To The Sian Mansion - part 2

'Its been almost an hour now since the carriages started to move and I havent talked to him not even a single word, I think I should talk to him or else he may consider it rude.'

"Lord Alfred how long will it take until we reach the Sian mansion." I asked in the most polite voice I could muster because I am extremely scared of this man

"Until nightfall." he said coldly


'Ughh that long do I really have to manage with this guy for that long.

It looks like the people are still using horse pulled carriages, shouldnt they have come up with a faster mode of travel, like a carriage powered by mana stones.

I've heard grandma say that mana stones are used to power and reinforce training grounds. Mana stones are mined from the Earth which can also be found on the surface, these stones have natural mana stored in them.

The world is influenced by magic so the main occupations will be related magic meaning that people dont want to learn more about science. Why the hell am I even talking about science in a world where magic exists, I've seen grandpa do magic like making water out of nothing which definitely breaks the law of conservation of mass and also how he swings the ten foot sword like its nothing, its humanly impossible. The normal laws of physics on Earth cant be applied here probably meaning that I am in a different universe.'

"Hey kid cover yourself with the cloak, channel your mana through it and think about becoming invisible." he commanded

"But why? Is someone coming."

"Stop asking questions and do what I tell you to do.

'I was really angry about how he talked, he is so arrogant, well he is like a king.

The carriage suddenly stopped and I could hear people talking outside so I put the cloak over my body and channeled my mana through it and thought that I would become invisible but... I dont know how to channel mana!!'

"Lord it is the Kren family it seems they are passing by but its unusual as their group is carrying heavy and dangerous weapons and they are also demanding us to let them search our luggage and carriages."

"How big is their group."

"Lord they easily overpower us, lord I say we let them search us and avoid any unnecessary bloodshed."

"Very well then let them search us but I am not moving out of my carriage."

"Yes lord"

'I am shocked that he is not concerned about the Kren family searching his stuff but and I was even more shocked because the soldier told they were demanding and not requesting us to search our carriages and luggage, it seems that the Kren family is really powerful.

I think thats probably why he said me to wear the cloak but I dont know how to channel my mana. Shit shit shit shit shit somebody is opening the door of the carriage, oh noo I will get caught.'

"A very good morning lord Alfred." said a man who was coverd with heavy armour and there were some writings on his armour, probably some inscriptions.

"Just get it over with." he replied with an impatatient voice.

'The man in the armour stayed out of the carriage and looked inside he also looked at the seat where I sat but he didnt notice me, perhaps I am invisible but I didnt and cant channel any mana into the cloak, perhaps he is channeling mana into the cloak.'

"Lord why are you sitting alone instead with of your family."

"Its my choice if I sit alone or not you dont need to question me." he replied, being annoyed.

'The man then closed the door and soon after that, the carriages started to move.'

"You can remove the cloak, kid."

"Did the man see me."

"Probably not"

"Well he did leave us so he must've not seen me. Anyway thanks for channeling mana into the cloak."

"What? I didnt channel mana into the cloak werent you the one who channeled it."

"Wait you didnt channel mana into the cloak and I cant channel mana so then who did?"

'Being very confused I took the cloak and I saw a red light emnating from within the cloak it was like a red spot on the cloak but the spot was glowing. I touched that red glowing spot and then a stone came out after the thing came out I couldnt see the glowing red spot. I picked the stone and realised that its the same stone that grandpa gave me.'

"This stone, my grandpa gave me this."

"He sure is trusting you, that stone is called a mana coy they are a really rare type of mana stone. Unlike a normal mana stone which is used mainly as a fuel is way different from a mana coy. Mana coys are used to measure how pure is your mana and how much mana is there in your core, they can also absorb and release an astronomical amount of mana and currently only nine mana stones have been found, one each mana coy has been given to the ancient families and other four remain with the council."

'Dang this guy finally talked and why is he talking so charismatically.

There are only nine mana coys in the world and one with me, I already feel powerful. BTW who or what is the council, I should just ask him.

"Thanks for letting me know that this is a mana coy. I wa....."

