Bad News

In the Yidal kingdom, Yuri walked into her father's quarters with a heavy mind. She had been thinking all night about what ailed her father and what she could do to salvage it. Now, she had called Tomas Morgan and both of them were the ones that were in the king's room at that moment.

Yuri's steps were slow. It seemed like she was counting her steps or was being hesitant to reach where her father laid.

Tomas who was behind her could tell that the princess didn't want to see her father in the state that he was in. They had checked and carried out a lot of tests, but Tomas could not find the source of Tyrian's ailment. I'm all the years that he had lived, Tomas had only seen a strange sickness like the one Tyrian had once. Still, it was nothing with what he as witnessing with the king.