
Ben woke up early like every day. Did his normal pushups and setups. He did some training too. After two hours of training, he was tired his energy had been used up. He was sitting down on the floor recovering his energy. He heard footsteps and when he looked up it was his girlfriend. She was holding a glass of juice.

"Here you go." Claire said with a smile.

"Thank you but I don't need it." Ben said.

"I am your girlfriend it's my duty to do this for you." Claire said and giving Ben the juice.

Ben drank the juice in one go.

[Energy has returned.]

'Wait what the hell my energy is back.' Ben thought.

"What was in this juice." Ben asked her.

"It's a secret." Claire said.

They had breakfast and did some training. Claire was very skilled and was number fifty-two.

Peter and his girlfriend also visited. The girl's name was Marilyn. The two girls become friends easily. After an hour of talking they decided to head out. Logan would not join them since he was busy accepting challengers. When they were outside people were looking at them, especially the girls.

"I can't believe my prince is seeing that girl she is not even pretty." A girl said

"I am sure he doesn't even like her she is just with him for protection." A girl said.

"Yeah, you are right."Another said.

Claire then hugged Ben's arm both shocking Ben and the people watching. Almost every girl's face was red with anger. This day passes perfectly. Ben and Peter didn't fight anyone so they spent time with their girls. It was now evening time and Ben was having dinner. When they were done they went to bed. Ben was on his bed and couldn't sleep. Today was the last day of this challenge and tomorrow was their first day of school. He was too excited and he heard something coming from the roof. He got up and took his sword. He went up the roof and saw that it was Claire. She was in her nightgown and was looking at the sky. Ben stepped on the roof and when she heard something she looked in that direction and saw her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry if I woke you." Claire said

"It's okay I couldn't sleep too." Ben said. He then sat by her side.

They talked for hours and enjoyed themselves. It was getting late so they decided to get back. Ben walked her to her room. When they got there they stood in front of each other.

"Thank you for tonight." Claire said.

"You're welcome." Ben said.

They stood there in silence for a while before Claire stepped forward and kissed Ben on the cheek. She then went inside her room.

Ben would then go to his room and fell asleep.

This morning Ben woke up to the sound of two metals hitting each other. He then heard something in his head.

"All students are to get ready. You will have five hours to get ready and then meet up that where you first came here." A female voice said in his head. He got up and got ready. Today was the first day of school. He then took a bath and wore a white crew neck T-shirt, navy jeans, and a grey overcoat.

Then also had breakfast with Claire. They got out of the house in three hours but not before saying goodbye to the two maids. He and Claire got to the location and Peter and Marilyn were already there. After a few minutes, people started to come. Logan was also there. They waited for hours until everyone was at the location. They were then teleported back to the school and went to the stage again where Christian was standing there waiting for them.

"Welcome back to the academy students. We will be starting your lessons today." Christian said. "But before we begin I would like the top ten to step on the stage, please."

The top ten then stepped on the stage. Among all the Ben only knew Peter was number one, Ryan number four, Lawrence number five, Keith number seven, and Loagn number eight.

"These were the top ten strongest students in the first year. Namely." Christian said

#1- Peter Dan. C-rank (eighty-three percent)

#2-Ben Tolan. C-rank (eighty-three percent)

#3-Hannah Walker. C-rank (ninety percent)

#4- Ryan Long. C-rank (eighty-three percent)

#5- Lawrence Thompson. C-rank (eighty percent)

#6-Ann Wright. C-rank (thirty-two percent)

#7- Keith Flores. C-rank (thirty percent)

#8- Logan Patel. D-rank (eighty percent)

#9-Megan Peterson. C-rank (five percent)

#10-Jeremy Cooper. D-rank (sixty percent)

The rest of the students looked at the top ten with respect and fear.

"Now before we continue I would like for someone to challenge each of the top ten please." Christian said.

Everyone was confused about why they should challenge them. No one stepped forward until someone raised his hands. It was Claire's old boyfriend or ex. He stepped forward and pointed to Logan.

The challenge began.

"Last time I wasn't ready but this time is different and doesn't think because you are the number two underling that I will go easy on you." The boy shouted.

"Did he say, underling?" A student said.

"The number two underling." Another said.

"I want to be his underling too." A female student said.

"I didn't know the top ten could take underlings." Someone said.

When they looked at the stage the fight was over and Logan won.

"Oh, my God! He is so strong." A student said.

"If I become the number two underling then I can become stronger." Another said.

Now everyone has one goal either to become the number two underling or one of the top ten.

"Alright, I have seen everything there is to see." Christian said. "Please check your watches then enter the hall you will have one hour to enter your class."

Everyone checked their watches and Ben and Peter had the same number of 3A. They entered the hall and went to their class. There were ten classes in total. And they were classes 1 A and B, 2 A and B, 3 A and B, 4 A and B, and 5 A and B. They got to their class but there were a lot of people inside. Each class had thirty students. Ben and Peter sat close to each other on the left side of the class. They would share one table.

Everyone was inside and all eyes were on numbers one and two. The class became dead silent when someone entered the class. The man looked around and then noticed that the number one and two were sitting together.

"Please if you would change your sitting position it would beneficial to us." The man said with a gentle smile. "You can choose where you want to sit."

Ben stood up and was looking around. All the girls were making poses like a model. He looked to his right and saw that two girls were sitting together and decided to sit beside one of them. The girls were overjoyed they would sit beside either the number one or two. One of them stood up and got sat beside Peter who looked uninterested.

"Now! Let's get on with the lesson." The man said. "I am your teacher Mr. Jose Ortiz. And today we will talk about the thousand-year war."