Is This It?

I guess I didn't belong in this world, my life cut short by an 18-wheeler. Five-hundred Eighty-Nine-Million Seven-hundred and Sixty-Two-thousand, that is how many times my heartbeat. If you had told me that I was going to die by an 18-wheeler I would have told you, you were crazy. I should probably tell you how that 18-wheeler hit me.

I was walking home from school like I do every day. Today seemed a little weird, there was an abnormal amount of kids out. I thought nothing of it at the time. I was maybe 3 blocks away from my apartment, which was paid for by the government. Oh, Have I mentioned that I'm an orphan? My parents died in a house fire when I was about 1 year old. Moving on from that, my apartment was on the main road. Across the street was a park, it was open 24/7. I'm blabbering on over here, let's get back on track.

There was this little boy, I would say about 7-9 years old. He was holding a black and white soccer ball under his left arm while holding, I assume to be his mother's hand in his right. Around 2 minutes later they came up to an intersection, with my following behind a few seconds later. While for the crossing light to go on the boy dropped his ball, and it very quickly bounced and rolled onto the street. The ran after the ball, letting go of his mother's hand. You may be asking how does this correlates with me being hit by an 18-wheeler, hold on I'm getting there. The mother instead of trying to grab him, screamed in panic. In less than a blink of an eye, we see the 18-wheeler come barreling down the street. Without thinking, I B-lined to the little boy, who has yet to see the 18-wheeler. I managed to make it to the boy just soon enough to push him away from the path of the 18-wheeler. Unlucky for me, I was now in the path of the 18-wheeler. With not enough time to move out of the way, BAM. I was hit.

I only felt pain for like a split second, most likely due to it hitting my head first. Now I'm tired of saying 18-wheeler, you probably are too, so I'm just going to say truck. I have no idea what happens after that, but I hope the kid's alright.

Now I have a lot of regrets in life. Most were just small things. Things that make you feel like, Oh I should have done that. I only have 2 big regrets, One was leaving my girlfriend of 2 months to find out I died. Two ways that I could create a family like I wanted to have. Other than that I have no regrets.

You may be asking yourself, how did an orphan like you get a girlfriend. I could not tell you no matter how hard I tried. I don't think I was worth her. Yet, she still picked me. I could be any happier. I still wonder what I did to get her to fall in love with me. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid once she finds out about my death.

Have a family, huh. I wanted one so badly, yet here I am. Dead. I thought maybe I can get my missing children with parents through my children. I guess that didn't work out. I'm not too mad about that though. If I did have a child I would have just left them on their own with only their mother. I don't think that's much better than what I had, isn't it?

Now that I think about it, I died a week before my birthday. What do I say about that? I was so close to being able to drive a car.

Now, where am I? I seem to be floating around as if I was in space. On top of that, I can only see up to about 2 feet in front of me. It feels to be just a little cooler than what would be room temperature. I still have clothes at least. I can't tell how long I've been here at all. I wonder what this place is, is it the so-called purgatory. I don't know as from what I can tell, it's just me here. Something tells me I haven't been here long. Now that I think about it I don't think I saw a driver in the truck.

I should give you my name before I forget. I'm Barrington Alexander Washington the 3rd. Very long name, I know. Before you ask, yes I'm a descendant and George Washington. To add on top of that I'm also a descendant of William the Conqueror. I have a very weird family tree. I got my middle and last name from my father. I got my first name from my mother. Barrington means a troublesome tribe or person. My name fits me as I was a very troublesome kid. I always got into fights when I was younger.

"Hello, can you hear me young one?" Exclaimed a mysterious voice.

"Who's that. Where are you." Barrington spoke in a startled tone. Looking around to see where the voice came from

"I am the one you would call god. However, I am not as all-powerful as you humans say I am." Stated the voice who claimed to be god.

"If you are god then, where am I." Barrington questioned, who still can't find out where the voice is coming from.

"You are in the void my boy." Stated the voice, "Though I don't know how you are here. Humans can not survive here due to the lack of, well everything." The voice stated in a surprised tone.

"Then how am I here then." Barrington asked.

"I don't know." The voice said with a chuckle.

"You know what, I'll give you 3 wishes for somehow surviving here."

"Alright, for my first wish I want a system that is stupidly overpowered." Barrington said excitedly.

"I can do that, shop and all." The voice said

"Great, for the next wish I want everything in the shop free." Barrington said with a devious look in his eyes.

"Oh, that's going to be a little difficult but I'll do it. The voice said with amusement.

"Lastly I want to have unlimited mana capacity and perfect mana control." Barrington said with stars in his eyes.

"Oh, that's a first, alright. That's your 3 wishes done." The voice stated

"Where will you send me." Barrington asked

"I don't know, I'll send you somewhere." The voice said smiling. "Oh before you go, call me All-Father."

*Time Skip*

"Grow strong my son, you will need it," All-Father said vanishing into the darkness.