A Mini Date

"What are you doing Kiyotaka," asked Keisei.

My friends were also drawn towards me.

"Huh, Oh its just that something came up and Horikita called."

"Come back before 8pm. We'll be waiting for you in the cafeteria."

"Okay. I'll be back soon."

Saying this I got out of the room. as soon as I got out I saw a glimpse of someone running away. that person must be one of the third years tailing me. This is getting a bit creepy, I thought as I rushed towards the stairs, beside the elevator to see the person who was tailing me. But the person in question didn't even run. She just stood there smiling.

"Hi Ayanokoji, its been a while.", said Matsushita.

"What do you want. Stalker-San."

"How can you be so cold-hearted. ", she said in a teasing voice.

"Alright, what do you want to ask me now."

"Nagumo-senpai ranked second place because of you, right."

Seems like there are some useful people in our class, but for what reason does she keep approaching. I didn't like the idea of someone stalking just for their curiosity.

"What are you talking about ?", I said with a poker face.

"Okay, let me put it in a different way. He's targeting you for some reason, right. Although I don't know what that reason is..."

"Get to the point."

"I want to help you in your future plans."



"Well, I have my reasons, the first being because we are in the same class and we are kind of similar. "

"Go on"

"Both of us don't like to stand out and lead a normal life free from all the competition between the classes. We just want to live an ordinary life."

"Are you trying to sweet talk me, now that you can't blackmail me?", I said in a threatening voice.

"Blackmail? what are you talking about.", she said with an innocent face.

How can she lie with such a straight face? It's a bit annoying to deal with her, guess ill play her game.

"Fine, ill let you work with me."

"Really.", she asked with a brightened face,

"But you'll have to pass a test."

On hearing this she frowned.

"And what could that be. It better not be something unreasonable.", she said with a straight face.

"Oh. Its nothing like that

Expel a student from our class."


"Wait. What? why do you want me to expel someone from our class."

I frowned. I thought she could read between the lines. I guess she doesn't think of their being a traitor in our class. Well, no one could suspect Kushida of being a traitor.

"You can take your time as you want. However remember if you fail, ill have no choice but to get rid of you." Saying this I slipped away inside the elevator. She wanted to speak more but a voice called her from behind.

"Matsushita, where have you been ?" asked Shinohara.

She said looking at the elevator,

"Oh, I was just...."

The elevator closed and went up.

"....taking a stroll"

"Really, I thought I heard you talking to someone."

"It's nothing, must be your imagination."


I arrived on the second floor. I looked at room number 203. This was Kei's room. My girlfriend, to precise my secret girlfriend. We hadn't revealed our relationship to anyone (except a few people might be suspicious)I rang the doorbell. Just as I rang the doorbell Kei opened the door I hurried inside to avoid anyone's gaze. Kei just stood there smiling.

Somehow this was getting a bit scary. Did I do something wrong or perhaps I had forgotten something. I don't know. Being in a relationship is kinda new to me. I took a seat on the balcony and drank my coffee. Kei came and sat opposite to me to start her interrogation. I was getting a bit nervous as Kei hadn't stopped smiling since I entered the room.

"Say, Kiyotaka, you seem to be having a lot of fun lately, haven't you? "

Hmm. What does she mean? There has been nothing but trouble recently due to the bounty placed by Tsukishiro, Nagumo wanting to fight me to prove his love, sorry worth to Horikita-senpai and other classes have been warned of my existence. Could it be that we are not on the same page?

This doesn't seem to be a joke. She might be teasing me or it might be a misunderstanding on my part. Anyways I should her an honest answer.

"What are you talking about exactly ?", I asked in a confused voice. I just hope she isn't angry. An angry Kei is not an opponent I can defeat.

Kei closed the distance between us immediately and started glaring at me straight in the eyes.

"How many women have you been with during the exam until now ?"

A chill ran down my spine. I blinked my eyes Seven times without knowing.

"So Seven !!, huh."

I gulped. What is she talking about?

Did I piss her off without knowing? What should I do now?

"It's just a misunderstanding Kei, I wasn't cheating on you.", I said thinking that this was the safest answer that I could give.

"When did I say that you were cheating, Kiyotaka ?"

"Surely you must have not. Cause if you had...", she said walking towards me.

I gulped. I could sense the killing intent behind her fake smile.

When Kei tried to come close to me she slipped. Just as she was about fall I rushed towards her and held her in my arms to prevent her from falling. After that I adjusted my posture to stand properly with a tomato-red faced Kei in my arms.

