Assemblée f de Sorcières

There was a strange incense constantly burning in the temple of the head sorceress, Maera Umbra. However, one would expect an entirely different smell from the one that emitted from Maera's sticks. The smoke of the incense was so thick that the air was being painted white, and as if that wasn't enough, the place smelled like rotting flesh. That was how Maera liked her surroundings to smell, and who could do anything about it?

The main worship room was where Maera dwelled for twenty-two hours out of the twenty-four hours in a day. The chairs in the room were few, about eight of them and they were all full of dust and cobwebs. The windows of the place had been magically sealed so that even a heavy breeze won't break it open as Maera couldn't afford for the smell of rotting flesh to escape her beloved worship, so they were covered with thick, opaque webs that seemed like they were formed by alien spiders.