Prabhav's Curiosity

Prabhav: "Raj, how do you think these World Trees work."

Raj looks at Prabhav, who seems to be worried.

Although Prabhav had 100% loyalty towards Cosmic, it didn't stop him from worrying.

His loyalty will ensure that he does not betray Cosmic. However, it does not mean that he has lost his mind.

Things that make no sense to him will still be hard for him.

Like in this case, he cannot understand how the moon will reflect the sunlight after being covered by the world tree.

He had tried to ask Cosmic about it. However, Cosmic had been busy with something else at that time and had been unable to solve his query.

Raj: "I am not someone who understands this, but I have some information from the department responsible for studying the World Tree."

Prabhav: "tell me! Tell me! tell me!"

Raj saw his friend turning into an excited baby at the chance of getting an answer.

Raj: "Wait a minute, I don't remember those details, but I have the written document with me."

"Let me show that to you."

Raj searches his phone for the document and soon finds it.

He opens the document and gives his phone to Prabhav, "Here, take it."

Prabhav begins to read the paper.

The Mars Landing is successful, and everything is going correctly.

Right now, he does not need to focus on that and can read this document wholeheartedly.

Prabhav begins to read the document.

However, the more he reads it, the more he realizes how much of a bizarre existence the World Tree is.

This document in his hands basically talks about the attributes of the Mother Tree.

It states that at birth, the mother tree only had the attribute of soil, and as it grew, the characteristics of the Mother Tree grew.

The researchers were extremely surprised at this.

They studied the reason and found that the Mother Tree gains the attribute of its surroundings.

Some of the attributes are acquired earlier than the others due to their high concentration of them in their surroundings.

Later they tried to artificially add certain elements to the surroundings of the Mother Tree and found that although the Mother Tree did acquire the attribute, it soon discarded that attribute as it was harmful to the environment.

This experiment was done a few more times, and it was concluded that as long as the artificial attribute is beneficial to the environment, the Mother Tree will accept that attribute and even encourage its growth.

In addition to this, he also some recent experimental reports.

In those reports, the World Trees they talked about was the Teacher's Tree (Child World Tree planted in the Teachers World) and the others.

These trees were planted recently, but they have already grown up with the help of the time ability of Pearl.

He was stunned by this; he was not aware of these trees.

However, when he thought about it, it made sense.

Each batch of fruits harvested from the Mother Tree is 100 Fruits.

At the moment we have a surplus of them.

Realizing he was going off track, he once again focused his attention on the Report.

In the report, he found that in the separate worlds, the growth of the World Tree is quite different from the Mother Tree.

They found that the World Tree on those planets did not directly change the planet.

They simply allowed the birth of native life on those planets.

In this way, many unknown species of life were born on those planets.

Reading this, Prabhav was puzzled.

If the World Tree did not alter the environment, then how was it supposed to make it suitable for human habitation.

However, he was also puzzled; he did not know which planet these people were talking about.

He tried to look for the name of the planet they were doing their research on.

The result shocked him.

He did not expect that those people even went to that planet for experimentation.

He suddenly shuddered and felt a little dark.

Raj, who had been sitting near him and watching the progress of the Mars project, saw the weird state Prabhav was in.

He called out to him; however, he found that Prabhav was not responding.

He felt weird and tapped Prabhav on his shoulder to call him.

However, once again, Raj failed to wake up Prabhav.

At this time, Raj had started to feel weird.

He did not know what had happened to Prabhav; however, he decided to wake him up before thinking about it.

This time he decided to shake Prabhav's Body to wake him up.

Raj: "I hope he wakes up this time."

"Otherwise, I will need to use those two methods."

A scientist standing by his side who also saw what Raj was doing got interested in his words.

He asked, "What are the two methods that you speak of."

Raj looked at the scientist who spoke.