The Village

"But what if a monster detects us?"

"Come on why are you scared, just a few minutes ago we created a 20 meter tall fire tornado. We are way prepared to face the monsters, all the monsters in the forest are below brown core stage.

Also the village is just 2 kilometers away we will be there in just 30 minutes so need to worry."

'Cera reluctantly agreed

We put the cloak on and I channelel mana into the cloak thinking that we would go invisible and we started walking.

After a few minutes of walking, I was getting irritated because of how slow we were walking and looking through translucent the cloth made me even more irritated.'

I removed the cloak and said "Lets walk without the cloak" Cera didnt say anything, she too might have been irritated

"But lets hold hands or else we might get lost." said Cera

"That is the only smart thing that I have heard you say in the past 4 years" I teased her and held her hand

"Why are you always teasing me" she said while puffing her mouth

"Lets talk very minimally from now on or else the monsters will hear us." I spoke

"Okay" she replied

"We have been walking for a while so we should be there any time now" I said it to Cera because she looked uncomfortable of the silence


'The trees are getting sparse the more we walk so we must be exiting the forest.

The whole time we were walking, we didnt encounter a single monster.'

"Clay I can hear some people" Cera knocked me out from my internal thoughts

"Lets walk faster" I said

"Finally we are here!!" Cera exclaimed and removed her sweaty palm from mine

'We arrived at the village

We are only a few metres away from the main entrance of the village.'

"Theres kin's house, I wanted to go to his house." Cera pointed to a small hut near a windmill

"Why do you want to go to his house" I asked

"Just come with me" she said and took my hand

'Why would she want to go his house?

we ran towards Kin's house and called out his name.

He came out of the hut and was surprised to see us.

His face is like a middle aged man, he has blonde hairs and azure eyes.

He has a pretty chieseled body for the man of his age.

Cera and me first met him 3 years ago, at that time he had just come to the village to do trade for a few days but he stayed in the village saying it was very peaceful and since then he started to make cloths.'

"Cera and Clay what brings you here." asked the man

"I want you to make a black wool sweater about my size and I want it today." Cera said

"That will be 80 coppers" said the man

"What!!! I bought a wool sweater from you last year and it was only 50 coppers. Why did the price go so high?" Cera asked like an angry customer

"Calm down miss, it got higher because you grew a lot in this year and also because black yarn is expensive."

"Even so 30 coppers is too much raise." Cera was getting even more furious

"Like thats anything to you kids. You kids are more richer than most of the people in this village.

I even know how much your allowance is."

"Well then how much is my allowance" she asked in anger and Kin replied " yours is 10 silvers and Clay's is 3 silvers"

'I was shocked when I heard him say my allowance and even more shocked when I heard Cera's allowance.

"Ho.. how do you know that" She stuttered when she looked at my 50% shocked, 30% angry and 20% confused face

'She lied to me about her allowance, she said it was 5 silvers

When the man said Cera's allowance I thought he was just blabbering something but her reaction showed he wasnt.'

"Well you could say I have some connections" said the man

"What the hell do you mean some connections, are the maids in the mansion your spies." I asked

"No, they arent my spies, they are information providers." the man said sheepishly

'Information providers, bruhhhhh the mansion is not a safe place anymore.'

"How does the information exchange work." I asked

"50 coppers" he said

'fuck this guy, he is such a greedy asshole'

I paid him 50 coppers "If the maids have a news to tell me, I will give them money according to how big the news is. If there is any information that they want from me then they will pay me money." the man said

"What if a person rather than a maid comes for some information, will you give him the information." I asked because I thought he might be useful

"Ofcourse as long as he can pay me"

"Will you both stop it please." Cera interupted us because she didnt like our conversation

"Kin get the sweater ready by nightfall" she said and dragged out of the hut

'We went to the bar to eat breakfast'

"Long time no see Tobi" we said

"Ah Cera and Clay, where have you guys been. You havent come to my bar in weeks."

"We had a lot of training so we couldnt find any time" I said

"Yeah especially this week, it was very strenous." Cera said

"Well good for you, you came to the right place. The food at this bar will make all your pain and stress go away.

So what will you guys have"

"The usual" both me and Cera said together

"Okay I will be back in a few minutes with your food." said Tobi

'Tobi is the bar owner. He is only 19 but he has a wife and a newborn baby.

He has brown hairs and black eyes. He has to take care of the bar since his parents were killed by a monster.'

After a few minutes Tobi brought us our breakfast "Here you go, enjoy the meal"

'Cera had ordered scrambled eggs, garlic bread and a hot glass of milk, a pretty simple breakfast.

But my plate has 2 loafs of bread, 3 steak size pieces of meat, 10 pieces of fried mutated chicken, a salad and a lemon drink to help me digest all this stuff. My breakfast is no where near simple.

My breakfast is big enough to fill the stomachs of 3 fully grown men.'

