
Anthony didn't waste any time and charged towards the leader, who drew out his sword. Roger stood by his side, ready to support him.

The leader swung his sword, but Anthony expertly dodged it and threw a vial of poison at him. The leader managed to block it with his sword, but the poison still seeped through the blade and into his skin. He winced in pain and stumbled backward.

"You're going to regret that," the leader growled.

Anthony remained unfazed and took out another vial of poison. "I have more where that came from. Surrender now and we'll spare your life."

The leader scoffed. "I'd rather die than surrender to the likes of you."

He charged towards Anthony, but this time, Anthony was ready for him. He threw the vial of poison at the ground, creating a thick smoke that obscured their vision. The leader coughed and stumbled, unable to see.