"You know, it's not very polite to interrupt someone like that, did your mother never teach you that or was she busy dying at the hands of barbarians?" Sunspot asked with a malicious smile spitting blood onto the ground, he had already ordered the troops to withdraw as he could not guarantee their protection during the fight that would follow.

"Keep talking kid, it won't slow your death, or your pain." Black Adam said as he looked at the mortal in front of him.

He was tall, standing at nearly eight feet, and built like a brick with short black hair, his neck was all muscular, and he looked like a professional wrestler, wearing a tight black jumpsuit with a gold belt around his waist, a golden lightning stamped on his chest, Black Adam, everything about him said he was a powerful warrior.

"You can try... old man!!" Sunspot responded in kind. They both raised their fists at the same time.

[Watch-tower: 29/07/2010]

"Black Adam!!, what is he doing there!!?" Billy Batson, aka Captain Marvel, the most powerful mortal in the world asked in disbelief.

"That doesn't make sense!!, what would Teth Adam have against Sunspot or Brazil?" Diana questioned confused.

"Unless we are not seeing the bigger picture, from what Sunspot said, Brazil has at least two targets on that island, Snowflame was obviously one of them and has already been captured." Superman said to everyone.

"Which means Adam somehow intends to stop or even help the other target, I can assume it's Bane, but I can't imagine what Bane could offer Black Adam to help him." Batman said as he thought furiously, everything was turning into chaos on this damn island.

"Hey, there could be a greater force behind Black Adam, maybe someone wanted Bane off the island and so they called someone who could be a distraction." Captain Marvel said using Solomon's Wisdom without realizing it.

"That's... quite plausible actually." Hal Jordan said surprised by the deduction.

Batman was also mildly impressed, but did not act on unproven deductions.

"J'onn, how are things going?" he asked into the communicator.

"Not very well." When he said this, a bang was audible from the communicator.

The heroes present could only guess at the destruction this battle would cause.

"Batman, what do we do?" Green Arrow asked worriedly, everyone else had the same questions.

Batman was frowning, he didn't have a clear answer right now, there were too many variables that the presence of so many League members could imply, some of which war between countries was plausible.

"We wait and see, if this gets out of hand we will intervene and arrest Black Adam, he is a danger that has been off the radar for a long time." Batman said finally and the others nodded.

"I don't know how it could get any worse." Green Arrow said, receiving a slap to the back of the head from his wife.

"Years of this job and you haven't learned to never say that?!" She said irritated.


[Light meeting room: 29/07/2010]

"What's that muscular idiot doing?" Queen Bee hissed in anger as she watched the screens.

"We explicitly forbid Wotan and Adam from interfering in this battle." She spoke, to which Savage and Luthor frowned.

"I assume they were forced to intervene after that anticlimactic encounter between Sunspot and Snowflame." Ra's snorted in derision.

"In fact, from everything he said, Snowflame bowed like a paper crane the moment Sunspot took the fight more seriously, a real waste." Luthor said with a disappointing tone.

"Sportsmaster and Bane have a chance to escape now." Savage pointed out.

Sportsmaster informed them about Bane's change in attitude and his surprising proposal. After a brief discussion, Light agreed. Regardless of what happened, Bane was a competent professional and Light always liked these men.

"I just hope our heavyweight doesn't bow like the last one." Prince Orm commented, to which Savage grunted.

"No, SHAZAM's minions are difficult to deal with, and I can say this from experience, this battle will allow us to gauge the true depth of this new variable." The immortal conqueror said when presenting his perspective, running his hand across his neck remembering old conflicts.

//----------&& ----------//

[Santa Prisca: 29/07/2010]

The entire island was evacuated, including civilians, captured criminals and soldiers, only Sportsmaster, Bane and Martian Manhunter remained, each for a specific reason.

The villains wanted to find a better way to escape without being annihilated or captured, while the Martian hero wanted to continue observing, and intervene if his help was needed, but he still needed to keep away from the heat.

