Hello All! I am back with a reboot fuc of star wars. As I mentioned in either the last 2 notice chapters I had posted before my...long absence, I have finally acquired a stable job and have been able to sort out my life. In fact, I am glad as after so long of struggling just barely getting ny day by day, life has finally turned around for me and helped me toove forward in the right direction to my own self improvement.
As a result I can finally make a solid and affirmative return to writing fanfics and stories.
As for Star wars, this story had been a mix amongst many readers and as a result I still intend to have the MC a Mandalorian but the story will not be Reincarnation with wishes but a more reasonable story, being that the MC is essentially a self insert of myself into the Star Wars verse, and yes he may be born with a high Midichlorian Count, it isn't God level like The Ones that has a count of 40,000s.
The mc doesn't have all my Star Wars knowledge and is limited in Meta knowledge in some minor but significant ways, cause even if I was born in Star Wars with less than 5,000 Midichlorian Count, (which means I don't meet the 7,500 limit to use the Force) I can still easily become a God capable of using the Cosmic Force and have a infinite Midichlorian Count cause of my Meta Knowledge and the World Between Worlds time travel. So obviously I don't want that for MC so I made his Meta knowledge perceive it in a different way to my actual self but still pretty close.
I hope to see u guys return to reading the story I will write for u, well anyone that still reads my fics and hasn't dropped it that is.
The new story is called:
Star Wars: Celestial Rising (Clone Wars X Old Republic)
Yep, Old Republic era plot is gonna happen.
As for love interests cause few people more interested into that. It will be either 1 or 2. No more, no less. The first is Ahsoka and kinda obvious there and even if I try to hide it I really can't so might as well say it now.