Chapter 66 : Duel of the Fates Part 2




Three swords are crossed in an intense display of swordmanship.

The JEDI and the SITH LORD fight their way across the narrow bridge of the Theed power generator.

DARTH MAUL jumps onto the bridge above them.

The JEDI follow, one in front of the SITH LORD and one behind.

They clash once more but MAUL defends against OBI-WAN and repels him off the Bridge.

OBI-WAN barely caught a hold of the edge of the platform below which he had fallen down to.

He recovers and gets his footing back, once he had done so, he immediately Force Jumped up back to the Bridge he had been on a moment ago.



Adrian pov:

I was spectating the battle unfold as I stealthily followed after them, ensuring I would reach the Electric Hallway at the same time QUI-GON and MAUL reached it.

The Duel of the Fates...

What is the meaning behind its name?

The Chosen One Anakin Skywalker's fate was determined by who lived and died in this one duel.

And in turn would have a great impact on the Galaxy as a whole in the future to come.

QUI-GON was meant to be Anakin's Master but in this duel he had died at the hands of MAUL.

This would result in Anakin grieving the loss of QUI-GON who he had come to view as the only father-like figure in his cruel life as a slave.

Not only that but QUI-GON would have been the prefect teacher to help Anakin Master his emotions.

Something which I am failing at doing at the moment.

Despite all the knowledge I possess, I wasn't the best father figure.

Anakin loved me and I had come to love him as a son, but I can tell from a glance that he has strong negative emotions.

Especially when he learned what he and his mother once were, Slaves.

Negative Emotions were overcoming him and I knew it was only a matter of time before they become serious.

He is already on his path to becoming Darth Vader.

I had been trying to avoid it, but the Chosen One Prophecy is essentially Plot Armour of its own.

(A/n I already explained)

Hence, who will die and live here will determine Anakin's fate as he remains on Corruscant with Padmé.

But should I do anything?

Should I save QUI-GON or leave the fate of the Galaxy up to Fate?

I pondered this as I observed them running across the Bridge towards the Electric Hallway where the Duel of the Fates will meet its conclusion.



The SITH LORD, followed by QUI-GON, enters a long hallway filled with a series of deadly rays that go on and off in a pulsing pattern that shoots down the corridor every minute or so.

DARTH MAUL makes it down several walls of deadly rays before they close.

QUI-GON is one wall away from the DARK LORD.

OBI-WAN is just staring into it and is five walls way from DARTH MAUL.

The young JEDI must wait until the next pulse to advance down the corridor.

OBI-WAN is impatient and paces, waiting for the wall of rays to open.

QUI-GON sits and meditates.

The SITH LORD tries to patch up his wounds.

The electric rays cycle as QUI-GON sits meditating.

The wall of the deadly rays turn away, and OBI-WAN starts running toward QUI-GON and the DARK LORD.

When the wall between QUI-GON and DARTH MAUL opens, QUI-GON is in a split second fighting the DARK LORD with a ferocity not seen before.

They move into the area at the end of the corridor called the melting pit, a small area that is mostly made up of a deep hole.

The electron ray gates begin to close.

OBI-WAN tries to make it to the melting pit but is caught one gate short.

He slides to a stop just before he hits the deadly electron field.

QUI-GON and DARTH MAUL battle around the melting pit as a frustrated OBI-WAN watches.

DARTH MAUL cathces QUI-GON off guard!

The SITH LORD knew his opponent was very skilled and was trying to buy time.

A two on one battle against him in his injured state would lead to his defeat, thus he had to do something he dispised.

He didn't wnat to dishonour the JEDI MASTER whose skill was almost equal to his own, but he had no choice but to use a "trick" to defeat the JEDI MASTER.

And so MAUL parried QUI-GON'S attack and countered it.

The SITH makes a quick move, bashes his lightsaber handle into QUI-GON's chin, and runs him through with his Crimdon double bladed Lightsaber.


OBI-WAN screamed in hirror and shick as he watched his MASTER get impaled and slumps to the floor in a heap.



OBI-WAN screams as the pulsing electron gate opens, and the SITH LORD attacks him.

