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"Sure, I can tell you more about Javier," Fey said with a smile. "He's really something special. He's got an incredible mind for technology, and he's always tinkering with some new device or gadget. I swear, half the time, I don't even know what he's talking about."

Fein chuckled. "I know the feeling. But it's impressive nonetheless. What kind of degu ability does he have?"

"He's got the ability to turn invisible like a kid and he can subtlely manipulate electromagnetic field to enhance his technology," Fey explained. "It's pretty amazing, really. He can use it to disrupt or enhance electronic devices, create electromagnetic pulses to disable enemies, and even levitate metallic objects."

'Really, a smart guy. It might be the version of Nikola Tesla in this world.' Fein couldn't help but think so. Even in such an era with a low-technological level. Being able to build techs ahead of times was an achievement.