The Ambush

In the middle of the night, Kolt was playing a game and got addicted to smoking, so he whispered "Ronnie, wait for me for a few minutes" and grabbed his phone and coat and rushed downstairs, into the cold wind of less than three degrees. He ran all the way across the entrance of the neighborhood across several barbecue stalls, braking sharply at the corner cigarette stand.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

The man lifted his eyelids, saw the bearded guy again, and yawned lazily: "Or is it that kind?"

"Yes. Hurry up. I'm waiting to play the game." Kolt fished out the crumpled paper money from his pocket and threw it on the glass case, "No need to get change, count it in for next time."

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

"Young people nowadays ...," the grandfather muttered, the key was finally inserted into the hole, "what is the rush all day long."

Kolt is about to say an expletive. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get back to the office.

Kolt typed: I'm downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes. This old man is a pain in the ass.

There was no reply, Kolt looked at the grandfather again, his old man finally touched the cigarettes out. He was distracted, grabbed two packs of cigarettes and ran. So two minutes of waiting, he already felt his hands cold, can only breathe into the hands, rubbing. If you freeze your hands, you will not be able to play his high play strength in the copy ...Kolt frowned, today also brought the two beautiful girls in the gang, about his status as a gang leader and the dignity of men, this kind of ugly can not be out.

He ran all the way downstairs, waiting for the elevator when the phone suddenly rang, look, is Ronnie.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market. What's the fucking hurry?"

Just then the elevator door opened and Kolt stepped in. Ronnie on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment: "Something's happened."

Kolt was stunned: "What?"

He stood there in the pale light waiting for a reply, but there was no sound after a while. Kolt clutched his cigarette and suddenly had a bad feeling.

The first thing that happened was that he was cut down at the door of the copy.

Kolt was hacked to death at the entrance of the copy, lost his level, and had his equipment exploded.

He sat back in front of the computer, in front of a black and white screen, angry ash straight shaking. After resurrecting, he opened the equipment bar and saw that the ring was empty.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Ronnie directly took the vice gang's authority to open a gang ban, and then in the silence typed a narrative of the situation.

The night, Kolt agreed to take two young girls down the book, a not too difficult six person book, randomly in the gang pulled two full level old brother, and called on Ronnie to chatter, originally intended for casual entertainment. The six people gathered at the entrance of the copy, one halfway down the line, the remaining five people idle waiting for him, and then Kolt smoke out, want to take advantage of this opportunity to go downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes.

When the people who dropped off the line came back, Kolt was still downstairs fighting with the cigarette vendor, Ronnie was opening the chat to rush him, and at that moment, suddenly an assassin jumped in and killed Kolt directly with a knife that was hanging.

The two girls were dazed and dumbfounded, where they had time to react. Ronnie's chat window just closed, and when she returned to the game, the entire screen was a blinding flash of skill. The team panel of Kolt's blood bar plummeted all the way down, Ronnie looked back and threw a healing spell to Kolt, but the progress bar was read, Kolt was already a corpse.

Kolt also played a role of resistance, however, in less than twenty seconds, full blood to zero.

Ronnie calmly narrated the whole process, unbanned, and the channel was in an uproar as everyone indignantly asked who the assassin was. Ronnie said he saw an ID called ... "Booster (side-text me) ".

This statement was met with silence again.

Kolt typed: sleep tonight and talk tomorrow.

Send, get offline, pull out the phone and call Ronnie.

Ronnie answered quickly and asked him, "What's the deal?"

Kolt leaning against the railing blowing cold wind, 1:00 a.m., the building across the street has no more than a few windows still lit, there are drunk people cursing under the street lights, and vaguely can hear the women crying.

"Kill back, what else can I do?" Kolt was distracted and smashed his cigarette.

"Booster (side-text me) ... do you know this guy?" Ronnie asked.

Kolt couldn't figure out why he was asking: "What the hell? It's just a studio number. Someone bought him to kill me." He said and tapped his head, as if he had some kind of a brainstorm, "I think it's Nealon."

"The same ID. I thought you would have seen that post." Ronnie said.

Kolt scratched his head, he loves to browse the forum to read the gossip of people, but he really have not heard of this thing. So he said to Ronnie, "Let me take a look," and hung up the phone, leaping back to his computer in a flash.

Opened the game forum and searched ... for "Booster (side-text me)". The first post that popped up was in red with an appalling title: Booster (side-text me) - only you can't think of anything he can't hit!

Kolt was choked by a mouthful of coffee, I do not know why I found it very funny, but after two laughs remembered their own miserable experience, stiffened up the face, look down.

This owner is also good patience, one by one combed since the opening of the service so far in the hands of the mysterious gunsmith's famous characters, summarizing his pattern of crime - in fact, there is no pattern. Sometimes it's just one kill, sometimes it's several, and after getting the equipment you need, you'll return the other parts by mail. In short, it is very purposeful, very good operation, extremely decisive, so that people can not be avoided and can not be prevented. Later he boosting out of fame, add his friends more and more people, he finally closed the add friends function, so now to boost also private chat can not be, only in-game emails.

Kolt watched with great interest, just think this person is also a talent. The only thing I don't know is whether the ring that fell today is the equipment he wanted, if not, his own game life in the past few days will probably be more awkward. The post summarizes his previous activities are mainly in the first three or four districts, in the seventh district to appear or the first time, Kolt thought about it, sent a message to Ronnie.

"Could this not be the same person?"

Kolt looked at the related gossip for a while, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt that people were blowing it out of proportion, so he had to turn off his computer and take a shower to sleep.