CH:14 Training Gone Wrong

So just like before, once we got to the surface we immediately climbed the nearest building. I stopped in awe as I take in the view of the city all lite up before my eyes. Once we got to the roof we all gathered around Leonardo as he tells us his training plan.

Leo looks at everyone before his eyes settle on me saying, "I think tonight we should work on Ying's weakest link, which would be your stealth." To which I nod my head in return, after all it's pretty hard to be stealthy with glowing white skin. Even if I'm wearing black pants and a black long-sleeve shirt there's still my hair and my tail that glow. 'Now I am starting to understand why they didn't want me to be dependant on my power', I think to myself as the turtles give me a 5 minute head start before they come looking for me.

I take off North, jumping across rooftops with ease. After running at my top speed for about 20 minutes, I finally slowed to a stop and take in my surroundings. 'The air smells so much better out here than it does in the lair.' I think to myself as I take a deep breath, focussing on the energy around me trying to get a sense for the turtles with my new ability. "It's a good thing their energy feels so different from anything else around here" I couldn't help but say out loud as a grin forms on my face the moment I sensed the turtles. I immediately turn left to go head in the opposite direction of them when I sense a very strange power flux. Curious, I decide to go check it out.

As I'm getting closer to where I sense the weird power pulse I'm starting to pick up traces of the same energy of the turtles. Confused, I head to the edge of a building and look down into an alleyway. There was a white van parked just behind a building's back entry door with TCRI plastered on the side of it. Two men that looked exactly the same wearing a plain but fancy black suit and tie with black sunglasses, came out of the building caring glowing green metal canisters.

I guess I'm a little too focussed on what I'm seeing because before I knew it all the turtles were crouched beside me.

"What are they doing with mutagen?" Wonders Donny as we continue to watch from the rooftop.

Then another man that looked exactly the same as the last two, comes out of the building, dragging a person behind him by the wrist.

Mikey's eyes go wide as he says, "Yo, thats not right."

Raph growles, "We gotta do something."

I reply full of determination, "You're right."

Leo stands up a little straighter saying, "We need a plan." But before he even finishes the sentence, the other turtles and I have already jumped off the building to engage the triplets.

Mikey yells, "Cowabunga!" as he is swinging his nunchucks and literally announcing his presence to the triplets. They react far too fast to be humanly possible and one executes a perfect spin kick to Mikey's torso sending him flying into the wall behind him. "Oooo, they're stronger than they look, dudes." Mikey groans as he holds his stomach while still sitting on the ground.

I literally land on top of the one holding the man's wrist, scaring the crap out of the poor guy in the process. He runs away screaming, "Demons!" All I can do is roll my eyes in annoyance as I continue fighting this surprisingly resilient fucker.

He literally pushed me off of him when I had him pinned on the ground. I roll to my side and bounce up onto my feet, ready in a fighting stance as this freak of nature charges at me. I charge my fist a bit before I let loose a power punch just to have it stopped mid air as the freak just grabs my fist. I panick and with my other hand, I use my claws and severed his hand clean off. I was expecting to be sprayed by a bit of blood but instead I get sprayed by some sparks as the robotic hand fell to the ground.

"They're robots!" I yell in surprise with wide eyes as I take a step back. Then I charged my legs with far more energy than my fist last time, making my body and horns glow a bit. With a leap I connect my foot to the head of the robot kicking it clean off. I twist in midair with help from my tail, and land another kick with my other leg into the chest of the robot sending it flying into a wall before it crumples to the ground.

"Great, just great. Ol' Turtle Luck running true to form." Grumbles Raph as he is trading shot-for-shot with his robot.

"At least now we know that we don't have to go easy on them!" says Leo as he literally starts slicing and dicing the robot that Donny is trying to keep at arm's length with his staff. But as his sword goes through the torso, it comes out spraying a weird purple liquid. Then the robot pieces all fell apart revealing a weird-looking creature that's cut in half. It kind of looked like a pinky purple brain with six tentacles and a big ugly face with glowing green eyes and sharp little teeth. "Ah... They're not completely robots. I think this thing is an alien", says Leo as he starts poking it with the tip of his sword.

"Fascinating!" says Donny as he puts a little bit of the alien corpse into a jar.

"Ewww! You're touching it!" Yells Mikey getting all squeamish as he picks himself up from the ground.

Raph finishes off his robot by literally jumping on it and stabbing it repeatedly in the stomach as he yells out his frustration. Then gets up and looks at Leo saying, "Thanks for letting me know the weak spot, bro." Flashing a smile.

While the turtles were busy poking and prodding at the robots and alien corpses, I decided to check out the van. There were six metal canisters of the glowing green goop that gives off the same energy as the turtles in the back. I picked one up and then I face Donny to ask, "Hey D, what is this goop?"

Mikey turns around and yells, "Mom?!" As he points at the canister.

Donny looks up at me and says "Holy mutagen! Look at all these canisters!"

I tilt my head in confusion as I ask, "Mutagen? Like the stuff that gave birth to you all?"

Donny walks up to me as he says thoughtfully, "Yes mutagen. This is the stuff that made us what we are." He takes the canister from my hands as he looks it over before saying, "We should take these back with us."

"Alright everybody grab two. Donny and Ying, you two should grab some of these robot pieces that we didn't bang up too bad. The more we know of these mystery aliens the better." Leo ordered and with that we head back to the lair.