Sad News Uncovered

'Its been almost a week since I started attending the education classes.

Turns out that education tutoring is just reading and learning from books basically the theory part of our sponsorship training.

The room in which we were studying in was a 10 by 20 metre rectangular room but with only three desks and benches were present, 2 for the students and 1 for the teacher.

As for now only one teacher thaught us for the whole week, Ms Himiya. She thaught us only history. At the end of the week she took a test in which I got 43/50 an 'A' grade and Cera got 50/50 'A+'. She got the perfect score, well I dont give a shit about grades.

The classes would sometimes get boring because there was only one break of 30 minutes and that was for breakfast.

We had to eat military food because they prepared food for soldiers and as we were only 2 people they couldnt cook seperate meals.

The food tasted horrible but Cera ate it wholeheartedly, probably because she ate the same food back at her home but to me who had only eaten food made by really good cooks, to me it tasted like shit.

The classes were from 7 am to 2 pm. There was a clock in one of the building where our classes are held and there was also a clock in the mansion.

The clocks in this world didnt have hands unlike the clocks on Earth. The clocks were circular but there were mana stones placed beneath the numbers.

A single mana stone would shining, indicating what time it is.

If the mana stone beneath the number 8 shone, it meant that that it was 8 o'clock. These were 12 hour clocks. There would be 5 sub divisions to an hour, each division being 12 minutes.

These clocks didnt tell the accurate time but atleast there were clocks. There were also watches which worked with the same mechanism as the clocks.

These clocks and watches are very expensive. So only rich families can afford them.

The council would provide atleast one mana clock to every town and other public areas.'


"Clay what should we today." Cera asked when we were right at the mansion

"I dont know, you decide."

"Ummm lets practice our magic today instead of playing or reading some books."

"Okay, sounds pretty good."

'I was enjoying myself in the past couple of days, me and Cera would be together all the time. We did various things like playing a game called scourvier, its just a brain game.

We normally didnt play outside because I was fat and couldnt run properly. We would sometimes go to the mansion's library, garden, weaponary and the kitchen.

We would mainly go to the kitchen to get something nice to eat, the cooks would even give us some food ignoring the sponsorship rules which they were told to follow strictly.

It was fun and I wanted to stay longer at mansion but I knew I would have to go to family in a few days.

It was so fun that I even thought of taking the sponsorship seriously.'

"Lets practice magic at the roof, no one will see us there." Cera said

"Okay, lets meet there in 30 minutes."

"Well okay see you at the roof, bye." she said and left me.

'Our rooms were on the same floor but she would normally go to her room first, I take a lot of time to just get to my room because of my fat physique.

I was on the second floor when I overheard a conversation.'

"What do you mean the whole MaEk family was killed."

"I know it might sound ridiculous but they are really dead, all of them Anarek his children his grandchildren everybody are dead.

I know because I've seen it, I had gone there this morning to clarify any doubts that I had and the news was really true.

The mansion was in smitherins, half of them had been decapitated and half of them had their faces smashed.

There was blood everywhere, it was like a holocaust. I havent seen anything like that since the continental war."

"How is that possible, the Kren family arent that cruel."

"I know it isnt the Kren family who did that, they were actually who informed me about the incident.

They called all the family elders and the council at the site which used to be the MaEk mansion.

They found a total of 73 corpses, all the corpses were in a really bloodied condition. They couldnt identify each and every one of them as they didnt find the family registery but they knew that there were 19 children in the family and they found only 18 corpses of the children.

Atleast one of the children survived, they are still not sure about the adults. As of now they are still investigating about the people killed and if anybody escaped."

"But father who could've done this, there is nobody in this continent who would dare to attack the MaEk family except the Kren family"

"The Kren family still has to find about who did this but they found something interesting, there was a broken handle of a sword.

They found 2 large pieces of the sword the handle and the material of the sword. They tried to piece the handle and the material, it looked like there was a extreme pressure put on the sword so it shattered. And the material was obnium."

"To believe that someone has the strength to shatter obnium."

"Thats why the council and the other elders are speculating that it was done by someone from other continent."

"Hey boy what are you doing there. Its the lord Alfred's office, you shouldnt be eavesdropping."

I turned my face towards the person and the people inside the room quickly opened the door.

It was Alfred and his father who were talking in the room.

"I am sorry lord Alfred and lord Flloyd, I should've told him not to go near your office beforehand." said the maid while she bowed

"Its okay, it was my fault for not making the office sound proof." he said that and took me inside the office

"How much did you hear." Alfred asked

"Enough" I said with a face of 70% shock and 30% sadness

After a pause Alfred told to his father about everything, he said about my true identitiy.

The old guy was really shocked when he heard the truth.

"I didnt know you were Anarek's grandson." the old guy said

"Its okay, you dont need to show me any sympathy." I said and left the office

'I didnt have parents in my last life, I dont have parents in this life. My whole family was ruined in my previous life, My whole family is dead in this life. Whats next is Cera going to poison me.

Why cant I have family, why do I always have to cry, why dont I deserve happiness.

These were the thoughts that were going through my mind while I sobbed into the pillow.'

someone entered my room "Clay, I know what is going through your heart, your parents are not with you and you hear that you will never be able to see your family again but you have to go through it, you have to battle.

Life is very hard, it always throws hurdles at you but its up to you if you want stand up and walk or stay down. Right now you need stand up start walking." it was Alfred, he came into my room and gave me a hug, while I was still sobbing uncontrollably

"Your grandpa told me to adopt you so that you could know the love of a father but when I heard you wanted to be sponsored instead I did nothing because I thought you would know whats best for you.

So stop crying and tell me that I did the right thing of not adopting you." said Alfred while a few tears ran down his cheek

"So much coming from a man who is crying himself." I said while I smiled in a river of tears

"Ha, just shut up."

'After a few minutes we got back to our senses and Alfred said everything that grandpa Anarek and him had talked about. One thing that caught me the most was the grandpa commiting a crime.

He didnt know what crime did grandpa do but he knew that my father was actually the one who commited the crime and that grandpa blamed himself for it.

He left my room after handing me the cloak that grandpa had given me when I left the MaEk mansion.

I held onto the cloak as I thought this is the only thing that I have from my family.'

I heard a knock on the door "Come in" I said

Its Cera "I am sorry, I was going to come to your room to ask what is taking you so long and I heard your conversation."

"Its okay

Want me tell you everything."

She nodded

'I told her whom I truly was and all that stuff.'


Some unexplained things


The continent in which Clay was born is known as Cyrus.

The continent Cyrus has a council. The council of Cyrus is commonly called as the council.

Council - Cyrus has 5 countries/states/kingdoms. Each of these countries/states/kingdoms has a ruler and this ruler is like a administrator to his country/state/kingdom.

The council of Cyrus is made up of these 5 rulers and the council is the central figure of this continent.

A member of the council/a ruler suggests a law and the other members/other rulers either approve or dont approve.

A law is approved if majority of the members/rulers want the law to be executed. If a law is approved and executed then it is made sure that everybody followes the law.

Licensed mages are the ones who ensure the law isnt broken and if it is then they have the authority to punish the person.

Note:- The punishments are already specified for the crime commited. The licensed mages can only give them the specified punishments or else their licsence might get revoked.

There will be investigations done by the mages.


Family head - who controls the whole family

Family Elders - ex family head
