A Gift For You

"You're so hard to contact, we're bad-minded because you never give you news after deciding to go the other way around from where we're going."

Dre looked at the man sitting at the very end of the chair, the man opened his head hood and Lucian's figure was exposed. Under the dimLy lit Light his eyes glowed watching all with a terrible deep gaze, different as he was near Alexandra. 

They had a reunion after nearly three months of not seeing each other. It can be seen that Dre is so upset and Keith looks like a discarded dog. Meanwhile, Ten without hair on his head has experienced tremendous stress from having to take care of two people who often argue very excitedly.

When Lucian opened his mouth, they were all with very calm and deep eyes watching the chairman they missed so much. 

"Rissingshire is protected by powerful magic armors, it is difficult to open them without being discovered by their wizards."