"Are you okay? "

"Immmm..... fine you idiot, first put me down.",she said with a bright red face. It was kind of cute to see her embarrassed and flustered.

Just as I was about to put her down,

"On second thought, stay like this for some time."

I didn't have any objection but I asked,

"Why ?"

"Its your punishment. Now tell me about the adventures you had during this exam."


I kept her on the bed and sat beside her as I told her about the exam and the first years attempt to expel me and the reason I traveled Nanase to keep an eye on her. I ended the conversation by telling her about Tsukishiro's attempt to expel me.

She listened and said,

"Wait- Why would the acting director try to expel you? Did you ruin his carrier or kill his son."

"None of the above. It's just some-Family problems."

"What kind of family problems are you talking about, are your parents trying to get you back because you are running away from your home or something? Anyway, forget it. It's too much information for me to process."

Kei intuition is kind of scaring me out now.

"You are not going to ask any questions ?", I asked.

"Kiyotaka there is plenty of things I want to ask you. But what can I say you are an extremely shy person. So when your heart feels like you want to open up to me, then you can tell me."

My eyes widened. She put so much trust in me. Or is she just teasing me? My heart was racing and I was feeling a warm feeling in my heart. Perhaps this is what people call love. It was pleasent.


"What? "

"Thank you for trusting me.", I said with a smile on my face. (IDK how to smile/ never smiled)

Kei's POV:-

"What", I screamed.

Kiyotaka smiled for an instant. At that time blood was about to leak from my nose, however, I took my napkin and wiped it before he could see it, damn he looked so handsome at that moment. I wish I could have taken a picture of him at that moment.

"You just smiled didn't you ?"

"What are you talking about? "

Hmph. There is no way he is going to admit it. I don't have any proof but he's kind of shy about things like these so he wont admit it easily.

However I must take precautions.

"Kiyotaka.", I said in a firm voice.

He was startled. It was kind of cute but I continued.

"Don't smile like that again- it's kind of creepy."

I didn't want him to show that smile to anyone else. If girls saw his smile, they would fall for him instantly. Also, Kiyotaka doesn't like to stand out. That's it, I'm not being selfish. I'm doing this for his own sake.

After hearing my answer his face didn't show it but i knew he was hurt about my remark.

"But I don't mind, you can smile as much as you want with me, you know. It's not like I didn't want you to not smile in front in front of others."


I'll have to change the topic of this conversation. It's going in a weird direction now.

"Oh, Btw I wrote the names of the students who came on contact with me during the exam on the last few days.", I said handing him a piece of paper. He read the paper and then his expression darkened.

I nearly spit out the coffee I was drinking.

"Is there something wrong ?", I asked in a curious voice. What should I say-he seemed a bit angry.No that cant be? No matter what kind of situation, Kiyotaka doesn't show his emotions. So what could cause such a phenomenon?

"Kei, stay away from strangers and people from other classes.", he said getting up from the bed.


"Well, I have some work to do and ill also have to meet up with my friends for dinner. So well talk him after some time."

"Kay, Bye and stay away from other women."

"I will."

Kiyotaka's POV:-

I walked out of Kei's room and entered the elevator to my friends. But before that, I had to take care of something. I called Matsushita of my class.


"I didn't expect a call from you--what am I saying. I'm not gonna be expelling someone from my class unless I have a proper reason to."

"Fine I agree. I'll tell you whom you ll have to expel. But don't worry they are not from our class.

"Huh, seriously. I hope they are not my friends. Besides I don't have the power to expel someone."

"Matsushita-san, you can't deceive my eyes. Anyways I have sent you the name of people i want expelled. Depending on how you expel and how many you expel, ill let you join me."

"Uh-Okay. But I'm meeting up with Karuizawa and Sato-san for dinner. Wanna join us ?"

"Not interested."

"Wait these names are mainly of boys from 1st years students. Why would you want to expel these people."

"They are pawns of Nagumo who tried to drag our class down during the exam. Even one of my friends was food poisoned. Even one of your friends may be targetted."

"Don't you think this might be a bit dangerous? Well, anyway I'll try the best I can."

"Bye", saying I cut the call.

Most of the students in this list were on same the list which Kei showed me during the exam. I don't think that these students were sent by Nagumo. But the problem is all of these students are boys who must be trying to get close to Kei. How dare they eye my women. It seems that they have a death wish, huh. As I was thinking the elevator opened and I walked out.

PS- The seven women talked about earlier are- Nanase, Kiryuuin, Amasawa, Ichinose, Matsushita, Hiyori and I forgot the last ones name.