
Three dangerously infamous curvy women dressed like a high-budget porno where they didn't cheap out on the costumes with the bodies to match. From left to right are Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

Catwoman in her skin-tight black leather tactical suit, a whip on her waist and cat ear mask with red goggles on her head. Harley Quinn in black and red boots with matching booty shorts and corset, and her blond hair in pigtails with her baseball bat. Poison Ivy had pale green skin, fiery red hair, wearing a red button-up that was barely buttoned up and booty shorts made of leaves.

(Image Here)

"A cat, clown, and pot plant walk into my shop. There's a joke in there somewhere"

Exaggeratedly Harley "Oh wow this place got a major update"

Catwoman looked at Poison Ivy and asked "Is it here?"

Poison Ivy looked past me and towards the courtyard "It's there?"

They completely ignored my existence.

With a bit more strength in my voice, I made myself known as "Welcome to Smokescreen"

From the floor thick plants sprouted and wrapped around my body as they walked past me. My limbs and mouth were bound as the plant then forced me to follow along. I wanted to know what they wanted and just let things happen.

The plants were removed from my body after we reached the courtyard with Harley Quinn and Catwoman on either side of me.

Poison Ivy was trembling, her eyes watery as her hands clenched into a fist. Poison Ivy shouted at me "What is this?!"

I replied dumbly "It's my courtyard?"

"No, what are these plants"

Once again confused I replied "Normal plants"

Harley butt in and asked sweetly "Please Mr, my best friend just wants to know what your plants are?"

Despite sounding reasonable she had raised her bat and stared at me as if hoping I'd give her the chance to use it.

I stupidly repeat myself "They are everyday day plants"

"No, they are not" Poison Ivy then forced her lips onto mine.

A sweet taste lingered as a sharp tingle ran through my head before a familiar sting occurred. I quickly took three deep breaths to reset my body. It was a feeling I thought would never experience again 'Mind magic!'

With wrath booming in my voice I commanded "What did you just do?"

She forced herself on me again. This time I bit her lip and spat the blood at her "I'll ask again, what did you just do?"

Poison Ivy gave a blood-curdling cry "Why!? Why can't I hear them!?"

She looked at me with a fire in her eyes "Tell me why!?"

'System is there something wrong with the plant life in my courtyard'

[All materials used in the making of headquarters come from the COD universe. System had detected Poison Ivy attempted communication with them but sensed nothing so it is presumed that she is concerned for their well-being]

'What do you mean she can't communicate with them? She's the plant girl, one of her main things is talking to plants'

[Cod plants do not have any form of consciousness. Instead, they have rules set on them to imitate the plant life]

'Wait are you referring to the assets used in the making if the game'


'This! No wonder'

I gave the worst lie possible "I don't know"

"The trees feel like trees, the grass feels like grass everything is what it looks like but none of them has a consciousness"

'System, you've put me in a really tough spot'

[System takes no responsibility for the host's situation]

"I'm sorry but I really don't know," I said sincerely

'She reminds me of the elven race. An extension of nature with a stubborn and arrogant personality that teeters on the edge of psychotic episodes.'

While thinking about the Elves from my past life I felt a strong wind rushing towards the back of my head, I rolled to the left and dodged it just in time. During the roll, I caught a glimpse of the nutjob clown swinging her bat with an excited smile.

As I stand up I equip the ballistic knife and accurately stab the air. My body suddenly appeared in front of Harley with the knife of my right hand surgically lodged just beneath her collar bone near the armpit. The left knife pinched up against her neck.

Harley who now has my knife in her didn't even process what was happening and still had that stupid smile on her face.

"Augh!" Her smile twisted into a pained frown

"Don't move!" I shouted while digging the knife at her neck just enough to shed some blood

No one was able to react to me suddenly taking Harley as a hostage and truthfully I had been in the same boat. It was the first time I used the 2-meter lunge and it only works when the intention behind it is to insert one of the knives in my victims body.

I don't really care about killing them but them dying in my home will cause some unwanted attention.

Poison Ivy shouted, "Let go of Harley!"

From the ground, several plant-like vines sprouted and moved ominously around Poison Ivy.

Catwoman was the closest and immediately jumped at me with her claws shining and leg out looking to kick me away. I responded by kicking Harley away and then stabbing Catwoman's outstretched leg in the thigh with the left knife and stabbing between the right floating ribs.

It was two quick stabs that left me open to Catwoman's claws which pierced my right shoulder and with the other hand she shredded through my face covering putting a new cut across my lower face.

Both of us jump back as blood pooled out of our wounds. They were momentarily startled by my scarred appearance only before jumping straight back into things. I took three long breaths and reset my body.

Once again I felt a gust of wind behind me only this time it was rushing towards the back of my knees. I flipped back onto my hands just barely dodging the bat as it brushed passed my back. I push off my hands and sink my feet into Harley's back kicking her away. I stood up facing the wounded Catwoman and the very pissed-off Poison Ivy.

Catwoman flicked her whip at my head, I moved my head to the side only to see a plant with a pointy end shooting at my side I promptly lean forwards and stab the air while facing Poison Ivy resulting in me appearing in front of her with my left knife in her thigh. This time around I was ready and hastily hurled an uppercut right at her chin knocking her up into the air before the plants caught her.

She raised herself into the air using the plants and looked down at me with an arrogant look as a bright pinkish-red flower bloomed behind her. The ground then shook as more thick plants sprouted and shot in my direction. I slid backwards barely avoiding the huge venus fly trap eating the ground away. Numerous pointy plants fly at me as I slide, jump, dive, roll and flipped my way through like it was a parkour course.

When I had gotten into the flow thing the crazy bitch once again emerged throwing knives at me. I flicked the fatal knives away letting the other knives cut shallow wounds. Just as I attempted to reset my body a black shadow swung through the jungle that Poison Ivy created and dug her foot into my side, booting me into the ground where more plants sprouted and bound me.

As the plants began to surround me and stab me, just as the plants entirely blocked my vision I managed to see all three of them watching me be entrapped by thorn plants.