For the First Time Leaving the City

Since Prince Will left the Normen house, it seemed that everything had not returned to its original trajectory. It's also true that no one would have thought that one day, a girl would be picked up from the red-light district filled with sex and flesh like this. They also did not expect the man who was willing to spend a fortune to bring Jasmine out of here to be the prince of the country. In fact, Jasmine herself couldn't believe what she had witnessed. She sat in her room, letting her soul follow the golden yellow clouds of the sun, quietly drifting with the hot early summer winds. It's so leafy! She thought it was just a dream.

But, no matter how beautiful a dream is, when you wake up, facing the truth is only painful and miserable. She was brought out of this place, but in reality, she was not free. Like a rare item, gold is auctioned to be given back and forth to one person or another. Ridiculous as it was, she couldn't really leave the beautiful cage that had kept her.

The sound of the wooden door creaking made Jasmine tilt her head slightly. It turned out that a guard had been assigned by Will to stay to help her. Whether unintentionally or not, this soldier was the man who had blocked her door earlier. His face looked at her, confused. Perhaps he did not know what to say, nor did he know how to say it.

"You don't have to worry about things like packing for me, sir. Someone will come to do it anyway."

When Jasmine opened her mouth, she pulled up her shirt that was already down to her shoulders. The silk sleeves slid over the smooth white skin, really making others fall in love. The guard smiled shyly. He didn't know what to do. Moments later, a group of people walked up to Jasmine's room, along with a bunch of chests. They followed the orders of the landlady and came to clean Jasmine's things.

Her things were not many, anyway. Most of her things were bought for her by the owner, and now it was not very proper to take them away. Other things such as hairpins, jewellery, and cosmetics were donated by guests who had money, and she also left them with the girls who were working at the Normen's. It's not much, but enough to get them to dress up a bit.

"Things I bought for you. You can take them all."

Suddenly, the landlady's voice rang out, causing Jasmine to look out into the hallway. It was very rare for the landlady to come up to the rooms of the girls who lived in Normen's house. Perhaps the mistress wanted to save a little bit of Jasmine before she left the Normen house and followed the prince.

At this point, Jasmine stood up. Her small body approached her mistress, silently giving her a hug. Although she was sold to Normen's house, she had to do a job she didn't like, but in the end, the one who saved her when she had nowhere to go was the mistress. Externally, she could be a person. She is tough and a bit cruel, but deep down, she also wants Jasmine to have a good life.

How strange! The workers stood watching that scene. No one could control the tears rolling down their cheeks. When Miss Jasmine was gone, they would no longer receive sweet orange candies, heard the gentle sound of the spring wind, or be helped by her slender hand to curl their hair. When Miss Jasmine left Normen's house, they also lost support.

It was late at night. Normen's house did not receive guests today. The refund that Prince Will spent to redeem Jasmine is enough to make this brothel spend years without having to open the door. But only today did they not receive guests because they wanted to organise a small meal to say goodbye to Jasmine.

A small meal without much fuss. After all, expensive and elaborate dishes are only for the guests. And they, who entertain themselves day and night with their own flesh, are not allowed to eat those high-class foods. Jasmine sat on the chair. She leaned back slightly, looking at the landlady and the other workers who had a bit of alcohol on them, now dancing in front of her. Andale sat beside her, leaned back in her lap, and fell asleep. It's also true that Andale is not used to staying up late. Now, adding a little fruit wine, it's not strange that she falls asleep. Jasmine looked at the large and small chests neatly arranged in a corner. She was still a little confused. So tomorrow, she will be officially allowed to leave this red-light district? Where will she be able to go? Will she be able to ask the prince's permission to visit her hometown? Her hometown: how has it changed?

A hand placed lightly on her shoulder made Jasmine momentarily startled, but it turned out that it was the sentry assigned to stay. He looked at her, his face confused and embarrassed. The events of the morning still made it impossible for him to talk to her.

"Do you need anything, sir?"

Jasmine's voice was sweet, she seemed to have a bit of yeast in her eyes, and she was full of beauty.

"It's already late. Lady Jasmine should go back to her room to rest. Tomorrow morning, Prince Will will arrive early. "


She froze for a moment, then looked up at the pendulum clock in the corner of the room. Was it that late already? The sentry was also considered to be quite agile, he grabbed Andale so that Jasmine could stand up. Before her shadow disappeared on the stairs, Jasmine suddenly leaned over to him, asking softly.

"Sorry, I don't know your name yet."

"Please call me Jashter."

"Jashter, thank you for helping me and Andale."

Jasmine nodded and disappeared into the corner of the stairs, leaving behind the bustle and cheerful sounds of everyone.

In the quiet space, Jasmine lay on a small bed covered with a thin silk curtain. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed quietly. Leaving this place, the journey ahead left her a little confused. Where will Prince Will take her? She didn't know either.

Heavy eyelids closed over the black pupils. Miss Jasmine was asleep.

Early the next morning, the outside of Normen's house was packed with people and carriages. Jasmine was led down by the landlady, and then she got into the carriage, sitting next to Prince Will. The coachman whipped the whip, and the horse neighed for an hour to pull the carriage away from the red light district. Jasmine raised her hand to lift the curtain, and she leaned back slightly. The Normen's shadow fades away. The carriage took her out of the red-light district of Aberick City.