[US , Star City , 29/12/2009]


Roberto POV:

Looking at all this mess was quite interesting, Oliver Queen may not have been the most famous hero in my original world, often not being taken seriously by the public for his choice of weaponry.

But here in this reality where everything was real, it was impressive to see how man could deal with armed men and a Metahuman with "invulnerable" skin with just a bow and arrow, even if those arrows were high technology.

Oliver was giving it his all, his years on that island had undoubtedly done wonders for his survival instincts, and with the support of martial arts training and weaponry made him one of the most difficult men for normal humans to lead.

Unfortunately for him, Brick was no ordinary man.

"Damn you!! Come here you stupid Robin Hood!!" Brick shouted angrily.

His fancy white suit was already in tatters, courtesy of Oliver's explosive arrows, these two were in a cat and mouse fight a few minutes ago, I'm sure Oliver can handle it but the damage will undoubtedly cost the city thousands of dollars.

'I think I can intervene now, it's not like it will take me long.' I think as I go down to the ground where Brick was about to throw a police car at Oliver.

"Now I got you!" He screamed as he tried to launch the vehicle, but was suddenly stopped.

"What!?" He shouted, turning around, noticing that I was holding the car by the other end.

"That's public property my friend." I say with my signature sinic smile.

"Who are you supposed to be!?" Brick shouted, becoming even more angry.

This guy definitely needs to work on this stress, he won't survive long if he continues with this short fuse.

"Nobody important." I say and then push the police car, crushing Brick on the ground with it.

"URGH!!" He screamed, feeling the grip but not being hurt.

"Now why don't you try to cool down?" I say while warming my hands, making the remains of the vehicle melt, creating a small puddle of molten metal on Brick, pinning him to the ground.

Soon the screams of citizens fill the place, mainly celebrations as the bandits were stopped.

"Take it away from me you son of a..." Brick tried to scream but an arrow fell on the side of his face releasing a gas that made him cough a lot before passing out.

"Not bad kid, but everything was under control." Oliver said as he walked towards me.

'Does he really think this mask and hood do a job of hiding his identity?' I think while holding back a laugh looking at the man.

"Really? Because I think I saved you from getting some broken bones today old man." I say smiling at him, and my smile grows when his brow furrows at the word "old".

"And who would you be?" What looked like the Police Captain asked as he approached.

"Sunspot, hero of Brazil, just passing through, you can send the bill via car, your police station will be reimbursed." I say as I retreat.

"I'm not old!! I'm in the prime of physical strength!!" He screamed as I flew into the air.


[I.M.A headquarters, Rio de Janeiro, 12/30/2009]

"Basically, I think the advantages of this partnership will be useful for us in the long term and will open up new markets for us to place our products." Roberto said.

At the moment he was in the I.M.A board meeting room, there were the leaders of the company's sectors, and they were discussing the partnership with Queen Industries.

"But don't you think there are risks of our technology being cloned?" The leader of the production sector asked unsure, he was responsible for maintaining the production of products.

"We have countermeasures for this, and even if they clone we will always be updating, we will crush them with quality products and affordable prices." Roberto reassured the Production Leader.

"What will delivery be like to the American market?" The leader of the commerce sector asked, already wanting to get ahead of this process.

"Deliveries will be made by sea, it will be delivered to the cargo coast of Metropolis for safety, and then from there it will be delivered to Queen Industries headquarters in the city and then their third-party companies will take care of the distribution." Roberto explained.

"In any case, we will continue with this partnership for two years, after that we can renegotiate the contract so we will try to get the best out of this partnership." Roberto said as he stood up.

After the meeting he left for his laboratory, there he was working on his most complicated project.

On the table next to him were piles and piles of articles and books, whose topic they covered were Zeta rays. Zeta Rays were a radioactive frequency of light that had mysterious properties of transporting matter between two points.

Zeta Rays had been studied since the 1950s, they began with studies funded by the American government led by Doctor Saul Erdel whose experiments with Zeta Rays brought J'onn J'onnes from Mars to Earth, bringing one of the planet's greatest defenders.

Roberto wanted to work on this because he believed that this technology was wasting its potential. Currently, to achieve safe teleportation it was necessary to build two machines at two different points or more to be able to move.

Roberto believed that this was limiting, the Justice League was the only one that could use it for rapid locomotion to avoid crises, but perhaps he could develop a better use of teleportation, thus putting the country at a huge advantage.

He didn't have hallucinations that he could develop a new technology from scratch in just a few days, but he didn't have to do that, he would devour everything published about Zeta rays and work to develop something that would be useful.


[I.M.A Headquarters, Rio de Janeiro, 01/12/2010]


Roberto POV:

Finally... finally!! It took days without sleeping but I finally achieved something, it wasn't much and it was far from being the best, but it was a start.

Once again I looked for inspiration in my past life, more specifically in a game that was a success and had a lot of potential, one of the characters was a British pilot who became very popular.

The youngest participant in the Overwatch experimental flight program, Lena Oxton — codename: "Tracer" was an ace pilot known for being fearless, skilled and full of energy, as well as being the first to test the prototype of the OWX-01 Tourbillon , hunting with cutting-edge teleportation technology. However, on the Turbilhão's maiden flight, the teleportation array.

And it was in this matrix that I was inspired, it was very robust, the size of a microwave, had a pyramid shape but made with cylindrical lines and contained several wires connecting it to several machines.

"I think this little beauty is going to change the world." I say smiling, feeling my beard full.