No Wonder You Lost

Leonard had heard everything from Garit, how Lucian could be the fiancée of the Duchess they served, as well as how Garit could be defeated by Lucian.

When Leonard heard that, he looked at Garit incredulously, he often praised Garit for having great abilities compared to other knights, but in fact he lost to mercenaey knights who did not receive lessons as official knights like them.

That's something disappointing. 

When Leonard stared at Garit, Garit was frustrated, he looked guilty that he had smeared their knight's name. And also the name of Rissingshire. 

Leonard styled as if he was about to pounce and it made Garit even more afraid, yet strangely, Leonard didn't say anything more. 

In fact, he just came to Rissingshire and couldn't rest well at all because he was very busy with various affairs.

He hadn't slept at all when he got to Rissingshire. As a person who often fought wars, he had no problem with not sleeping.