The DARK LORD is relentless in his assault on the young JEDI.

OBI-WAN and DARTH MAUL use the Force to fling objects at each other as they fight.

DARTH MAUL seems to have the upper hand as OBI-WAN grows weary having abandoned his greatest weapon, his defensive form 3.

In the future, OBI-WAN had become a "Master of Form 3" that even Yoda had to acknowledge and said OBI-WAN's mastery of Form 3 was greater than even his own Form 3.

If Yoda was a Master of All, then OBI-WAN is a Grandmaster of Form 3.

But OBI-WAN's rage at seeing his Master's body hit the floor had made him abandon reason and go on the offense than being defensive and counter attacking which leads to the present situation where OBI-WAN is on the losing end of the battle.

DARTH MAUL catches OBI-WAN off guard, and the JEDI slips into a melting pit. He is barely able to hold onto a nozzle on the side of the pit.

DARTH MAUL grin evilly at OBI-WAN as he kicks OBI-WAN's lightsaber down the endless shaft.

The SITH LORD smiles as he goes in for the kill.

At the last moment, OBI-WAN jumps up out of the pit, calls QUI-GON's lightsaber to him, throwing DARTH MAUL off and his expression turning to suprise.

The young JEDI swings with a vengeance, cutting the SITH down but as he did, his Lightsaber felt heavy as it cut through MAUL curving slightly, but that did not matter as the result was the same.

DARTH MAUL groaned and a strange expression filled with confusion and shick of his defeat had spread across his face, the pain overcoming his facial fearures as he falls into the melting pit to his death.

OBI-WAN rushes over to QUI-GON, who was dying.



The large, grand cruiser of the Supreme Chancellor, as well as Naboo's Queen, lands in the courtyard of the main hanger.

The main ramp of the cruiser is lowered as OBI-WAN, ANAKIN and CAPTAIN PANAKA lead the VICEROY and HIS ASSISTANT toward the ship.



(A/n Q.PADME - Padme under guise as QUEEN and hasn't revealed that PADME is the real QUEEN and SABE swaps places with her as of yet. PADME normally is her as Handmaiden PADME or as normal guise while SABE as QUEEN will be represented as AMIDALA. Ur brain cells hurt? Good! Now read! Also where my 5 star shameless reviews at!!!)

Q.PADME : The day is won.

PALPATINE : It's good to be home and to see it free as it has always been. The boldness in the deceisons you made as Supreme Chancellor has saved our people, Your Majesty. It is you who should be congratulated. Under your leadership you will bring peace and prosperity to the Republic.

Q.PADME : Thank you for your words, I will strive to achieve that dream Senator.

OBI-WAN greets YODA and the OTHER JEDI as CAPTAIN PANAKA takes the NEIMODIANS onto the cruiser.


OBI-WAN, ANAKIN and the QUEEN, and her HANDMAIDENS stand before the NEIMOIDIANS.

PADME : Now, Viceroy, you are going to have to go back to the Senate and explain all this.

CAPT. PANAKA : I think you can kiss your Trade franchise goodbye.



The sun streams into the multi-windowed room at a low angle. It is not quite sunset. YODA paces before OBI-WAN, who is kneeling in the center of the room.

YODA : Confer on you, the level of Jedi Knight the Coucil does. Passed, have you the final Trial of Flesh.

(A/n Trial of Flesh - one of 5 Trial a Padawan needs to do to become the next rank either Knight or Master. Must suffer an injury of sorts from an adversary. Anakin did his when his arm was cut off by Dooku, if his arm wasn't cut off, he still would have passed. He had gotten the scar on his face from Ventress in a comic when he followed a crime case on Corruscant lower world. Venturers was presumed dead after Anakin presumably killed her in an explosion. Her next appearance is some time before the Clone Wars.)

OBI-WAN : Thank you Master.

YODA : Your Master, how is he recovering?

OBI-WAN : He'll live, still jokes when he can and refuses to stay in bed.

YODA : Good to hear, that is. That QUI-GON's rebellious side hasn't left him.

A small smirk crept itself onto the small Grandmaster.

