CH:35 Needed Answers

As I look at the turtles, Splinter, and April's speechless faces I nervously chuckle and say, "My mind is still quite fuzzy so unfortunately that's all I know so far..."

Splinter's eyes turn warm as he says, "That's alright, my child. Meditation will help you with that." So, I nod in return.

Mikey scratches his head as he asks, "So, what should we call you, Ying or Yin?" Looking really confused as he stares at the holo screen still displaying my true name.

I look over my shoulder at the name given to me by my people, as it represents my abilities and my connection to my blood brother and I fill with hatred. 'That name is nothing more then a collar and a leash binding me to their cause. I want no connection to them. The moment I stepped out of that pod, Yin was dead.'

When I look back at my true family, warmth fills my insides as determination is plastered on my face, "Call me Ying." And they all nod in return.

Mikey gives me a thumbs up saying, "You got it, angel cakes!" Promptly getting him a death glare from both Leo and Raph, making me chuckle really hard.

I look over in Donny's direction to see him giddy as ever as he is looking at all the technology in the room like a kid in a candy store. "Hey, Don. Would you mind helping me make a bed in here?"

He turns to me with a big grin and rebutts with, "Only if we use the tech in this lab! Is that s-synthesizer? We can literally make the softest material you can think of!" As he starts to get extremely excited, Donny runs over to the machine and starts petting it.

Mikey starts to get jealous saying, "Now I want a new bed..."

I giggle offering, "We could quite easily make everyone new beds with what is in this lab, and much more." I finished with a smirk seeing all their eyes sparkle with excitement at my words.

We then got to work building six sets of queen size beds for each of us. It was adorable seeing that little 4ft rat demand such a huge bed, but we made his extra soft. So, it was like a giant pillow. While the turtles got quite more dense beds to handle their shells. I guess that makes me Goldilocks, with the bed that was just right. Not too soft and not too hard. Thanks to how quickly the Talvian tech synthesizer works, we we're able to do all of this in just a few hours. Setting everything up was another story that took the rest of the night but at least we all had incredibly comfortable beds designed just for us in our own rooms to sleep in.


The next morning I woke up quite early and the most refreshed I've ever felt since I could remember. I decided to meditate on the memories that I received from activating the computer. Still unable to get pass the [Administrator Yin] screen since it just gives me a splitting migraine when I look at it.

Upon meditating I got a Clear Vision of my old Master Zenith. His skin was tainted yellow and he had grey eyes with very dull thin horns curling beside his head. He was wearing his favourite green tattered robe with a golden sash tied around his waist.

Next to me was Yang and I finally got a good look at him. His skin was deep slate grey and his horns and tail are the same size and shape of mine but his horns look like they were made out of diamonds. They were so clear I thought I could see right through them if it wasn't for the distortion of all the sharp edges. Yang's hair was a thick black viking mohawk that turned to smoke as it tumbles down his back. He would almost be handsome with his rigid features if it wasn't for the practically glowing red eyes.

Master Zenith was looking down at me and my blood brother as we sat on our knees before him, eager to learn. With a deep breath he began, "When each one of our kind is born there is always two bodies to one soul. Yet there has never been born a pair with the extent of your powers. For you two literally hold balance within your hands. Yin with life and creativity. Yang with chaos and destruction. You two should know, one cannot live without the other for you are two of the same cosmic being."

When the ancient Sensei paused to take a breath, my blood brother and I glance at each other. The moment that we make eye contact I'm filled with sheer terror. So strong it rocks me to my core and snap me out of my meditation. Making me fall on my butt once again. Thankfully, this time I land on my bed with a gentle thump. "Those eyes... were pure evil..." I said between gasps of air.

I shook my head hard to get the thought out of my mind and decided to get up and get dressed. Since Raph was nice enough to grab my bags before we went to bed last night, I start rummaging through them to find a new outfit. I pull out a tight beige tank top that hugs my every curve and deep blue jeans this time. I grab my dark brown combat boots for the first time and threw those on as well. Topping it off with a dark brown leather belt to go over my tail holding my pants up.

I walk through Donny's lab to get to the main chamber thinking, 'That's going to get annoying really quick' I notice none of the turtles are up yet but I can smell tea from the kitchen. 'Just who I need to speak to.' and with that I head to the kitchen.

When I walk in there, I throw my hand in the air and greet Splinter, "Morning Master, mind if I bend your ear?"

He looks up at me and with a thoughtful look on his face he says, "Of course, young one. It looks like you have quite a lot on your mind. Come, join me in the dojo for tea."

As I follow behind him I couldn't help but chuckle and say, "You know, it should probably be me calling you the young one. After all I'm over hundreds of years old."

Splinter chuckles back, "Oh, really? Well, be that as it may, you might have years but I have experience."

"Fair point, young one." I couldn't help but saying, making both of us chuckle as we enter the dojo.

I explained to Master Splinter in great detail all the Visions I've had since I've activated the computer, and patiently wait for his reply while he really thinks through all the information I just gave him.

After a long pause of nothing but him stroking his beard he finally looks at me and says, "I do not think we can afford to hide your abilities in the shadows any longer. You need to train as much as you can. I sense great trouble lies ahead of you."

I look down with determination on my face, "I sense it aswell... Perhaps he can sense me and will come for me..."

"That is a possibility." He agrees with another stroke of his beard.

For the next two hours I meditated to increase my energy pool before the turtles got up. We then had french toast for breakfast, courtesy of Mikey. He is really becoming quite the cook. Followed by a long training session of learning how to attack and defend in the dark. Since I could still see in the dark, Splinter made me wear a blindfold. Once training was finally done it was dinner time and Mikey out did himself again! I mean, roast? Come on! And it was so juicy!

After dinner I head off to my lab to attempt to make it a bit more homey, without realizing that Leo followed behind me. The moment the door closes him in, Leo speaks up, "Ying, we need to talk." Scaring the crap out of me since I had no idea he was there.