"I dont get it, how do you eat so much and still manage to stay thin?" asked Cera

I leaned towards her and whispered her in the ear "I will tell you but promise me to that you will keep it a secret."

"Dont worry I wont tell it to anybody." she whispered into my ears

"Okay, my secret to being thin is to turn all the fat that I gained into muscles" I whispered in her ear

'I dont know why I was whispering but I just felt like whispering'

"Ohhhhhh thats how you do it.

But how do you turn fat into muscles." she asked still whispering

I replied "By working out"

"Whats that"


Just forget about it and eat the breakfast" I said

'She listened to me and just ate.

It took me half an hour to eat all that was on my plate, I could feel people staring at me.'

"Isnt he Clay, the Sian family's sponsor. Its true that he has the appetite of a gare." I could hear people talking about me

This village has less than 100 people living in it, almost everybody in this village knows me. Mostly becuase I defeated the champion of the food eating festival a year ago, it was an unnofficial fight.

There are different festivals held in the village. They are food eating, beer drinking and monster hunting.

This is a peaceful village so the festivals are only related to eating. There is a monster hunting festival because they need meat for the food eating festival.

I am thinking of joining the food eating and monster hunting festival this year, the prizes are my aim.

If I win the food eating contest I will get free food for one whole month and if I win the monster hunting festival I will get free leather and since leather is expensive, I will sell it in the town. The nearest town is 50 kilometers away so I would have to buy some horses and carts.

If I start to this bussiness I will earn a lot of money.


After we ate our breakfast we went to the wheat farms to meet fuyugi, she is the owner of all the farms present in the village.

She is a 50 year old women but she looks in her early 30's. She is our friend, she has a 2 year old grandson so normally we come here to play with him.

After we played with Fuyugi's grandson we went to Mr.Chris's house, Chris is this village's head. We went to meet him cause Cera wanted to send a letter to her parents.

It wasnt normal for Cera to send her parents a letter, so I was pretty curious to know what was in that letter but I told myself it wasnt my bussiness.

After that we went to the bar to have lunch, my lunch was the same as the breakfast. The meal costs me 15 coppers.

My tummy wasnt feeling good after I had such an enormous meal 2 times in a row so I went to the village's playground where couple of kids were playing and played with them even Cera played with us.

It was 5 pm after we did all that.'

"Today was so good, I hope everyday is like this. What about you did you like it ?" asked Cera

"Yeah today was very good" I said while I sat on the soft grass

"We wont have days like this often now that our combat training starts, it will get boring." said Cera

"I like training and fighting, it makes me feel more confident in myself so it wouldnt be boring for me."

After a pause

"Kin must've made the sweater already, lets go there." Cera told me

"Cant you just go by yourself I am tired" I said because the soft grass was making me sleepy

"Come on, dont be such a lazy ass"

"Okay okay"

'I got up from the most soft bed in the world and we went to Kin's house'

"Old man Kin I am here" Cera said while we entered the hut

"Oh you are at the right time, I just finished making your sweater" he said while he was working on a sweater making machine, this machine didnt look anything similiar to the machines back on Earth

"Take it, after you pay me"

'Cera payed him the 80 coppers and then he gave her the sweater.'

"What do you think Clay, does it look nice."

"The colour is nice" I said

"Good, you liked it.

Kin wrap it up."

"1 copper for the wrap" he said

"You greedy... !!!!" she stopped right when she was on the verge of cursing him.

She gave him the copper and we headed out of the hut with the wrapped sweater.

We were walking to the village square when Cera asked "Hey do you know what day is it today"

"Yeah, its tuesday"

"I mean date"

"Yeah, 7th of january"

"And 7th of january is....." she said and raised a brow

"7th of january is..... wait, no way"

"Happy Birthday Clay"

"How do you know that, I dont remember telling you my birthdate" I asked with a confused and surprised face

"Do you relly want to know how I got it"


"Figure it out yourself"

"Come on stop teasing me"

"Okay I will give you a hint, the information broker"

"Oh my god" I said while sighing

"Hahahaha you got played right behind your nose.

When you guys were talking about the information broker system I got scared thinking that he might tell you and ruin the whole surprise so I quickly took you out of the hut.

Anyways take this, its your birthday present" she gave me the wrapped sweater

"Wait didnt make it for yourse..."

"No, I buyed it for you. You once told me you liked the colour black so I told him to make the sweater black."

'This girl, not only did she find my birthdate but also gifted me a sweater and also while remembering my favorite colour, she truly is my bestie.'

"I dont really care about birthdays but when someone shows me this much love, I just really dont know how thank you." I said with the biggest smile I could possibly make

"You dont need to thank me, I just want a party next time. Thats all I want" she said while laughing

"Yeah I will be sure to throw a party next ti..."


'Before I could finish the sentence a series of shrieks were ringing in our ears along with someone yelling'

"Monsters the monsters are here runnnn!!!"