While fighting the man dressed in gold, Black Adam was forced to revise his opinion of his opponent several times, he initially thought he was an arrogant young man with a little power, a frog in a pond so to speak, he understood that , as he himself went through this in his younger years.

But no, he had fought many enemies and the other mage champions, including that red clothed boy, but none like this, the power of the Gods flowing through was screaming in pleasure from this fight.

He was similar to the Kryptonian who gained his abilities due to the great Ra, this would be a more demanding battle, and he was not there to be defeated, not when many were watching, he was The Black Adam, a God among men, he would not lose to a mere mortal.

But once again, he shuddered, as he received a double blow to his shoulders that shook his entire skeleton, he sank to the ground that shattered upon impact, for a second, he felt his arms go numb, before Shu's resistance healed him, it was time to try a different tactic.

Raising his hands, he screamed as the power of Aten flowed through him, channeling everything, he screamed loudly, echoing throughout the island.


Instantly, a thunderous arc of black lightning emanated from his hands and struck Sunspot, who was thrown into the cliff, which nearly broke upon impact.

Without any of them seeing or caring, J'onn J'onzz watched everything, and broadcast it to the League in the sky above, he thought about helping Sunspot, but this would end up bringing a lot of trouble to his companions and their work as heroes, if If he intervenes, no one will be able to see.

At the same time, the two criminals tried to save themselves from the flying debris. from the island, they barely came out alive from the first shock wave and now they were on the beach, they had lost the chance to escape, they were left without hope until a gate appeared, and Wotan came out of it.

"Come, while the Gods fight, there is no place for mere mortals." He said, the two didn't even blink and followed the wizard.

"Holy Mother of God!" Brigadier Santoro whispered as he and his men stood for a moment as they witnessed Sunspot being thrown into a mountain.

He had no doubt that he and his men were witnessing a battle that would go down in history, he was reminded of the saying "When gods fight, mortals die!" and he had no illusions about who were mortals and who were gods. Fortunately, Snowflame had already been captured by him and his men.

"Hurry! Hurry! We need to get off the island as quickly as possible." he ordered as his men redoubled their efforts. In the heat of the moment, he and no one else noticed a glow on the beach, and Snowflame's missing body.

Sunspot grimaced as he flew from the rubble, although his powers protected him from most of the damage caused by the titanic lightning, it still burned part of his uniform and his skin, he spat out some more blood as he flew.

'If that's how he wanted to play, then two could play that game.' Sunspot thought.

He quickly approached his opponent, closing the distance between them, Black Adam prepared for another exchange of punches, but to his complete shock, Sunspot bent down and crossed his legs around the waist of the former champion of magic.

"Say hi to the camera!" Roberto said smiling while pointing his index and middle fingers, simulating a pistol, with a sphere of concentrated energy at his fingertips.


Which hit the villain squarely in the face, sending him for meters through trees until he hit one of the factories and blew everything up on impact. Sunspot smiled but soon became serious as Black Adam stood up throwing the scalding rubble away from his body.

The former champion of magic was missing one of his eyes, just a burn in place with blood leaking out, the left half of his face and shoulder were singed, but other than that he didn't seem out of commission.

Even more so, he had a small smile gracing his face.

"Damn brat, I'll rip your heart out for this." Black Adam said in an excited tone.

"Come on, we both know this won't end until you're completely immobilized or I die." Sunspot said as he ripped off what was left of the top part of his uniform, revealing his chest completely covered in darkness and a golden aura.

Black Adam had also gotten up, completely recovered and with his eye back, and ready for combat, he now didn't see Sunspot as just any opponent, no, there in front of him was probably the biggest fight of his life, he tried, but he couldn't contain the adrenaline in his heart.

Now it would be a battle to see who was the most powerful.

God against man, Magic against the new type of power, old era against new, who will come out of this alive?

But without them knowing it won't be a one on one fight.