Mass Summon and a New Summon?

"Alright, we are back Robert. Return to the barracks and gather the rest of the soldiers, into the barracks. I'm going back to my house." Barrington said turning off the car and getting out. He gets out of the car with Robert following right behind him.

"Yes, General."

"Hey system is there any way for me to gain strength very quickly?" He said walking into the house, locking the door behind him.

{Ding} Yes, once you have 100 soldiers under your command you will have half of each of their stats for every soldier. You currently have 60 soldiers under your command. However, you can not summon any more soldiers until you have a bed for them. You need to have housing for each of them.

"I understand that I need housing for the soldiers but, does it have to be in this world."

{Ding} No, the barracks can be anywhere as long as the soldiers can access them.

"Then can I make a dungeon to house the soldiers, correct?"

{Ding} Yes, in theory you can.

"Alright, let's see what I can do. [ID Create]"


Dungeon: Marine Barracks

"I'm surprised it worked. I expected it not to. I mean a dungeon that holds 1 quadrillion buildings that each hold 150 thousand each. On top of that, there is enough farmland to support that many soldiers. It also has other utility buildings. Furthermore, the world can expand indefinitely to fit more soldiers once it hits the max."

{Ding} Did you have to make it so large off the bat. Even if you use the last of your souls to summon soldiers you will only get 17,650 soldiers.

"I only did that so I don't have to worry about not having enough space for soldiers. Moving on, how long have the soldiers been in the America portal.

{Ding} About 21 hours.

"Alright, I'm going to transfer my soldiers to their new barracks."

-5 minutes pass-

"Attention." All 60 Soldiers were seen at attention. "Today we will be moving you guys to a new barracks. It is 2,500 times bigger than this one. Pack all your things we will be leaving in 2 minutes."

"Yes, General."

-2 minutes pass-

"Alright everyone into the portal" Barrington watched the soldiers walk through the portal. he wondered if they would like their new barracks. He then walked into the portal himself. "[Military]"



E-1: 30

E-2: 10

E-3: 19

E-4: 0

E-5: 1


1 Soul = 5 Soldiers

5 Souls = 25 Soldiers

10 Souls = 50 Soldiers

100 Souls = 500 Soldiers

1,000 Souls = 5,000 Soldiers

Current Souls: 7,530


1 E-1 = 1 low-rank devil or 1 single pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-2 = 2 low-rank devils or 2 single pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-3 = 3 low-rank devils or 3 single pair

winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-4 = 1 mid-rank devil or 1 double pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-5 = 2 mid-rank devils or 2 double pair winged Angel/Fallen


E-1: 0

E-2: 0

E-3: 0

E-4: 0

E-5: 0

Price: 0 USD


100 Souls = 1 Small Soldier Transport(10)

1,000 Souls = 1 Mid Soldier Transport (100)

Current Souls: 7,530

"Use all current souls to summon soldiers

{Ding} 37,650 soldiers summoned.


E-1: 37,630

E-2: 60

E-3: 19

E-4: 0

E-5: 1


1 Soul = 5 Soldiers

5 Souls = 25 Soldiers

10 Souls = 50 Soldiers

100 Souls = 500 Soldiers

1,000 Souls = 5,000 Soldiers

Current Souls: 0


1 E-1 = 1 low-rank devil or 1 single pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-2 = 2 low-rank devils or 2 single pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-3 = 3 low-rank devils or 3 single pair

winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-4 = 1 mid-rank devil or 1 double pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 E-5 = 2 mid-rank devils or 2 double pair winged Angel/Fallen


E-1: 0

E-2: 0

E-3: 0

E-4: 0

E-5: 0

Price: 0 USD


100 Souls = 1 Small Soldier Transport(10)

1,000 Souls = 1 Mid Soldier Transport (100)

Current Souls: 0

{Ding} Would you like to see you new stats?


"[Yes]". He waited in anticipation. He hoped that it was going to be worth the souls he spent.



Name: Barrington Alexander Washington the 3rd

Age: 16

Race: Human

Title: Player, Bringer of Death, One with Nature, General

Class: Necromancer

Sub-Class: Blacksmith

Sacred Gear: None

Bloodline: Dragons

Money: 10,935 USD

Level: 7

Exp: 246/1142

Equipment: None

HP: 2,836,010/2,836,010

MP: ♾

STR: 378,120

VIT: 283,601

END: 378,120

AGL: 283,120

CON: ♾

INT: 23

WIS: 22

CHA: 31

LUC: 15

AP: 24

GS: 3

"Isn't that just a little bit too overpowered?" He said while looking at his hands and stretching out his arms. "I should take a look at my skills. [Skills]"



Gamer's Mind (Passive) Level: Max

Gamer's Body (Passive) Level: Max

ID Create Level: Max

ID Destroy Level: Max

Observe Level: Max

Judo Mastery Level: Max

Rifle Mastery Level: Max

Control Dead Level: Max

Fire Magic Level: 1

Water Magic Level: 1

Earth Magic Level: 1

Wood Magic Level: 1

Death Magic Level: 1

"Didn't I get a dragon summoning skill?"

{Ding} You did, but it's under its own branch

"I see, than open the dragon branch.








100 Dragon Scales = 1 Dragon Egg

500 Dragon Scales = 5 Dragons Eggs

Current Dragon Scales: 0


1 Hatchling = 5 high-rank devil or 5 quadruple pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 Youngling = 1 ult-rank devil or 1 quintuple winged Angel/Fallen

1 Adult = 2 ult-rank devil or 2 quintuple pair winged Angel/Fallen

1 Elder = 4 ult-rank devil or 4 sextuple pair winged Angel/Fallen

Strength may vary

"Alright, so a newborn dragon is already several times stronger than my current strongest soldier." He said not to believe what he was seeing. "It is a dragon, so it does make sense. wait, what kind of dragon is it. Fire, Water, Lightning, ext."

{Ding} As long as you have the element you can summon that element. You also have 2 free dragon summons. Also when summoning a dragon you can specify a type and gender, while breeding is based on the parent's type and the gender is random. I recommend getting a male and female of the same type.

"Also when I summon those dragons will they be hatchlings or what."

{Ding} They will be an egg when you summon them. It is up to you to hatch them. Most of them have very basic hatch needs. To summon a dragon simply state the element and gender of the dragon. For example [Fire Dragon Female].

"Thank you again system." He thanked the system. "[Wood Dragon Male][Wood Dragon Female]" A bright light shined in front of him, two massive eggs which looked to be covered by wood. Both were about the size of a german shepherd, each egg weighed about 300 pounds. "[Observe]"


Dragon Egg:

Type: Wood

Gender: Male

Hatch Conditions: Must be surrounded by trees.

Time Till Hatch: 1 Year


Dragon Egg:

Type: Wood

Gender: Female

Hatch Conditions: Must be surrounded by trees.

Time Till Hatch: 1 Year

"Can they be left alone?"

{Ding} Yes they can be left alone. They do not need to constantly be monitored. However not every dragon is like that.

"Okay, thank you system. [ID Create]."


Dungeon: Dragons Lair