However, it had vanished soon afterwards.

YODA : The Queen's Bodyguard...Anakin Skywalker QUI-GON and you said his name to be?

OBI-WAN : Yes Master, it is. What of him?

YODA : Powerful in the Force is he, just like Ava, but different.

(A/n The Daughter manipulated the records and readings so they would show false Midichlorian count of less than 20,000. Ulthaan had altered the mind and memories of anyone that had a slight chance at discerning Ava/Gwen's true power. Only 5 Omnipotent beings in the Star Wars Universe knew of her true power apart from The Ones, Whills, Abeloth and Ulthaan at the time of her birth. These 5 Omnipotent beings are the ACTUAL TRUE GODS OF THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE. They created it themselves. And the Force created them the very first beings to exist before any others in the Star Wars Universe. 99% you never knew these beings before now.)

OBI-WAN : Qui-Gon believes that he is the Chosen One.

YODA : The Chosen One he may be; nevertheless, grave danger I fear for the path he is on. Trained in the ways of the Jedi, he was not. Temptation to succumb to his emotions; come to pass, one day this may.

OBI-WAN : What do you suggest?

YODA : Hmm, watch over him we will. Remains as the Queen, now Supreme Chancellor's bodyguard he is, on Corruscant.



The bodies of all those that had persished in the battle against the Trade Federation forces and their occupation of the planet had been gathered and were currently being cremated as only burial rights were given to those of high social standing.

Given the death rate at a Galactic Scale, it was made a law that Cremation would be carried out primarily and burials if left with no alternative.

As was the case when honoring those whom would be forgotten and had an inadequate number of witnesses for the funeral.

(A/n Such as the 501st Legion, Ahsoka and Rex buried after Order 66)


There is a drum roll that stops. Doves are released, and the bodies were gone as their ashes were carried by the winds of NABOO.

To one side, MACE WINDU turns to YODA.

MACE WINDU : There is no doubt. The mysterious warrior was a Sith.

YODA : Always two there less. A Master and an Apprentice.

MACE WINDU : But which one was destroyed, the Master or the Apprentice?

They give each other a concerned look.



CHILDEREN SING and throw flowers on the passing GUNGAN SOLDIERS. The CROWDS CHEER.

As the battle had been waged up in Space between the Republic and Federation fleets, on the ground the "real" QUEEN (SABE) of NABOO had went to the Gungans to beseech them for help in dealing with the Droid Army on the ground.

SABE had pretended to have "revealed herself to be the real QUEEN" while the "false QUEEN" was on the Republic Flagship in Space.

And thus, the majority were still unaware that PADME was the true QUEEN of NABOO and now they believed SABE to be the true QUEEN.

This was ANAKIN'S idea that he had suggested to PADME before leaving Corruscant and she agreed with his decision. He had not led her astray and she trusted his opinions and thoughts.

There was a grand parade in the Central Plaza.


ARTOO stands in front of the QUEEN'S HANDMAIDENS and whistles at the parade.

ARTOO: *BEEBS* (Great, that suicidal Gungan is coming!)

QUEEN AMIDALA and PALPATINE smile at one another In the parade are BOSS NASS and his GUARDS, JAR JAR and GENERAL CEEL.


JAR JAR being JAR JAR had fallen of his KAADU before everyone but brushed it off, trying to hide what had happened as he now walked properly

They stop before the QUEEN and walk up the steps to stand by her side.

BOSS NASS holds up the Globe of Peace when QUEEN AMIDALA had given it to him.

EVERYONE CHEERS as the day ends in joyous victory of the events and tribulations they had overcame in recent times, together as one people of NABOO.




Who else can this be but Adrian Hawke?

He had just found DARTH MAUL'S ship the Scimitar!

It had been cloaked near a waterfall behind the Palace of Theed within a canyon.

Adrian had wanted to loot it for himself, but he had another objective as of the moment.

So instead he decided to release the Siva Bots from within his armour to hack into, copy, analyse and upload anything and everything on the Scimitar database directly to Kara so that she can use the information for later.

As for him...

