The monologue of Nagumo Miyabi 

I have always been a very talented person since childhood, be it academics sports, etc.

I was a very ambitious person and could stand above others. If anyone got in my way I would mercilessly crush and devour them. I was the student council and the top student in my middle school. When I enrolled in the Advanced nurturing high school, a school which was famous yet secretive about producing best students in japan and were guaranteed 100% job employment in any sector they wish for...

I was disappointed, why, because I was placed in class B even though the students who were less talented than me were placed in the upper classes.

I asked the school why I was placed in class B despite my performance is better than most of the students in class A.

"There wasn't any mistake in our decision on your placement. Only the students who do not have any defects are placed in class A. If you think that you deserve to be class A then climb up the ladder to prove yourself."

This statement may be true for some students but not me. After this encounter, I understood that this school system was a defective one as there were many talented students placed in the lower classes. they were being held down by the defective students in their classes. However, none of them was my match as I crushed them all and by the end of the first year, I had risen to class A and had complete control over the first years. my hatred of the s system which this school boasts about only grew and consumed me until I met him - the existence known as horikita Manabu, the recently appointed student council president.

it was during one of our special exams that were held between the 1st and the second years where my class was crushed by Horita senpai's class. it was the first time I experienced defeat. after the exam, I went to meet up with him. Now I could know why my class lost. He surpassed me in all fields be it academics, sports, and leadership and his presence alone was enough to give me shivers. I felt thrilled at the idea of gaining a rival superior to me. Someone I wanted to surpass in order to rise to the top once again.

After this incident, I joined the student council and openly stated my ambitions to change the school's system. At first, he was reluctant to let me join and showed a worried look, but he later agreed. I confirmed that this man didn't have the same ambitions as me. He didn't like my idea of meritocracy where those with the ability to rule over another rise at the top and rule over the trash at the bottom. However, still I can defeat this person as he didn't allow anyone to get close to him except a few people. In short, he didn't trust anyone.

Later next year, he didn't allow any first years to join the council as he didn't want me influencing them, but that wouldn't stop me from destroying him. I only had one year before senpai graduated. In this year I had to get him expelled or drag him down a class because after he was gone what awaited me was a boring school life. Sometimes I even wished that I was in his year to directly compete with him.

At the end of my second year, Horita san told me about a first-year student named Ayanokoji Kiyotaka of the class 1-D. Senpai placed this person in high regard. in other words, he was trying to challenge me. I felt a bit angry and at the same time happy as my final year in this school may not be boring.

However, I didn't know anything about this person named Ayanokoji Kiyotaka as he wasn't a special existence except that he hid his abilities and was able able to match Horikita-senpai's speed during the sports festival.

This person only followed Horikita-senpai's sister and had average grades. How could such an incompetent person be worthy of being acknowledged by Horikita-san? However slowly I realized that this person was not ordinary He didn't like gathering attention so he worked in the shadows to pull his class up. I may be wrong but he may have interfered in my plan to break Ichinose and use her to control the second years. But later found out that he scored full marks on the maths test- a test which was made so that no one could score full marks. This was when my curiosity grew.

But this wasn't the end of it. Later when the new director of the school was appointed he suggested a new exam for the first years. Six students from the first years were given a special exam to expel a random second-year student and the person who got this person expelled would be awarded 20 million private points. The random student who was chosen for expulsion was none other than Ayanpokoji Kiyotaka.

"Was all that happened till now just a coincidence."

Now, this was getting ridiculous. A chill ran down my spine. A simple question reverberated in my head. I said to myself, "Just who is this guy ?"

I had to investigate this matter thoroughly, behind the director's back.

"Why was a person send to expel this student"

"Why did Horikita senpai acknowledge this person's strength instead of mine."

"What was so special about this person."

Hundreds of such questions came into my head. I wanted to know more about this guy. So one day during the island exam I personally tracked this boy and started provoking him.

And what did I see - a monster glaring at me with cold eyes. When he showed his eyes to me I unconsciously backed away, for the first time in my life I felt fear. I thought I was really close to death. In one punch he knocked me out and I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I had lost my position in the first place. This person will be worth defeating.

I thought to myself.

"This guy is interesting. Guess I won't be bored."
