Chapter 5. Party Crusher

"Where are they?" The Queen nervously asked the King. "They should have arrived first!"

"I know, my love, but what can I do about this situation?" He tried to calm her while patting her hand.

"I don't know!" Murmured the Queen. "What if something bad happened to them?! Others will blame us!"

"No, my love, they won't blame us. And what bad can happen to a vampire?" He softly grinned.

I was still standing near the door waiting for "my" guests to arrive and observing the party. Everything looked great, actually.

Guests were smoothed by alcohol, especially starlings. Their delegates were dancing their legs off.

The Shadow people were establishing "communication" with Medea, and she was utterly pleased.

Camel was explaining to the merfolk princess how parties were working, she listened carefully... Is it a memory shard she's holding?! Damn... She's committed to the cause! She's recording Camel's words. Good for her, I guess.

The mages were engaged in some sort of scientific discussion. Something about... Homunculus...? Were they experimenting with it again? Well, I hope this time it won't be that disastrous...

Huh, the main bitch was sitting alone, she was kind of... sad? She's looking at the merfolk princess and getting sad. Was she upset with her stealing the show? Maybe...

Then I heard the Queen's whining again:

"But where are they, honey?"

"Calm down, nothing ba..."

The King's words were interrupted by banging on the door.

Everyone looked at it, anticipating. The hall went silent. And then, finally, the door opened letting in the cold night wind and the rusty smell of blood...

I shielded myself from the wind and tried to see the mystery guests. There were three of them, glowing in the moonshine, - three blood-covered creatures - three vampires.

The one with the black bob-cut hair laughed maniacally and exclaimed:

"Bow to the new vampire overlord!"