
I regretted the moment my eyes flickered open. The warmth on my skin wasn't coming from the sheets, it was from him.


My whole body hurt, particularly the juncture between my legs and my wrist. 

How could he be this cruel? 

His eyes were shut closed, his chest rose and fell evenly in sleep. Even in slumber, he looked so intimidating. 

The scar on his chest caught my eyes, now I regretted my indecisiveness. I wished I had killed him that first night. 

There was another faint scar just above the one I had left, it looked to be from a knife. I couldn't help but think that If whoever it was that stabbed him had succeeded I wouldn't be in this place, I wouldn't be trapped with a ruthless man like him. 

I tried to shift myself to a sitting position, the sharp sting of pain at the slightest movement made my eyes watered.