[Santa Prisca: 29/07/2010]


Martian Man Hunter decided to run away as much as he could, he felt weak due to the enormous heat the explosion released, it was like being in a sea of flames, and his Martian biology was trying its hardest not to succumb, J'onn could only sigh resigned and rethink his concepts of "power" and "destruction" because what he had just witnessed put everything to the test.

'Could my people fight this?' He thought deeply, he didn't want his people to go to war with Earth, but now he wants it even less, not when Metahumans can cause this level of destruction.

It was enough to know who was victorious, the smoke was rising in the mountains, and only someone with improved vision could tell, the attack area was a pile of ash, not even the ground was intact as there were scorching cracks, but soon two shadows could be seen, one standing with her fist raised in victory, and the other defeated on the ground.

It doesn't take long to reveal a heavily injured Sunspot, in his human form, with a knocked out Black Adam in his human form.

J'onn could see the young man's victorious smile from a distance.


[Light Meeting room: 30/07/2010]


The members of Light gathered the next day, were debating about the incident that had occurred, they had a lot to discuss and a lot to think about, but for now they had a subject to discuss.

"Well, it appears our calculations grossly underestimated his power." Luthor pointed out, as the other members of the Light looked at the scenes from the previous day in grim contemplation.

"Considerably." Savage growled, as he stared at the screen.

With this new variable, many of his existing plans would have to be discarded and new plans would be made. Until now, the League was the only entity they cared about, and now they had another, and most revealingly, they had no knowledge of this new variable, which would prove difficult, not to mention the influence that this new variable gained at all. this incident.

"Does he have to be our enemy?" Queen Bee pointed out, while looking at the screen, while others looked at her in surprise.

"You suggest recruiting him!!" Orm asked in surprise, she nodded with a seductive smile.

"For the first time, there is someone on Superman's level, unaffiliated with the league and unaffiliated with anyone else except his country, should at least be considered, don't you think?" She questioned, the Light members thought about the point she raised.

"But would he join us? mes amis, this is not a simple man." The Brain pointed out.

"I know how to deal with complicated men." Queen Bee said smiling.

"And everyone can see the light, although Sunspot's entry still needs to be discussed, we must discuss the implications of his actions on our business." Savage remembered.

"The losses will be astronomical, it is likely that the drug market will lose a lot of space and it is better to focus on alternative sources of income." Ra said slowly.

"I think I might have an idea in mind." Luthor smiles as he presses a button revealing designs with the Meta-gene.

Everyone thought deeply.

"Everyone wants their own Sunspot now." They all thought.


[Rio de Janeiro , mansão Costa 02/08/2010]


POV: Roberto

My existence is pain. Breathe? Pain, moving a single finger? Pain, try to think? Pain, headache to be precise.

"Urgh, I hope all this propaganda was worth it." I say as I look at the I.M.A charts

As I look at I.M.A's charts, I can't help but wonder if all this successful businessman facade is really worth it. After all, as much as I have invested in Roberto's identity, I am much more than that. But for now, I must keep up appearances and ensure that my company continues to prosper.

I carefully observe the numbers and public opinions about my human persona, evaluating whether the strategy is working or whether it is time to change the game. After all, even in Roberto's shoes, I must continue my mission to ensure that I.M.A's interests are aligned with mine.

As I look at the graphs and analyzes of public opinion, I see that here in Brazil, where I built my identity as Roberto, the response is quite positive. It makes sense considering I spent most of my time here, people love me here, even the people from the south.

However, things are not so simple in other parts of the world. In some places, the reaction is mixed. Some view my actions as Sunspot with suspicion, worried about the idea of an out-of-control superhuman. Others, however, seem to admire the courage and strength I have demonstrated facing threats like Black Adam and Wotan.

The countries where I had the best popularity performance were in the countries where I went as Roberto and negotiated lots of bottles of super soldiers, while in Western Europe and the United States the reactions were more mixed.

"Well, it was good considering everything, I lost some points among some communities with Wotan's death, there's nothing I can do about this world, it's like that, but they still seemed to accept me well, I think that me "receiving" orders from the government did the people feel more comfortable."

Anyway, I still need two more days to heal perfectly, until then I'll keep an eye on our newest project.

I change the holographic screens to show the new plans the government and I are working on.

As part of our efforts to strengthen global security and promote cooperation between allied nations, we are working on forming an International Superhero group. This team would be made up of exceptional individuals from different countries, all united by a common goal, which is maintaining peace in the world, we already have some members on our list.

The second project we are working on is an ambitious space exploration program. Our goal is to expand the limits of human exploration beyond Earth, establishing a permanent presence in space and exploring new planets, moons and star systems. To achieve this, we plan to launch a series of manned and unmanned space missions, using advanced technologies developed in partnership with other nations.

In addition to exploring new worlds, this project also aims to find resources and opportunities for Earth, such as new energy sources and new locations for human settlements. I believe that space exploration is crucial for the future of humanity, especially in a universe like ours.

Finally, the third project is a plan to inject doses of a genetic improvement serum into the population's food. This serum, developed in conjunction with the country's leading scientists and researchers, has the potential to increase the physical resistance, intelligence and healing abilities of people who consume it.

This is directly related to the previous one, as it is a reality that the human race does not evolve as fast as its technology, we need to take the next big step, this includes meta-humans, but also humans who do not have the meta-gene , which is why this project aims to improve them, not to mention eradicate several diseases permanently.

It's going to be a long work, but I'm sure we'll get there.