[Bayo Bartolomeu: 01/09/2010]


Speeding over the United States was the latest high-performance craft from A.I.M. Roberto had designed it, inspired by the Avengers' Quinjet, but with some improvements to enhance the vehicle's speed.

Inside were the heroes who had accepted Sunspot's proposal. Vixen, Sandstorm, Wildfire, and Celsius had all joined for their own reasons, but what they had in common was the desire to do the right thing, and for Roberto, that was good enough.

"Alright everyone, we're already over Louisiana. We'll soon be at our targets' location," Sunspot said while piloting.

"I've never been to the United States before. I wonder if we'll see a giant monkey," Celsius said enthusiastically.

"Giant monkey?" Sandstorm asked, raising an eyebrow, his mouth and chin covered by a mask.

"Yes! A huge monkey that climbs tall buildings," Celsius said excitedly.

"Sorry friend, but I think you're confusing that with a movie," Vixen said, smiling.

"Actually... there was a case of a giant monkey in Texas, I think it was about two years after Superman started his hero career," Sunspot said, surprising the others.

"Haha! I knew it," Celsius said, smiling triumphantly.

"What is wrong with this world," Vixen said, putting a hand on her forehead.

"It always finds ways to surprise us," Wildfire said, smiling.

"Well, it doesn't matter, we're already over the target," Sunspot said, making everyone serious.

"How do you know?" Sandstorm asked the group leader.

"Well, the huge base in the middle of the swamp with a fifteen-meter tree with glowing circuits on the bark is a good indicator," Sunspot replied to his teammate.

"The villains definitely have style, I can't deny that," Vixen said, somewhat impressed.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Listen up, you're going in pairs: Vixen and Sandstorm on the ground dealing with Poison Ivy and Ultra-Humanite. Wildfire and Celsius, you handle Major Force and Felix Faust. I'll deal with the rest of them," Sunspot commanded as they approached.

"Uh...boss, you might want to hurry, there's a bunch of teenagers trapped in a cage," Vixen said, pointing to where the young heroes were captive by Felix Faust, with Major Force holding Vertigo beside him.

"Well, what a way to arrive at the last minute. Wildfire, Celsius, go!" Sunspot shouted, and the two heroes unbuckled and headed to the hatch.

With it open, they could feel the strong winds at the altitude and speed they were at, but that didn't bother either of them.

Sunspot said over the communicator.

"Why are you worried about the environment?" Celsius asked sarcastically.

Sunspot replied.

"Alright, we're on our way," Celsius said.

The two then jumped from the plane. Celsius dove towards the villains with the young heroes trapped, using her flames to launch herself like a rocket.

And Wildfire? He was covered in flames and then his draconic form, twenty meters long, emerged in the air.

"ROOOOAAAAARRRR!!" he roared.

The villains and young heroes in the air were stunned by the sudden appearance of a real dragon in the middle of the swamp.

"By Neptune," Aqualad said, shocked.

"But in God's name, what is that?!" Vertigo, shocked, didn't see Faust being hit by Celsius who collided with the mage at high speed, breaking the spell that kept the cage, freeing the young heroes in the air.

"Damn!! Put me down and go deal with the beast, I'll handle the brats," Vertigo ordered his companion, who quickly complied.


Meanwhile, Sunspot was trying to maneuver the Quinjet, but was being met with energy blasts from the enemy base.

"Why is it that no superhero aircraft ever lasts long?!" he half-shouted while piloting.

"Boss, none of us have a problem with gravity! Just let us out!" Vixen yelled.

"Ahhh... it was a brand new ship... alright, get out!!" Sunspot said as he shifted into his energy form.

The ship took a direct hit, one of the wings being torn from the structure. Sunspot then simply blasted out of the front of the ship with his teammates right behind him.

Sandstorm, transforming into a cloud of sand, descended to the ground alongside Vixen, who had an eagle's aura around her. Meanwhile, Sunspot flew directly towards the enemy base.


On the ground, Robin and Miss Martian were confronting Poison Ivy and Ultra-Humanite, and the two young heroes were not in the best situation.

"This is definitely not going as I imagined!" Robin said as he leaped backward to dodge Ivy's vines.

"No kidding!!" Miss Martian agreed while dodging bullets from Ultra-Humanite's machine gun.

"You worms won't leave here alive!!" Poison Ivy screamed in fury as she commanded dozens of vines to attack the Boy Wonder like spears.

Cornered, Robin watched in slow motion as the vines approached, but then a wall of sand rose from the ground to protect him, preventing the vines from going very far.

"What?!" Ivy shouted in shock.

Ultra-Humanite, who was aiming at Miss Martian, didn't notice the enormous ghostly rhinoceros charging toward him and was hit, being thrown away by Vixen.

"Alright, kids, backup has arrived," Vixen said with a smile.



Sunspot burst through the glass ceiling, shattering it with an energy blast. Entering the hideout, he looked in more detail at the enormous tree functioning as a satellite to control all the mutant plants attacking cities around the world.

"Impressive, a very inventive use of these materials," Sunspot praised the enormous apparatus.

"Thank you, it's always nice to hear compliments from the audience, hahaha!!" a deranged voice responded.

Looking down, Sunspot saw Gotham's Clown Prince of Crime, alongside him Atomic Skull, with his helmet glowing, ready to fire another blast.

"Don't get too cocky, I don't think you contributed much to the whole project," Sunspot said, looking at the villains.

"Oh! But quite the contrary, my radiant friend! You see, I made some alterations to the little plant," the Joker said, gesturing with his hands.

Small spores appeared on the vines around Sunspot.

"Try to have a good laugh, hahahahah!!" Joker laughed sadistically as the spores released his personal toxin.