A Plan in making

"Is there a problem Student Council President Nagumo.", I said in a mocking tone.

He just smiled at me and said, " Ah come on, aren't we really good friends. Why don't we hang out for some time. "

My mouth twitched slightly at his unexpected response and I sighed and said, "I'm really sorry senpai its just that my health is in a really poor condition. Otherwise I would have really wanted to HANGOUT with you."

"Is that so, then why don't we eat lunch together tomorrow if you don't mind. "

He's backing out so easily, so he must be planning something. In fact he knew that I'd reject him right now or any other time, but by calling me a friend he forced me into a situation where he might want to humiliate or challenge me.

Well- some people don't change, though I can spare some time to play with these kids so I accepted his invitation.

"Of course, ill come but please refrain from approaching me in the open like this. It might cause some misunderstanding among your fans."

I said staring at the "Little Army" behind him and showing the darkness that I usually hide behind my poker face.

Nagumo unknowingly took a step back remembering the events of past exam, which shocked the onlookers. People started looking at me mixed emotions. Some looked with Surprised, others were curious and some were looking with contempt but all of the onlookers couldn't look directly at those eyes for some reason.

I thought to myself. Its been quite a while since I've seen such gazes. The gazes that I was tired of seeing again and again. This was the same gaze that those scientists in the white room gave me when I achieved impossible results. It reminded me of my past, so I retracted my gaze.


There is a saying that the most scary monster is a human. Its just a line from a movie or a novel that I didn't pay attention to, but for the brief moment I saw this gaze in the eyes of the person I see as a member of the opposite sex, my mind went blank.


The noise quickly bought everyone out of their daze. I looked around and saw Airi on the ground. Akito, Haruka and I went to pick her up as soon as possible and rushed her to the nurses room. On my way, I gazed at Nagumo to see his reaction.

He was surprised and cautious at the same time- meaning it wasn't him who planned it. Is it just a coincidence that both Keisei and Airi who are close to me have gotten ill. We waited outside the Nurses office until the nurse informed us that Airi was exhausted and dehydrated.

"Don't worry, Nagumo wont be troubling us from now onwards. " I said reassuring my friends.

I haven't shown that gaze to many people, so I don't know how they'll treat me from now on.

The Nurse informed us that Airi just suffered from dehydration but I know it must have been more than that. She must have felt betrayed and shocked, then again it must be same with friends. I can say this because they are not looking at me when talking to me. Such a thing was bound to happen anyways and it could have taken turn for the worst.

All of us were sitting on the benches outside the office, without speaking a word to each other. I got up and told them that it was getting late. They all nodded and left but I could sense a hint of fear from them as they hurriedly left.

I also checked one last time on Airi and left. I had to go on the rooftop of the ship at midnight to meat the special guest that had called me.

But here's the problem- we cant roam in the hallways after 10PM. All the light are out and teachers and staff member patrol the living quarters in case of emergency. However even if I did got caught sneaking around at midnight, I could just say that I was looking for the way to hospital to visit my friends or maybe fake some illness, though that would be a bit difficult and it would be even more suspicious.

I've got admit it I'm not really good at these things. I should probably take advice from an expert at hiding and stalking.

I dialed a number which was rejected instantly. I felt annoyed for some reason until that person called me back.

"I haven't decided yet." said Matsushita in a quite voice.

"Could you please talk in way that other people could misunderstand."

"Hehe what do you mean ?"

I cut the call. Talking to this women is probably a waste of time.



"Okay fine. What do you want ?

I doubt you would call me if you didn't need anything."

" Is there any place to hide outside the dorms during midnight. "

"Now why would I know something like that ??"

"Don't play games with me stalker-san. Someone like you who can hide their abilities for an entire year is saying that you don't know any hiding spots. I doubt that I have been the only person who being stalker by you. "


"Its not like that." she said after sometime.

It seems like I really hit the nail in the coffin.

" You can say that, but its more like collecting information from those around you and being cautious of your surrounding. Its hard to say- but you can call it a habit. " she sighed.

I wasn't right off the mark. Matsushita is exactly the type of person I need- someone whose is highly capable and can give me information while they can work in the shadows.

She is the perfect replacement for Kushida, and unlike Horikita who is an Idealist

"So whom are stalking these days ?"

"Well I actually haven't been doing it these days. Even I want to relax when we have a vacation. "


"Well. Its more like I'm being cautious. There have been some strange things that have been happening among the first year student. I don't have to tell you do I. "

"It seems you are somewhat capable. "

"There is a proper way to compliment a women, you know ?"

"Can you please tell me the info that I asked you about."

"You're no fun... There is a bar on the top floor which is usually open all the time usually for the staff members and teachers, but I have a way. Also before going just come beside my room for a second. "

"If its a bar then that means all of the teachers and staff members would be there- and why should I come to your room in the middle of the night. "

"Its because its something that cant be done on the phone. And if you don't come then forget about it. I wont help you on this one."

She cut the call and when I tried to call her back she rejected it.

"Women are quite the difficult creatures to understand. I seem to have no luck with them..." I muttered.

Now why would she invite another another person to her room where her friends would be.
