Chapter 3-skill history

"OK Jason if you're done trying to assisinate young Tsukashi I would like to start teaching" Mr Jack shouted angrily. "now this year I'm not allowed to teach ye about the bloodline feud in case I offend Osciller, yes you heard me correctly I can't teach about a war hes witnessed, fought in and lost family in for fear he might get upset over it" Mr Jack says in a very rantful manner. What else is he going to teach in a skill history class though considering this feud is most of the history related to skills. He begins to write the name 'sei shu' on the blackboard "does anyone know who this is?" he says to an almost completely silent classroom,"well this is the name of a hero" he says.

He tells us that "when skills first started appearing they were regularly used for evil,I would give you a year but none of ye useless idiots are gonna bother memorising dates.skill users were typically seen as criminals, villains and terrorists. that was until sei came along. Sei was a vigilante who used his skill to try to stop all the original skill users. You might have noticed the statue on your way into the school that is in fact a shrine for sei shu. He arrested 37 and killed 16 out of the 68 known skill criminals. Unfortunately after 7 years of heroing he was ganged up on by a group of cultists and burned at the stake to be sacrificed to their God, since then that entire cult was purged to avenge sei. Something you will have to know for the test is that his skill was called cut and allowed him to turn his fingers into blades, the Strenght of the blade depended on how much energy he had"

The bell rang signifying this dreadful class is finally over. As I'm walking to the general room I meet Tetsuna as he walks out of the principals office.I check my timetable and notice that we have a whole 3 hours untill skill training giving me way too much time to get to know the people in my and Tetsuna walk over toward a table that has 2 free seats. "hello" this sort of emoish voice calls out,"im storm, and what's your name weakling? " great another person who seems to dislike me, "Osciller" I tell him "and this right here is my friend Tetsuna" I say pointing at Tetsuna. "ya thanks for introducing me storm,my name is tardis and my friend here watches way too many vampire movies so don't mind him too much. Acctually Tsukashi kid Ive been wondering what's your skill, storm here can make a combat clone of himself and I can turn into a sort of human mech". His skill acctually sounds kinda powerful, and of he's got good physical Strenght storm might be an absolute nightmare to deal with in hand to hand combat. I tell him that "my skill allows me to shoot rocks out of my skin". "that's sounds cool" tardis says to me "and what about Tetsuna". "I have a recon ability that allows me to tag 3 people at once by touching them on the shoulder, once tagged I know there exact location at all times". He taps me on the shoulder and says "Osciller knows don't you".

"anyways I'm going getting food who's coming" Tetsuna says to the table. "ill stay here" I say while storm and tardis get up and walk out with Tetsuna. I look behind me and see a group of 3 girls, 2 of which are laughing at me and the other is holding her head in shame. I try to not pay attention to this and just keep on reading my book. A few hours later one of the laughing girls comes up beside and asks "what's your type?" to which I reply "I'm 12".the girl laughs which she seems to do a lot of and says "OK dipshit very funny but seriously what's your type, do you like strong girls?" I shrug my shoulders "cmon Tsukashi kid your not giving me much to work with here" I've never really thought about this before me being 12 and all. "I'll cut straight to the chase kid, my names illy see my friend over there, ya the one who's red as a tomato right now, her names b and we sense she has a bit of a crush on you" she says to me. "b" I say "what's her skill? " "I've gotten to the bottom of you after all you, its skills that you're attracted to, well she can summon bees at will"she says in a very excited tone. "oh, she seems cool, tell her I said hi" I respond. "B!!!!!!" she screams "I think your IIIIIIIN!!!". The whole class heard her and she is visibly mortified, poor girl.

To be continued