Reaching Kuoh Town.

"It feels like I was only walking for like 3 minutes" Barrington exclaimed. "I don't think that was 2 miles" Barrington said to himself.


Mission Complete

Task: Arrive at Kuoh Town.

Rewards: You arrive at Kuoh Town.

(+1 Point to END)

Hidden Mission Complete

Task: Arrive at Kuoh Town in under 4 minutes.

Rewards: (500xp) (x1 GS)

Player Leveled Up

{Ding} Would you like to see your stats?


"[No]" Barrington said to the system. " I will look at my new stats later." Barrington stated. "But, I will look at my new mission, [Unfinished Missions]"


Unfinished Missions:

Task: Find Kuoh Academy, and become a student.

Rewards: You are now a student of Kuoh Academy. (1,000xp)(+1 Point to CHA)

Failure: You are not a student of Kuoh Academy. (-3 Points to LUC)

Task: Find a place to live.

Rewards: You have a place to live. (+2 Points to VIT)

Failure: You do not have a place to live. (-2 Points to all stats)

Time Frame: 7 Days left.

"Okay, we have some serious missions now." Barrington said in a serious tone. "Hey system is there a way to refresh the store?" Barrington asked.

{Ding} Yes there is would, you like to? Would you like to open the store.?


"[Yes]" Barrington stated with haste.



Item 1: x1 Gacha Spin

Item 2: x2 House Summon

Item 3: x1 Car Summon

Item 4: x1 Magic Book

Item 5: x3 Squadron Summon

Item 6: x1 Water Bullet Spell

Item 7: x1 Mud Wall Spell

Item 9: x1 Drain Touch Spell

Item 10: x1 Uniform Creation Spell

"Holy Shit! Buy everything." Barrington yelled in his head. "This basically Solves all my problems for a while, but how can I drive when I don't have a license end to dive a car."

{Ding} One will be given momentarily, please wait.

-10 seconds pass-

"Oh that was fast, let's take a look at it." Barrington says looking at this new I'd card. "Everything's seems on order like how it should be." Barrington said happily. "Now, how does the house summon work?" Barrington asked the system.

{Ding} You will be given 4 acres of land to build your first house how ever you wish. There is also a house extension and land extension. That is the only way to get more land.I recommend getting them when ever you see them. I also noticed that you now have 3x squadron summons which you can get up to 10 soldiers each. I recommend after using one of your house summons for yourself, make a barracks for your soldiers. Make it 2,500 square feet or 100ft by 25ft. Each soldier needs a bed. The recommended bed size is 7ft long by 3.5ft wide, in order to accommodate every height soldier up to 7ft tall. With 2,500 square feet you can set 15 beds side by side with 2ft in between each bed as long as the two beds on the ends are touching the wall. You do the same on the other side, this allows you to have a 6ft wide walk way right down the center.

"Okay, good to know." Barrington stated in understanding. "System use the car summon." Barrington asked the system.

{Ding} What car would you like to summon?

"A 1970 Cardinal Red Plymouth Road Runner" Barrington stated with excitement.

{Ding} One is being prepared, please wait.

-30 seconds pass-

"That looks SO FUCKING GOOD!" Barrington shouted in his head. "Hey system, use both of the house summons."

{Ding} How would you like your 1st house to be?

"Make it a two story, with 4 bed rooms with a walk in closet with each one and a 4 bath as well. Also make it have a basement and a attic. I also want a 4 car garage. I want a backyard with a huge pool with a garden. Barrington stated.

{Ding} How would you like the 2nd building to be?

"Make is a 2,500 square feet, 100ft by 20 ft. Also make it 10ft tall. Make 2 entrances, the first one is the front door and make it a double door. The second door is the back door which is only a single door." Barrington requested.


Mission Complete:

Task: Find a place to live.

Rewards: You have a place to live. (+2 Points to VIT)

{Ding} I would recommend you go and see your home before going to Kuoh Academy. Your home is 5 minutes west of Kuoh Town.

You will be able to recognize it very easily.

"Alright, I'll make my way to my new home."

Barrington stated with excitement.