He outstretched his arms and dropped what he was carrying gently down onto a medical table that the Scimitar had.

He then hacked into and activated the medical droids of the ship while also disabling the tracking device and the multiple bombs that Sidious had no doubt placed on Maul's ship.

This is why the Sith are so few today as they are, but at the same time powerful.

The constant betrayal had thinned their numbers but had also made the newer generations stronger.

That was how the Rule of Two had been for the few hundred years but then the apprentices had been cowards and decided to do a 2 vs 1 against their master making them weaker rather than stronger.

Sidious placed the bus as a failsafe should MAUL try to betray him in the future but I'd onto need to worry about that.

I made it seem like an EMP device had destroyed the bombs and the Scimitar's tech.

That way Sidious wouldn't get suspicious of what happened to the Scimitar should he try to investigate. I had planned for every scenario.

As for MAUL, I had decided to intervene and save MAUL by changing OBI-WAN's Lightsaber path so it wouldn't kill MAUL.

I cant take the risk.

Not only that but I didn't save QUI-GON!

I guess the Butterfly Eefect had begin taking a turn in history after all the causes I have made.

I can only pray those freaking Omnipotent Spirits don't notice my existence in this Universe.

They normally only care about arguing amongst themselves about who created this Universe the best but if I drew their attention I would be as good as dead.

But who cares, they won't do shit, they didn't even care when Abeloth broke free of her prison in 44ABY.

After patching up MAUL I left him there while leaving a note. I made sure to create a few mechanical Hawks from my Siva Bots to keep a perimeter around the Scimitar to notify me should any unexpected developments happen.

After that I decided to return back to Ava aboard my ship the Icarus for some R18 action at long last!

Did I forget to say me and Ava are still Virgins?

Well not after tonight!


Ulthaan pov:

The Abyss - The Fool's Throne

Telestarri: "What are you going to do? The Spirits will soon take notice of him, events have changed slightly ad of now but soon they will notice that these events do not match up to the other Branch Timelines of this Universe."

Ulthaan: "It won't matter. Let them. Should they interfere I will deal with them at long last. I had left them be due to them only focusing on their petty squabbling of who is the superior creator of this Universe. Once I had feared them when I was weak, but now they pose little threat to me."

Telestarri: "But they are apart of the Force just as you are. The core of you power comes from the Force while they were molded by it. They could affect the Tree of Eternity the moment you go near them...if that happens..."

Ulthaan: "They will be dead before they will get the chance. And even if they are fast enough to catch on, my stolen strength does not define what I am capable of. Even as a Mortal being I am a match for the Motis Gods, long before I even breathed the Force into my being. Aaahh, he has come, at long last."

As I was conversing with Telestarri, a portal opened not to far away from us.

I immediately stood up from my throne and flew to the portal a few metres away an stared into it as violent yet calm crackling energies radiated from the doorway that was wide open.

Moments later, a humanoid figure of 1.95 metres exited the portal.

The figure was drapped in tattered cloth as black ichor oozed from underneath the hood and gaps in its dark and dirty full-body cloak.

The figure slightly bent forward almost as of it was a hunchback, they carried a longsword in one hand as it dragged across the ground.

This Longsword the figure carried could transform into its alternative and primary form as a Axe, though I ahd never seen it other than its sword appearance.

The Longsword had an Ebony and Ivory Handle, a lotus shaped pommel with an Ebony spike protruding from the center. The guard looked simple but had an Yang (White Half with Black dot) symbol at its center. Lastly was the blade itself as it was rusted and appeared to have been eaten away by corrosion of some kind. Along the balde there were characters in a language I had once seen, and this only confirmed what I had assumed beforehand.

(A/n Image of Sword)

Ulthaan: "It is an honour meet you, 2nd Hunter of Solarian."

This being that stands before me is one that could simply sneeze and I would be erased from existence.

But I wasn't afraid as I knew who this individual was, he was the 2nd Brother to four siblings, the 4th being the 4th Sister.

I did not know their names, but when I had travelled to the First Universe where the Great Destroyer and Great Protector presides over in search of answers on how to enact my vengeance against the Void God, one of the 10 Realm Gods, I had learned of the very being that now stands before me.

