Force

this had been hinted at for a long time with the Daughter's Spirit Guide Morai always being close to Ahsoka (even to the point of going into the World Between Worlds which only the Force Gods, the Portal Guardian Wolves an the user of the World Between Worlds can enter (Ezra at the time))

and then the final being hint to this is that Ahsoka is literally called Ashla as her alias name after Order 66

if that isn't a clear slap on the face I don't know what is

also Filoni and Lucas directed it so its cannon to me

because if all this I now suspect that my theory of the Daughter and Son's true names are Ashla and Bogan

it would make sense as they are millions of years old, and existed before life even formed so over time, their birth name Ashla and Bogan became known as a word to describe the Light Side (Ashla) and the Dark Side (Bogan) just as Bendu tell Kanan

but I don't know...

what do u guys think

vote down below as this is very important to the story as how I proceed cause if I name them something it could be cannon or false as it never is confirmed and is just my theory

option 1 - Should I have the Daughter and Son be named as Ashla and Bogan

option 2 - Should I keep it as it has been, as tge Daughter or Son, and nor call them Ashla and Bogan

next chaoter I am writing right now