
Glassy lake sparkled in the light of the morning Sun. People, usually, hate winters. They tend to say something stupid like "the nature is dying during winter" or "it's cold and dark and depressing". Well, for some people every day is depressing and they do not actually care if it's winter or whatever, and vampires, for example, enjoy cold and dark times, so do starlings. That's why I find the glassy lake so beautiful and intriguing. That's why I find whimsical branches of frozen trees uplifting. The winter is here, and the Grand celebration of The Peace treaty of the Six too.

The castle on the left from the lake was busy with people: decorators, florists, cleaning and cooking staff and, of course, the owners - King and Queen - all of them were running to and fro doing some things of "utmost importance" as Queen have said.

The people took the whole celebration thing under their control this year. Well, they didn't, they were kind of forced by the Vampire Consulate, but, anyway, the Queen was happy. "It is the chance we have been waiting for so long!" She said, well... she cried. The King said nothing though, he wasn't very talkative that day.

And now we're here, cleaning up, decorating , cooking, dreadfully shaking... Because, you know, the vampires, and the mages... They are pretty scary. And they will be all here, in one place, all six... We just should hope they will not kill eachother, because the relationships between the Six is, to say the least, a little bit tense...