He did not care who stood in his way, all that mattered to him was the glory of the Hunt.

At this moment, the 3 Eyed Crystal Raven that lingered around me at all times flew from besides my throne via a it creatunga  rift in Space-Time to emerge besides me and perched on my shoulder.

Their was a dark sinster purple glow with hues of gold that radiated from under the voidless hood of the Hunter as it stared at the Crystal Raven on my shoulder.

The Crystal Raven atop my shoulder was the Infamous Watcher of Creation, a being as old and powerful as the Great Protector and Great Destroyer themselves.

Additionally, the Watcher of Creation had also created the Enforcer of Creation.

The Great Protector, Yin, Husband to the Lady of Whispers

The Great Destroyer, Yang, the Corruptor, the Tormentor, Creator of the Sahdow of Faz'zal

Watcher of Creation, 3 Eyed Raven, Crystal Raven of Curses, Lord of Ravens, the Genderless, Father of the Lady of Whispers, Father/Mother of the First Wind

The Enforcer of Creation, the Horned Wolf, the Lord of Wolves, Progenitor of the Moon, Progenitor of Mammalian creatures, the Creator/Overseer of Oaths and Pacts, Father of the First Flame

These were only four of 7 Gods that had created and rule over "All of Creation".

But the Hunter and the Watcher both have a complicated history as once the Hunter and his siblings were challenged to hunt the Watcher of Creation, but what happened is unknown to me and to many of the Fisrt Universe.

What is known is the Hunter was the sole survivor and soon after had entered the service of the Great Destroyer by swearing fealty to him.

The two Godly beings had a staredown before the Hunter's eyes returned to normal.

Taking this as my que to not remain silent or this would never end I spoke up.

Ulthaan: Are you here to Hunt me now? Or not yet?

The Hunter said nothing as he turned to leave through a new portal that had opened at his will within my own Realm.

As he was about to pass through, he reached into his cloak and took out an item, he dropped it onto the ground before he passed through the portal as it dragged his Longsword through the portal before it closed.

I approached it and kneeled down to pick up what he had dropped.

Ulthaan: "And so the Hunt Begins..."

In my hand...

...was the feather of a Hawk...


Star Wars: The Phantom Menace



Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore

Book One: The "Voice" of the Unknown Regions

Passage One: Ripples



Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore

Book One: The "Voice" of the Unknown Regions

Passage Two: The Hunt of Raven's Curse








Well everyone I finally did episode 1, at last! Now that I returned from my unexpected break, I am getting back into my routine to write many many chapters instead of the nonsense delays I had been doing. I should have been at chaoter 130 at the very least by now so I will fo an effort to catch up on my timetable I had made for when I have chapter deadlines for.

Also, for those qho have that question in your heads, no and yes. This is still heavily Star wars focused. All the beings from the other Universes that had crossed over via through the World Between Worlds from their own fictional universe are nerfed.

There is a good reason for why each and everulyone of them is nerfed on their power level after crossing into star wars Universem the only ones unaffected are team RWBY and also Ainz+Great Tomb of Nazarick cause of obvious reasons.

As for my introduction of all the original characters like the Gods of Creation, the 2nd Hunter Sibling of the 4 Legendary Hunters and the Realm Gods which the Void God is from.

They are from my original book series but I am deliberately avoiding using their names so noone can steal them, I am an Indian and all Asians are paranoid like that, can't help it.

I want to reference and have them make a cameo in the story.

Only the Enforcer of Creation and Watcher of Creation and the Hunter and Void God make an appearance relevant to this story and of Ulthaan's connection to them.

Also the "Shadow of Faz'zal" is very important to Ulthaan's past and how it made him who he is today and why he is doing what he is doing in the story at all. But that is for far in the future, just pointing it out so might remember it...maybe...I don't know...



Malenia! Get back here! I need to kill you for my soul level 1, NG+7, no hit, no weapon run against you!

[You Died]

"I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella"

Well shit...

This is gonna take a while isn't it?

Oh well, better get my death counter ready!