
"Knaxx... that is your name right?" Styne asked with a furrowed brow.

"How do you know my name?" Knaxx asked as he took a step backward as hearing his name from this stranger's mouth stunned him. 

"I know many things. Where is your mother? We need to talk," Styne stated as he turned around nonchalantly as if he wanted to walk out of the kitchen. It seemed like he was not wary of Knaxx. It was as of Styne did not think that Knaxx could hurt him.

hat infuriated Knaxx and he ran towards the man with full speed and a long grunt.

Knaxx grabbed Styne by the neck with his arm and held the man up agist his chest. The knife's tip grazed Styne's bare neck and it even drew a little blood.

"I am not joking. Now walk... walk out of my house, " Knaxx growled.

Just then, his mother walked down the hallway. "Knaxx, what is all that ruckus I am hearing?"

Styne used the distraction to jab Knaxx in the stomach with his elbow.