"Dont thank me yet you will need that until we reach the mansion. Anyways I want to see the level and type of mana core that you have, so channel your mana into the stone."

'This guy didnt let me finish the sentence and did he forget that I cant channel mana but he looks so curious, seriously his attitude changed dramatically. I think I should ask the question later, getting on his good side and becoming friends with him will be good.'

"I am sorry I cant control mana yet."

"Oh yeah how could I forget. Ok let me show, first take your hand and close your eyes, imagine that there is a reservoir of water in your heart, you attach a pipe to it and open a valve, you will feel mana flow through you and remember the end of the pipe should be out of your body so that the stone can read your mana. Now you know how to channel mana through your body so try it out, it might be difficult but you will figure it out in a couple of hours and when you start feeling the reservoir think that water as some sort of energy and the pipes as your mana veins."

'A couple of hours, thats a lot of time. I thought that I could sleep now since I didnt the last night, its just one night so nothing will happen I used to do full nighters for a few days in my previous life so its not a biggy but I am only three years old now my body definitely needs more sleep, aagghhh I will go to sleep after I learn to channel mana.'

-------- 12 hours later

'How long has it ben since I started 1 or 2 hours maybe, I am almost there I am very close to channeling my mana into the mana coy. I thought it would be easy for me to do it because I am very good at imagining but then again I am not good at concentrating, every second there are thoughts popping up when I try to focus on channeling mana through my mana veins.

I am amazed at how I've been able to close my eyes and keep my body in the same meditating position for 2 straight hours, I guess while focusing on mana my brain is less concious of my physical body, Its like I cant even feel my body but I can sense my body. The meditation that my grandpa used to make me do is helping but I am always distracted even now I am remembering all these memories aaagggghhhhh I am so frustated, I should deffinetely sleep after this because I am getting really irritated.'

------- a few minutes later

"Hey kid open you eyes, the mana coy's glowing you channeled mana through your body and into the stone."

'I opened my eyes and then saw the mana coy which was glowing dull purple almost like the colour of grapes or wine.'

"I am amazed you've already skipped the black stage and jumped to the purple stage."

"Is it normal to have jumped a stage."

"Not always but it is predictable of your case because you've been born in an ancient family and ancient families are provided with food that contains a small amount mana in it but as I said very small amounts, if someone wanted to skip the black stage just by ingesting mana containing food then they would've to eat a lot of that food, which is easily understandable by your body."

'Is this guy fatshaming me.'

"So you mean that its not a problem for me."

"Yes exactly"

"Well anyways how long until we reach the Sian mansion."

he chuckled and said "We are already there, take a look outside."

'I lifted the curtains and saw outside the window. The sky was orange, it had been almost half a day but it felt like just an hour or two.'

"Time moves slow in the mana realm, the whole time that you were thinking about mana, mana core, mana veins and anything related to mana you were in the mana realm. The way you enter the mana realm is by thinking about mana, in the mana realm none of your thoughts will disturb you, you will feel like your whole body is in another world. This is what differentiates mana realm and meditation, while in meditation you can still feel your physical body and the amount of thoughts you get while meditating are more than when you are awake meaning you have to focus more while meditating than when you are in the mana realm."

'Wait what, I got the part where time moves slow in the mana realm but I dont get the differences between the mana realm and meditation.'

"But lord Alfred for me while I was in the mana realm I could get the fact that I was in a different world and I couldnt feel my physical body either but there were thoughts just like those which you get while meditating."

"Hmmmm theres no way that its possible you must've mistook your normal thoughts as for the thoughts you get while meditating.

Anyway leave that stuff we are at the mansion, I heard the main gate open so remove those clothes and put this on, your grandpa planned on not letting even my family know that you are the MaEk mansion's next heir, so you have to act like a beggar. If you want to curse anybody curse your grandpa he came up this plan."

'He took a rag which was used to clean the floors in the MaEk mansion and told me to wear it most above all grandpa planned it then what was it that he was talking about behave yourself in the Sian mansion, such load of bullcrap.'